utensil oor Tataars


/juˈtɛn.səl/, /juˈtɛnsəl/ naamwoord
An instrument or device for domestic use, in the kitchen, or in war.

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With it Solʹo·mon made the copper Sea,+ the pillars, and the copper utensils.
Шул бакырдан Сөләйман «бакыр диңгез»,+ баганалар һәм төрле әйберләр ясады.



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So Hiʹram finished the work that he did for King Solʹo·mon on the house of the true God:+ 12 the two pillars+ and the bowl-shaped capitals that were on top of the two pillars; the two networks+ to cover the two bowl-shaped capitals that were on top of the pillars; 13 the 400 pomegranates+ for the two networks, two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the two bowl-shaped capitals that were on the pillars;+ 14 the ten carriages* and the ten basins on the carriages;+ 15 the Sea and the 12 bulls beneath it;+ 16 and the cans, the shovels, the forks,+ and all their utensils Hiʹram-aʹbiv+ made of polished copper for King Solʹo·mon for the house of Jehovah.
+ Төшләрегезне миңа сөйләп бирегез әле»,– диде.jw2019 jw2019
+ 39 It should be made, along with these utensils, from a talent* of pure gold.
«Бөек Остаздан өйрән» дигән китапны өйрәнер өчен сорауларjw2019 jw2019
6 Then Moses sent them out, 1,000 from each tribe to the army, along with Phinʹe·has+ the son of El·e·aʹzar the priest for the army, who had the holy utensils and the signal trumpets+ in his hand.
5 Йәһвәнең килешүе сандыгын лагерьга китерү белән, бөтен исраиллеләр шулкадәр көчле кычкыра башлады ки, хәтта җир селкенде.jw2019 jw2019
24 This is what the families of the Gerʹshon·ites are assigned to care for and to carry:+ 25 They will carry the tent cloths of the tabernacle,+ the tent of meeting, its covering and the sealskin covering that is on top over it,+ the screen* of the entrance of the tent of meeting,+ 26 the hanging curtains of the courtyard,+ the screen* of the entrance of the courtyard+ that surrounds the tabernacle and the altar, their tent cords and all their utensils and everything used in its service.
Аннары данлылар шәһәрне яңадан торгызып, шунда урнашты.jw2019 jw2019
To be qualified to carry “the utensils of Jehovah” —his provisions for sacred service— we must be spiritually and morally clean.
+ Һәркем үз күзлегеннән дөрес булганны эшләде.jw2019 jw2019
14 And as soon as they finished, they brought the money that was left over to the king and Je·hoiʹa·da, and they used it to make utensils for the house of Jehovah, utensils for the ministry and for making offerings and cups and utensils of gold and of silver.
20 Шулай ук ул җирнең уңдырышлымы, юкмы,+ анда агачлар үсәме, юкмы икәнен белегез.jw2019 jw2019
24 He made it, along with all its utensils, from a talent* of pure gold.
Гайсәнең олылар балалар шикелле булырга тиеш дип әйткәндә нәрсә әйтәсе килгән?jw2019 jw2019
9 Next you are to take the anointing oil+ and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it,+ and sanctify it and all its utensils, so that it will become something holy.
Аның соңгы китабын якынча 2000 ел элек язганнар.jw2019 jw2019
4 The king then ordered Hil·kiʹah+ the high priest, the priests of the second rank, and the doorkeepers to bring out from the temple of Jehovah all the utensils made for Baʹal, for the sacred pole,*+ and for all the army of the heavens.
39 Бу гаиләләре буенча Нәфтәли кабиләсенә+ бирелгән мирас, авыллары белән шәһәрләр булды.jw2019 jw2019
19 Now determine with all your heart and soul* to seek Jehovah your God,+ and start building the sanctuary of Jehovah the true God,+ in order to bring the ark of the covenant of Jehovah and the holy utensils of the true God+ to the house built for the name of Jehovah.”
20 Йәһвәдән башка бүтән илаһларга корбан китергән һәркем юк ителсен.jw2019 jw2019
Tables, chairs, desks, beds, pots, pans, plates, and other eating utensils all require a maker, as do walls, floors, and ceilings.
+ Аларның кагыйдәләре буенча яшәмәгез.jw2019 jw2019
6 All those around them supported them by giving them* utensils of silver and of gold, goods, livestock, and valuable things, besides all the voluntary offerings.
Папа Изге Язмаларның тәрҗемә ителүенә кайчан һәм ни өчен каршы чыккан?jw2019 jw2019
19 All the utensils and the items used in the service of the tabernacle, as well as its tent pins and all the pins of the courtyard, are to be of copper.
Изге Язмаларның башка пәйгамбәрлекләре һәм аларның үтәлеше турында тарихи фактларны «Изге Язмалар: Аллаһы сүзе яки кеше сүземе?»jw2019 jw2019
9 Now this was the inventory: 30 basket-shaped vessels of gold, 1,000 basket-shaped vessels of silver, 29 replacement vessels, 10 30 small gold bowls, 410 small silver bowls, 1,000 other utensils.
24 „Үз якынын сагалап торып үтергән кеше ләгънәт ителсен“.jw2019 jw2019
+ He has oversight of the entire tabernacle and all that is in it, including the holy place and its utensils.”
+ 32 Аны тәнгә сөртмәгез. Бу майга охшаш бернинди катнашма ясамагыз.jw2019 jw2019
18 After that they went in to King Hez·e·kiʹah and said: “We have cleansed the whole house of Jehovah, the altar of burnt offering+ and all its utensils,+ and the table of the layer bread*+ and all its utensils.
17 Һәм Исхак аннан китеп, Гера́р+ үзәнендә* яши башлады.jw2019 jw2019
20 All the drinking vessels of King Solʹo·mon were of gold, and all the utensils of the House of the Forest of Lebʹa·non were of pure gold.
Археология Ишагыйя белән Иремиянең Иерусалим турындагы пәйгамбәрлекләренең үтәлгәнен ничек раслаган?jw2019 jw2019
18 But if they are prophets and if the word of Jehovah is with them, please let them beg Jehovah of armies that the remaining utensils in the house of Jehovah, in the house* of the king of Judah, and in Jerusalem may not be taken away to Babylon.’
Дусларыбыз тормышыбызга ничек тәэсир итәргә мөмкин?jw2019 jw2019
32 “‘Now anything they fall on when they die will be unclean, whether a wooden utensil, a garment, a skin, or a piece of sackcloth.
Шунсы кызык: 1868 елда Үрдүн елгасы тирәсендә бер стела, ягъни язулы таш плитә, тапканнар, һәм анда моаб телендә Мешаның шул сугыш турында сүзләре язылган булган.jw2019 jw2019
16 After that he made out of pure gold the utensils that went on the table—its dishes, its cups, its bowls, and its pitchers from which drink offerings would be poured.
13 Әгәр халкыңнан берәр пәйгамбәр я төшләр күреп киләчәкне әйтүче килеп чыкса һәм сиңа берәр билге я галәмәт белдерсә, 2 һәм ул сиңа әйткән билге я галәмәт чынга ашса, һәм ул: „Әйдә, син белмәгән башка илаһларга иярик һәм аларга хезмәт итик“,– дисә, 3 бу пәйгамбәрнең я төш күрүченең сүзләрен тыңлама,+ чөнки Аллаһыгыз Йәһвә сезне Аллаһыгыз Йәһвәне бөтен йөрәгегез һәм бөтен җаныгыз* белән яратасызмы+ икәнен белер өчен сыный.jw2019 jw2019
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