star oor Tzotzil


[stɑɹ], [stɑː(ɹ)], /stɑ:/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Any small luminous dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed location relative to other such dots.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Tzotzil


luminous celestial body


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Obviously, tremendous power and energy were required to create not just the sun but also all the other billions of stars.
Li Satanase xi la stakʼe: Li Jobe tukʼ yakʼoj sba ta atojolal yuʼun avakʼojbe slekilal xchiʼuk ep kʼusitik lek yuʼun.jw2019 jw2019
When the fifth angel blew his trumpet, John saw “a star” fall from heaven to earth.
11 Chixiʼ mi jecheʼ noʼox laj kakʼ kipal ta atojolalike.jw2019 jw2019
8 To avoid that kind of spirit, we can remember that Jesus is pictured in the Bible as having “in his right hand seven stars.”
3 Vaʼun bat ta mukinal li Pedro xchiʼuk li yan jchankʼope.jw2019 jw2019
‘We first saw the child’s star when we were in the East,’ the men said, ‘and we have come to worship him.’
Jaʼ li Diablo Satanase.jw2019 jw2019
Men called astrologers, who study the stars, follow the star hundreds of miles to Jerusalem.
¿Kʼuxi xa noʼox ti ‹chakolik›, xachie?».jw2019 jw2019
Scientists believe that our Milky Way galaxy alone may contain up to 400 billion stars.
27 Kʼalal jaʼo te x-echʼ batel li Jesuse, te tijilik batel chaʼvoʼ maʼsat viniketik, xi x-avet tskʼanik vokole: «Xnichʼon David, oyuk xkʼuxul avoʼonton ta jtojolalkutik».jw2019 jw2019
Consider the example of Teresa, who made television history in her country when she became the first African-American actress to star in her own one-hour drama series.
Mu me jecheʼuk xichʼ chʼamel li slekil yutsil yoʼonton Diose (1, 2)jw2019 jw2019
Do you think they have names?— Yes, God gave a name to each star in the sky.
3 Jech-o me xavulesbe ta sjolik ti akʼo yakʼ sbaik ta ventainel xchiʼuk ti akʼo xchʼunbeik smantal ajvaliletik xchiʼuk li buchʼutik oy yabtelike, chapalikuk me ta spasel skotol lekil abtelal, 2 mu me chopoluk xkʼopojik ta stojolal yantik, mu me ta aniluk x-ilinik, oyuk me lek srasonik xchiʼuk akʼo me yakʼik ta ilel lek ti manxo chakʼ sbaik ta stojolal skotol li krixchanoetike.jw2019 jw2019
How do we know that the “star” the astrologers saw was no ordinary star?
Ichʼbiluk me ta mukʼ avuʼun li nupunele (4)jw2019 jw2019
No one has been able to count all the stars in the universe.
Li Mariae mukʼ bu xil-o li anjel taje.jw2019 jw2019
Yet, Jehovah gives a name or a designation to each star.
Jechuk-o me xa xanavik jech kʼuchaʼal xnichʼnab lus, 9 yuʼun li luse jaʼ chakʼ skotol li yutsil oʼontonale, li tukʼilale xchiʼuk li kʼusi melele.jw2019 jw2019
The planets and stars emit no force that could affect humans the way astrologers say they do.
Jaʼ, jaʼ Sdios ek li jyanlumetike.jw2019 jw2019
Who do you think made that new star to shine?
8 Li kʼusi mas tsots skʼoplale jaʼ ti xakʼan abaik tajek ta jujuntale, yuʼun chpix epal muliletik li kʼanelale.jw2019 jw2019
He made the sun to give us light by day, and the moon and stars so we can have some light at night.
Oy jayvoʼ j-ichʼ kʼopetik xi la jyalbeik li Josafate: Chtal spas leto ta akontra epal soltaroetik ti likemik tal ta yosilal Moab, Amón xchiʼuk li ta vits Seire.jw2019 jw2019
Later, a star guided men from the East to the young child.
Li Pedroe la xcholbe lekil aʼyejetik li jyanlumetike (34-43)jw2019 jw2019
According to the story, God used a star to lead them to the stable in Bethlehem.
Jech oxal li Moisese la stak batellajchaʼvoʼ jpaʼivanejetik, xi la jyalbe batele: Kʼelik kʼuyepal li krixchanoetik te nakalike xchiʼuk mi toj tsotsik.jw2019 jw2019
18 At a critical point, there will be “signs in sun and moon and stars,” and “the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven.”
Li kʼusi pasbat yuʼun Siquem li Dinae mas to la jyakʼ vokolil.jw2019 jw2019
Why, this one galaxy alone contains over 100 billion stars!
¿Mi mu jechuk ti jaʼ jpʼijubtaseltik ti jaʼ noʼox skʼan jmuyubtatik li Jeovae ti mu jaʼuk jmuyubtatik li jecheʼ diosetike?jw2019 jw2019
The psalmist David pondered this question, saying to Jehovah: “When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind?”
«Kʼalal vokʼ xaʼox ta Belen ta Judea li Jesus ta skʼakʼalil ajvalil Erodese, ¡kʼelo avil!, talik ta Jerusalen jkʼelkʼanaletik ti likemik tal ta slokʼeb Kʼakʼale.»jw2019 jw2019
Stars Clouds Sun
31 Xi takʼbatik yuʼun li Jesuse: «¿Mi chachʼunik un li avie?jw2019 jw2019
Everything that you can think of —from the invisible spirit creatures in heaven to the stars that fill the night sky to the fruit that grows on the trees to the fish that swim in the oceans and rivers —all of it exists because Jehovah is the Creator!
Chʼivit Apiojw2019 jw2019
Countless trillions of stars fill the universe, yet God knows the name of each one!
Yuʼun li jkot vuro ti mu snaʼ xkʼopoje kʼopoj kʼuchaʼal jun krixchano ti la smakbe ta be li xchuvajil j-alkʼope.jw2019 jw2019
He says, “Long, long ago, God made the earth and everything in it, and he made the sun, the moon, and the stars.”
18 Jech xtok, akʼo me jbain mi oy kʼusi chopol la spasbot o mi oy yil ta atojolale.jw2019 jw2019
La xchibal kʼoptabeik li yabtel Jesuse; lokʼolkʼop sventa chaʼvoʼ nichʼoniljw2019 jw2019
For we saw his star when we were in the East, and we have come to do obeisance to him.” —Matthew 2:1, 2.
20 Laj yiktaik ta anil li snutiʼik sventa tsakob choye, vaʼun la stsʼakliik batel.jw2019 jw2019
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