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Social conditions are going backward rather than forward.
社會唔係進步緊,而係退步緊。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I can't survive without air conditioning in the summer.
我夏天冇冷氣會死。tatoeba tatoeba
How did Jesus respond to the condition of the crowds who followed him?
耶稣见到群众,佢有乜嘢反应?(jw2019 jw2019
Here God’s promises about Edenic conditions have seen a wonderful spiritual fulfillment.
耶和华应许我哋会喺伊甸园一样嘅环境下生活,今日呢个预言已经喺属灵方面应验咗。jw2019 jw2019
World conditions confirm that God’s Kingdom will soon come.
世界嘅情况证明上帝嘅王国好快就会统治地球。jw2019 jw2019
What did one brother find lacking with regard to his spiritual condition, and what did he do about it?
一个弟兄发现自己嘅灵性有乜嘢问题? 佢跟住点做?jw2019 jw2019
Happily, those anointed ones emerged from the fiery tests in a cleaner condition, eager to show their support for the Messianic King!
值得高兴嘅系,受膏基督徒经得起好似火一样嘅考验,成为灵性洁净嘅人,好愿意为弥赛亚君王效劳!jw2019 jw2019
Following the birth of the Messianic Kingdom, how did conditions change (a) on earth?
(甲)弥赛亚王国诞生之后,地上嘅情况有乜嘢改变?(jw2019 jw2019
Considered man’s condition in his sinful plight.
顾念众生都受困于罪的境况。jw2019 jw2019
6 The conditions we face today are similar to those in the days of the prophet Micah.
6 今日我哋面对嘅情况同弥迦先知所面对嘅好相似。jw2019 jw2019
Thanks to timely spiritual food, many have been helped to handle that condition appropriately and regain control of their lives.
多得上帝嘅组织提供适时嘅灵粮,唔少人得到帮助,学识正视呢个问题,慢慢戒除咗酒瘾,恢复正常嘅生活。jw2019 jw2019
11 In more recent decades, Christ’s followers have been further blessed with increased understanding about alcoholism, a condition involving persistent, addictive misuse of alcohol.
11 近几十年来,基督徒对饮酒成瘾呢个问题有咗进一步嘅认识。jw2019 jw2019
35:5) How did the people, who not long before had toiled “in harsh conditions in every form of slavery,” respond?
出埃及记35:5)冇几耐之前,以色列人仲喺埃及嘅时候,俾人用苛刻嘅手段逼佢哋服“各种各样嘅劳役”。jw2019 jw2019
Thus, with this word picture, Jehovah foretold that the condition of his people would improve step-by-step.
通过呢个比喻,耶和华预告佢子民嘅情况会一步一步噉改进。jw2019 jw2019
Under what condition is the use of wine approved in the Scriptures?
人因为饮酒而妨碍自己为主嘅组织所作嘅服务,噉样做啱唔啱呢?jw2019 jw2019
I asked my doctor if my condition would allow me to go to Myanmar.
我问医生,我嘅情况容唔容许我搬去缅甸。jw2019 jw2019
God will give us eternal life in perfect conditions.
上帝会使我哋恢复完美,得享永生。jw2019 jw2019
18 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.