influence oor yue


/ˈɪn.flu.əns/, /ˈɪnflʊəns/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The power to affect, control or manipulate something or someone; the ability to change the development of fluctuating things such as conduct, thoughts or decisions.

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power to affect, control or manipulate

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He was zealous for the truth, and he was certainly a good influence on me during my youth.
佢喺传讲王国真理方面好热心,所以我喺年轻嘅时候受到佢好好嘅影响。jw2019 jw2019
14 Our Christlike thinking will influence our speech, our conduct at work or in school, and the decisions we make each day.
14 基督嘅思想会影响我哋喺工作地方或者喺学校嘅言行,同埋我哋每日所作嘅决定。jw2019 jw2019
In reality, even the most independent of thinkers cannot avoid being influenced.
喺现实当中,就算系最独立嘅思想家都难免受到其他人嘅影响。jw2019 jw2019
Keep your mind and heart open to the influence of the holy spirit
接受耶和华圣灵嘅指引jw2019 jw2019
How does Satan try to influence individuals?
撒但试图点样影响人?jw2019 jw2019
21 As mentioned earlier, to think like Jehovah, we must do more than keep our minds free from corrupting influences.
21 正如课文之前提到嘅一样,我哋想用耶和华嘅观点嚟睇事情,只系使自己嘅头脑免受不良嘅影响系唔够嘅。jw2019 jw2019
Until then, the influence of the clergy had been so strong that the Court avoided conflicts with them.
喺呢件案件之前,法院会避免同教士发生冲突,因为教士嘅势力实在太大。 另外,政府官员有,法院判案嗰时,好少会违背官员嘅意愿。jw2019 jw2019
To counter that influence, Jehovah’s organization consistently provides loving warnings and reminders about the immoral ways of this world.
但系耶和华嘅组织出于爱心,经常告诫我哋,要提防当今世界各种不道德嘅行为,帮助我哋抗拒撒但嘅影响。jw2019 jw2019
8 Satan started a rebellion against Jehovah when he influenced Adam and Eve to disobey God.
8 当撒但诱使亚当夏娃唔服从上帝嘅时候,一场叛乱就开始嘞。jw2019 jw2019
What will determine whether we are influenced by God’s thinking or that of the world?
我哋受上帝嘅思想塑造抑或受世界嘅思想影响,视乎乜嘢?jw2019 jw2019
Despite these two strong influences, I became neither a Nazi nor a nun.
虽然深受两边嘅影响,不过最终我既冇加入纳粹党亦都冇做修女。jw2019 jw2019
influence the unity of God’s people?
使上帝子民更团结?jw2019 jw2019
What is the extent of Satan’s influence?
撒但嘅影响有几大?jw2019 jw2019
The teacher has a great influence on his pupils.
個老師對班學生影響好大。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
(2) In what ways does the Memorial influence the unity of God’s people?
2)受难纪念聚会点样影响上帝子民嘅团结?(jw2019 jw2019
By learning to reason similarly and by allowing such thinking to influence our actions and personal choices, we show that we are making Jehovah’s thoughts our own.
我哋识得用耶和华嘅方式推理,按照佢嘅观点嚟行事同做决定,就表明我哋全心接纳佢嘅思想嘞。jw2019 jw2019
3 In this article, we will consider examples of how God’s Word has endured (1) changes in language, (2) political developments that influenced the lingua franca, or common language, and (3) opposition to Bible translation.
3 喺呢篇课文,我哋会睇吓上帝嘅话语喺以下嘅情况点样保存落嚟:(1)语言嘅改变;(2)政治改变对通用语言嘅影响;(3)圣经翻译工作受到反对。jw2019 jw2019
How have Kingdom subjects been protected from the influence of willful wrongdoers?
上帝王国嘅子民点样受到保护,以免俾蓄意作恶嘅人腐化?jw2019 jw2019
10 Satan uses effective methods to influence individuals.
10 撒但成功影响咗好多人。jw2019 jw2019
How may we avoid being influenced by those who display ungodly qualities?
我哋可以点样避免受到唔事奉上帝嘅人所影响?jw2019 jw2019
We may also have been deeply influenced by our environment.
我哋亦都可能会深受周围环境所影响。jw2019 jw2019
In ancient Israel, wrongdoers often became a corrupting influence on the nation, at times even outnumbering those who loved Jehovah and sought to do what was right.
喺古代,以色列犯过者嘅不良影响往往败坏成个国族,呢啲人嘅数目有时甚至比嗰啲爱耶和华、努力做啱嘅事嘅人仲要多。jw2019 jw2019
Some individuals get offended at the suggestion that their native language might have foreign influences.
有啲人一聽到我話佢哋嘅母語可能受過外來影響就會嬲。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
How did pressure to make more money influence Gloria’s thinking, speech, and actions?
丽雅受到压力要赚多啲钱,呢啲压力点样影响佢嘅谂法、言谈同埋行为呢?jw2019 jw2019
(b) What advantage do we gain from knowing the extent of Satan’s influence?
乙)知道撒但嘅影响力对我哋有乜嘢帮助?jw2019 jw2019
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