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Its wondrous thoughts are charged with such great power;
教我内心重拾平静展欢笑,jw2019 jw2019
Witnesses who were caught distributing the tract were charged with the crime of publishing “seditious libel.”
耶和华见证人喺分发传单嗰时被捕,罪名系利用刊物煽动人反对政府。jw2019 jw2019
It eliminated the basis for all the other 122 pending cases in which Witnesses in Quebec had been charged with seditious libel.
当时,仲有122宗案件等紧审理,都系指控魁北克省嘅耶和华见证人煽动反对政府嘅,但系最高法院嘅裁决成为先例,将呢啲指控全部推翻。jw2019 jw2019
With Jehovah’s blessing on the work, we are now able to publish our attractive Bible literature in more than 670 languages and to offer it to everyone without charge.
由于耶和华赐福,我哋而家能够以超过670种语言嚟出版吸引人嘅圣经书刊,而且免费分发。jw2019 jw2019
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