alien oor Xhosa


/ˈeɪlɪən/, /ˈeɪ.li.ən/, /ˈeɪljən/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
A person, animal, plant, or other thing which is from outside the family, group, organization, or territory under consideration.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Xhosa

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(Psalm 110:2) In this corrupt world alienated from God, the Messiah is fulfilling his Father’s desire to search out all who want to come to know God as he really is and to worship him “with spirit and truth.”
(INdumiso 110:2) Kweli hlabathi lichasene noThixo, uMesiya uzalisekisa umnqweno kaYise wokufunisisa bonke abafuna ukwazi ngoThixo njengaye baze bamnqule “ngomoya nangenyaniso.”jw2019 jw2019
If you are an alien, recognize that among locals there is, as U.S.News & World Report puts it, a strong belief that “strangers dissolve the ethnic glue that holds nations together.”
Njengokuba iU.S.News & World Report ikubeka, ukuba ungumphambukeli, phawula ukuba phakathi kwabemi bomthonyama baloo ndawo kukho inkolelo eyendeleyo yokuba “oomafik’ izolo bayasinyibilikisa isinamathelisi esiyimvelaphi efanayo yabantu nesenza iintlanga zibe yimbumba yamanyama.”jw2019 jw2019
16 As to the instructions given to these appointed judges, Moses said: “I went on to command your judges at that particular time, saying, ‘When having a hearing between your brothers, you must judge with righteousness between a man and his brother or his alien resident.
16 Ngokuphathelele imiyalelo eyayinikwa aba bagwebi bamiselweyo, uMoses wathi: “Ndabawisela umthetho abaphathi benu ngelo xesha, ndathi, Noyilamla into ephakathi kwabazalwana benu, nigwebe ngobulungisa phakathi komntu nomzalwana wakhe, nowasemzini okuye.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 16:3) Like the second trumpet blast, this bowl is directed against “the sea” —the seething, rebellious mass of humanity alienated from Jehovah.
(ISityhilelo 16:3) Njengokuvuthelwa kwexilongo kwesibini, esi sitya siphalazelwa “elwandle”—inginginya yoluntu engazolanga, enemvukelo netyekileyo kuYehova.jw2019 jw2019
A foreigner and an alien resident who did not become proselytes were not under the Law and could use unbled dead animals in various ways.
Owasemzini kunye nomphambukeli ongaguqukelanga ebuYudeni wayengekho phantsi koMthetho, yaye wayenako ukuzisebenzisa ngeendlela ezahlukahlukeneyo izilwanyana ezizifeleyo nezingophiswanga.jw2019 jw2019
The 5th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans beautifully describes how sinners, once alienated from God, became acquainted with Jehovah’s love.
Isahluko 5 sencwadi kaPawulos eya kwabaseRoma siyichaza kakuhle indlela aboni ababekade bahlukaniswe noThixo, abaqhelana ngayo nothando lukaYehova.jw2019 jw2019
Alienation breeds mistrust, especially when violence and crime stalk the neighborhood.
Ubulolo bubangela ukungathembani, ngokukodwa xa kugqugqisa ubundlobongela nolwaphulo-mthetho ekuhlaleni.jw2019 jw2019
Thus the “world,” that is, the mass of mankind alienated from God, “is lying in the power of the wicked one.”
Ngaloo ndlela “ihlabathi,” oko kukuthi, inkitha yoluntu etyekileyo kuThixo, “lilele kongendawo.”jw2019 jw2019
12:2, 3) Under the Mosaic Law, even aliens had to be circumcised before they could enjoy certain privileges, such as eating the Passover meal.
12:2, 3) Ngaphantsi koMthetho kaMoses, kwanabaphambukeli babefanele baluke ngaphambi kokuba banandiphe amalungelo athile anjengokudla iPasika.jw2019 jw2019
Recognizing that alien residents were often vulnerable and insecure, Jehovah gave specific laws for their welfare and protection.
Eqonda ukuba abaphambukeli babedla ngokuba sengozini yaye bengakhuselekanga, uYehova wanikela imithetho ethile ngentlalo-ntle nokhuseleko lwabo.jw2019 jw2019
A doctor of veterinary medicine said that animal pets, including dogs, “give purpose and meaning at a time when the elderly often are alienated from society.”
Omnye ugqirha wezilwanyana wathi izilwanyana zasekhaya, kuquka izinja, “zibagcina bexakekile abantu abakhulileyo kanye ngexesha abaziva bengamalolo ngalo.”jw2019 jw2019
4 Mankind as a whole has been alienated from God because of the sin of our first parents.
4 Uluntu luphela luye lwatyeka kuThixo ngenxa yesono sabazali bethu bokuqala.jw2019 jw2019
Among the commands coming down from their ancestor Jehonadab was that as alien residents, they not drink wine.
Phakathi kwemiyalelo awayeyinikwe ngukhokho wawo, uYehonadabhi kwakukho othi, ekubeni ayengabaphambukeli ayengamele ayisele iwayini.jw2019 jw2019
11 God directed the Israelites to imitate his attitude toward foreign worshipers: “The alien resident who resides as an alien with you should become to you like a native of yours; and you must love him as yourself, for you became alien residents in the land of Egypt.”
11 UThixo wayalela amaSirayeli ukuba axelise isimo sengqondo sakhe ngakubanquli ababengabolunye uhlanga: “Kuni woba njengozalelwe phakathi kwenu ekhaya, umphambukeli ophambukele kuni; uze umthande ngoko uzithanda ngako; ngokuba nibe ningabaphambukeli ezweni laseYiputa.”jw2019 jw2019
These should be checked before offering any help to aliens regarding their legal status.
Le ifanele ihlolwe ngaphambi kokunikela uncedo kubaphambukeli mayela nobume babo obungokomthetho.jw2019 jw2019
In what way is the world “alienated from the life that belongs to God”?
Ihlabathi ‘alazani nobomi bukaThixo’ ngayiphi indlela?jw2019 jw2019
30 The good news “according to Luke” builds a person’s confidence in the Word of God and strengthens his faith so he can stand against the buffetings of an alien world.
30 Iindaba ezilungileyo “ngokubhalwe nguLuka” zakha intembelo kabani kwiLizwi likaThixo zize zomeleze ukholo lwakhe ukuze akwazi ukumelana neenzima zeli hlabathi libi.jw2019 jw2019
About him it is said: “Jehovah is guarding the alien residents; the fatherless boy and the widow he relieves.”
Ngaye kuthiwa: “UYehova ulinda abaphambukeli; ukhulula inkwenkwe engenayise nomhlolokazi, kodwa indlela yabangendawo uyenza ibe gwenxa.”jw2019 jw2019
(1) Israelites showed caution toward alien settlers who, though being around God’s people and obeying some laws, were not circumcised proselytes, brothers in worship.
(1) AmaSirayeli ayebonakalisa ukubalumkela abemi abangabaphambukeli ababethi, nangona bephakathi kwabantu bakaThixo yaye bethobela imithetho ethile, bangabi ngabantu abaguqukele ebuYudeni nabalukileyo, abazalwana ngokwaselunqulweni.jw2019 jw2019
There we read that the Israelites were to allow afflicted ones and alien residents to share in the harvest.
Kule ncwadi sifunda ukuba amaSirayeli ayefanele avumele abaxhwalekileyo nabaphambukeli ukuba bafumane okuthile kwisivuno sawo.jw2019 jw2019
(Galatians 6:1) As we can understand, a person who took the important step of baptism would have greater accountability, even as was true of an alien who became a circumcised proselyte in Israel.
(Galati 6:1) Njengoko sinokukuqonda oko, umntu othabathe inyathelo elibalulekileyo lokubhaptizwa wayeya kuba nembopheleleko enkulu yokuziphendulela, kwanjengokuba kwakunjalo kwaSirayeli ngomphambukeli owayesiba ngumntu oguqukela ebuYudeni nowalukileyo.jw2019 jw2019
Mankind, alienated from God and misled by Satan, has built a world system that breeds more and more misery and hopelessness.
Abantu abahlukanisiweyo noThixo balahlekiswa nguSathana, bazama ukulungisa eli hlabathi lisebugxwayibeni nelingathembisiyo.jw2019 jw2019
Why is the world of mankind alienated from God?
Kutheni ihlabathi loluntu lahlukanisiwe noThixo?jw2019 jw2019
In a spiritual sense today, “between the grand sea and the holy mountain” locates him in the spiritual estate of God’s anointed servants, who have come out of “the sea” of alienated mankind and have the hope of ruling on heavenly Mount Zion with Jesus Christ. —Isaiah 57:20; Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 14:1.
Ngokwengqiqo yokomoya namhlanje, ukuba “phakathi kweelwandle, ngasentabeni engcwele” kuthetha ukuba kwilizwe lokomoya labakhonzi bakaThixo abathanjisiweyo, abaye baphuma ‘kulwandle’ loluntu olutyekileyo nabanethemba lokulawula noYesu Kristu kwiNtaba yaseZiyon yasezulwini.—Isaya 57:20; Hebhere 12:22; ISityhilelo 14:1.jw2019 jw2019
If you focus on your parents’ shortcomings or reproach them for how “unfair” they are, you will only alienate them or put them on the defensive.
Ukuba unikela ingqalelo kwiziphoso zabazali bakho okanye ubahlaze ngenxa yokuba “bekudlel’ indlala” uya kubenza bachasele okanye bazame ukuzithethelela.jw2019 jw2019
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