face oor yue


/feɪs/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(anatomy) The front part of the head, featuring the eyes, nose, and mouth and the surrounding area.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - yue

front part of head

front part of head

front part of head

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duck face
slap on the face
lie face downwards
爬 · 趴
Black-faced Spoonbill
wash one's face
face powder
胭 · 臙
face to face
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19 In our time, Jehovah’s people also endure with joy when they suffer in behalf of Jesus’ name or when they face difficult trials.
19 耶和华嘅现代子民为耶稣嘅名受苦,或者面对严峻嘅考验嗰时,都依然怀住喜乐保持忍耐。(jw2019 jw2019
It’s the heart and not the face.
相貌身份不重要,jw2019 jw2019
What issues did Brothers Sicurella and Thlimmenos face, and what was the outcome?
甲)西库雷拉弟兄同斯利门诺斯弟兄,要面对乜嘢考验?( 乙)结果点样?jw2019 jw2019
3 Stressful events —such as when a loved one dies or is disfellowshipped or when faced with a divorce or the loss of a job— can rob us of happiness.
3 生活中有好多事会夺去我哋嘅喜乐,可能系离婚、失业、亲友去世或者被开除。jw2019 jw2019
I'm really bad with names, but I never forget a face.
我記名好差,但係認人好叻。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
15 You may face difficulties that cause you to become anxious.
15 你可能会面对一啲难题而感到忧虑,但系,耶和华会俾你智慧去应付。jw2019 jw2019
Fortunately, they did not face any opposition on the march, but they did meet many interested observers.
庆幸嘅系,佢哋游行期间冇受到反对,不过就有好多好奇嘅人嚟围观。jw2019 jw2019
Around the world, Christ’s faithful followers were taking a courageous stand, often in the face of scorn, hostility, and even outright persecution.
喺嗰时,世界各地忠心嘅基督徒都勇敢紧守立场,坚决唔接受输血,所以往往俾人取笑同敌视,甚至受到猛烈嘅迫害。jw2019 jw2019
16 Challenges that Job faced.
16 约伯面对嘅挑战。jw2019 jw2019
IN WORD: We zealously preach the good news of God’s established Kingdom with Christ as King, even in the face of ridicule
通过说话:即使面对百般嘲笑,我哋都热心传讲上帝王国嘅好消息。 呢个王国已经建立,由基督作王带领jw2019 jw2019
11 Challenges that Daniel faced.
11 但以理面对嘅挑战。jw2019 jw2019
4 Challenges that Noah faced.
4 挪亚面对嘅挑战。jw2019 jw2019
Seen from distance, the rock looked like a human face.
舊石遠睇好似人樣。tatoeba tatoeba
Today, our brotherhood includes many fine examples of individuals who maintained joy in the face of trials.
今日,有好多弟兄姊妹喺考验之下仍然保持喜乐,系我哋嘅好榜样。jw2019 jw2019
21 Although Noah, Daniel, and Job lived at different times and under very different circumstances, they endured the challenges they faced.
21 虽然挪亚、但以理、约伯生活喺唔同嘅时代,面对唔同嘅情况,但系佢哋喺考验下都忍耐到底。jw2019 jw2019
What can help us when we face difficult circumstances?
喺我哋面对困难嘅时候,乜嘢可以帮助我哋?jw2019 jw2019
Her being fired was a real slap in the face after everything she did for the company.
佢為間公司付出咗咁多,到頭來竟然俾人炒咗,對佢嚟講真係一個好大嘅侮辱。tatoeba tatoeba
Seen from a distance, the rock looked like a human face.
舊石遠睇好似人樣。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Your face is black. Did you come from a coal mine?
你塊烏卒卒噉嘅,去完煤礦嚟呀?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
What big challenges did Daniel and his three companions face in Babylon?
但以理同佢三个同伴喺巴比伦要面对乜嘢挑战?(jw2019 jw2019
As 1918 drew to a close, the Bible Students faced an uncertain future.
1918年就嚟结束,不过圣经研究者对未来嘅好多事都唔确定。jw2019 jw2019
4:7) We face the greatest tribulation the world has ever seen.
彼得前书4:7)我哋将会面对世上前所未见嘅大患难。jw2019 jw2019
What issue did Lillian and William Gobitas face, and what have you learned from their case?
甲)莉莲同威廉面对乜嘢难题?( 乙)你从佢哋嘅例子学到乜嘢?jw2019 jw2019
13 When studying, we do well to consider what bearing Jehovah’s thoughts may have on situations we might face in the future.
13 我哋研读嘅时候最好谂吓,耶和华嘅思想可以点样帮助我哋喺未来做明智嘅决定。jw2019 jw2019
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