abandonment oor Uighur


/əˈbændənmənt/ naamwoord
The act of abandoning, or the state of being abandoned; total desertion; relinquishment.

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For [God] has said: ‘I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you.’”
Шуңа 144 000 кишиниң көпинчилири тирилдүрүлүп асманда роһий һаятлиққа еришти. Лекин, қалған аз сандикилири һазир йәр йүзидә яшаватиду.jw2019 jw2019
23 Abandoning Babylon the Great involves more than having one’s name removed from a membership roll.
Бирақ, Курс Йерусалимға кетәлмәйдиған кишиләргә буйруқ қилип: “Қайтип Йерусалим вә униң ибадәтханисини ясайдиған кишиләргә алтун-күмүч вә башқа соғатларни бериңлар”, деди.jw2019 jw2019
1517/1519): İstivayı özler gözüm, (My eye seeks out repose,) Seb'al-mesânîdir yüzüm, (my face is the 'oft repeated seven (i.e. the Sura Al-Fatiha),) Ene'l-Hakk'ı söyler sözüm, (My words proclaim "I am the Truth",) Miracımız dardır bizim, (Our ascension is (by means of) the scaffold,) Haber aldık muhkemattan, (We have become aware through the "firm letters",) Geçmeyiz zâttan sıfattan, (We will not abandon essence or attributes,) Balım nihan söyler Hakk'tan, (Balım speaks arcanely of God) İrşâdımız sırdır bizim.
Тәқил сөзиниң мәнаси, сән таразиға тартилдиң, һеч яхшилиғиң тепилмиди.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bible says: “The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.” —Proverbs 28:13.
15 Тюлень терисидин йепинча (Чиқ. 26:14)jw2019 jw2019
Dwellings are scattered, some of them abandoned.
106 Зиндандин азат болушWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jehovah did not abandon Joseph, and he will not abandon you (See paragraph 13)
У адәм, Әйсадин: “Ким мениң хошнам?”, дәп сориди.jw2019 jw2019
If the king hates his city, then let him abandon it; but if me, then let him dismiss me.
Шуңа, Йәһва уларни җазалиған еди.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We also learn that even though the Israelites made many mistakes, Jehovah kept his promise and did not abandon his people.
Садақәтмән пәриштәләр Тәңри Йәһвәгә хизмәт қилғучиларға ярдәм бериду (Ибранийлар 1:7, 14).jw2019 jw2019
He gladly gave up his ill-gotten riches and abandoned his greed for material things. w17.06 10 ¶3-5
4, 5. а) Әйса Мәсиһ Падиша болуп тәхткә олтарғандин кейин узун өтмәй асманда немә иш йүз бәрди?jw2019 jw2019
It may be very hard to abandon some of these beliefs and customs.
Бу китапчиниң ичидики сүрәтләргә қарап вә мәлуматларни оқуп чиққандин кейин, сиздә йәрдики һаят билән мәңгү шатлиниш арзуси пәйда болиду.jw2019 jw2019
Next to China, Switzerland is an abandoned village.
Улар мәңгү қанаәт һасил қилалиған вә әһмийәтлик хизмәтни қилалиған болатти.tatoeba tatoeba
Abandoning and keeping clear of defiling habits and practices may not be easy, but it is possible.
Муқәддәс Китапниң Вәһийләр 20:11, 12 айәттә, қиямәт күнни мундақ тәсвирләнгән: “Чоң бир ақ тәхт вә униңда Олтарғучини көрдүм.jw2019 jw2019
Unable to communicate, they abandoned the project and scattered.
Униңдин башқа, йәр йүзи җәннәттики мәңгүлүк һаятлиқтин ибарәт Худаниң инсанийәткә бәргән әҗайип үмүтини ашкарә қилиду.jw2019 jw2019
But Jehovah did not abandon his people.
Чәткә мал чиқиришjw2019 jw2019
But did God ever abandon Joseph?
2 Оюн-тамашиларни мошу мевә билән селиштурушқа болиду.jw2019 jw2019
Jeremiah maintained his courage, and Jehovah did not abandon him
10 Муқәддәс китап келәчәк тоғрисида немә ейтиду?jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 7:17, 23) Thus, the rebellious angels, or demons, were forced to abandon their fleshly bodies and return to heaven as spirit creatures.
Улар Муқәддәс Китап үгитидиған аддий амма наһайити муһим болған бир һәқиқәтни билмәйду.jw2019 jw2019
Remember that Jehovah will never abandon us. —Hebrews 13:5.
Униң исми Рибәқа.jw2019 jw2019
When I abandoned my childhood, I put these ways behind me.
У йәрдә оғлуңни өлтүрүп қурванлиқ қилғин”, деди.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They may even feel abandoned.
Шуңа, роһанийлар әһдә сандуғини елип, хәлиқниң алдида көтирип маңди.jw2019 jw2019
Never will God abandon us!
Амма уни қийнашқа буйруқни ким бәргән?jw2019 jw2019
Bible texts that encouraged me were Isaiah 55:7, which says: ‘Let the wicked man leave his way,’ and 1 Corinthians 6:11, which says about those who had abandoned sinful ways: ‘And yet that is what some of you were.’
Дегәндәк, у һаят!jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 19:5, 6, 9) This world’s movies and television programs often portray marriage as a casual agreement that can easily be abandoned.
Бу хәт Филимунниң хизмәткари Онесимус һәққидә еди.jw2019 jw2019
Mr 14:50 —When Jesus was arrested, all the apostles abandoned him and fled
Нуһ немә сәвәптин, һәқ Худаниң алаһидә хизмәтчиси болди?jw2019 jw2019
She admits that being different made her feel “abandoned and alone” at times and that her classmates thought that she was stupid because she did not date.
ҚОШУМЧӘ ИЗАҺАТjw2019 jw2019
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