downloadable content oor Oekraïens

downloadable content

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Two items of downloadable content were released for the game.
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There are additional fighters available but downloadable content is not freely available.
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The team released numerous updates, and two downloadable content (DLC) packages, namely Cuisine & Cargo and The Bozak Horde.
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The store offers a range of downloadable content both for purchase and available free of charge.
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With the advent of the Xbox, Microsoft was the second company to implement downloadable content.
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The first downloadable content (DLC), Cuisine & Cargo will be available first to season pass holders.
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"No Regrets" is featured as one of the 20 songs of free downloadable content on Rock Band 2.
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Black Cat is available as downloadable content for LittleBigPlanet, as part of "Marvel Costume Kit 6".
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With the introduction of WAP in 2000, additional downloadable content for the game, with extra levels, became available.
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Acquiring all the downloadable content for Rock Band would, as of July 12, 2012, cost $9,150.10.
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It also appears as downloadable content for the Rock Band series, along with "Stand Up and Shout".
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Pricing for downloadable content generally varies from free to $20.
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Music video games such as titles from the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises have taken significant advantage of downloadable content.
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Downloadable content became prevalent in the 21st century, and especially with the proliferation of Internet-enabled, sixth-generation video game consoles.
Здається, найпоширенішою серед небесних систем координат є екваторіальна система координат. Її також найтісніше пов’ язано з географічною системою координат, оскільки обидві ці системи використовують одну і ту саму фундаментальну площину і мають однакові полюси. Проекція екватора Земні на небесну сфену називається небесним екватором, а проекції географічних полюсів на небесну сферу визначають північний і південний небесні полюсиWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Downloadable content can be of several types, ranging from aesthetic outfit changes to a new, extensive storyline, similar to an expansion pack.
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While the GameLine and Sega Channel services allowed for the distribution of entire titles, they did not provide downloadable content for existing titles.
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He claimed that high-quality stories will retain audience's attention for hours on end, and may reduce piracy, although millions still download content illegally.
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"Swim" and "Floating Vibes" have also been released as downloadable content for the Rock Band video game series through its Rock Band Network service.
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Downloadable content for the game includes a story-based mission, Burial at Sea, that links Infinite's story to that of the original BioShock game.
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The expansion released alongside Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition, which includes the base game, all the downloadable content and content updates, and the expansion.
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There is also criticism concerning the exclusivity of downloadable contents, as some of these contents are frequently added to new disc version of the game.
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Buyers of the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition would have access to contents previously exclusives as downloadable content without having to pay any extra fee.
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The song is featured in the music video games Guitar Hero: Metallica and Rock Revolution, as well as downloadable content for Rock Band 3 and Rocksmith.
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On March 12, 2015, Johnson won another BAFTA for Best Performer for the same role in the game's downloadable content, The Last of Us: Left Behind.
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On 1 October 2014, Techland announced that there will be over 50 hours of gameplay in the full version of the game including all downloadable content.
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