later oor yue


/'leɪtəɸ/, /leɪtə/ adjektief, tussenwerpsel, bywoord
comparative form of late: more late

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - yue


more late


more late


at some unspecified time in the future


at some unspecified time in the future

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - yue

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It could be that the apostle John felt embarrassed about his rash outburst when he later enjoyed a successful preaching campaign among the Samaritans. —Acts 8:14, 25.
如果约翰谂翻起自己之前几咁鲁莽,一定会感到惭愧。( 使徒行传8:14,25)jw2019 jw2019
"Wanna go karaoke?" "Sorry, later."
「去唔去唱 K 呀?」「遲啲先啦。」tatoeba tatoeba
Some 32 years later, Peter still recalled the experience and how it made “the prophetic word” more sure for him. —2Pe 1:16-19.
大约32年后,彼得仍然记得呢个经历,佢话呢个异象令“所得嘅预言”更加可信。( 彼后1:16-19)jw2019 jw2019
Some years later, the boy died.
几年之后,佢哋个仔死咗。jw2019 jw2019
Later the course was translated from English into other languages, and the school gradually began training brothers worldwide.
起初,王国职务训练班课程净系用英语举行,后来亦都用其他语言举行,世界各地越来越多弟兄都可以受到培训。jw2019 jw2019
Four months later, I was invited to serve as a special pioneer in Austria.
四个月之后,我被委派到奥地利嘅米斯特尔巴赫做特别先驱。jw2019 jw2019
Jesus later appeared to his apostles.
耶稣复活之后去见佢啲使徒。jw2019 jw2019
Reflecting on the 1928 assembly held in Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., Brother Grant Suiter, who later served on the Governing Body, recalled: “At the assembly the cross-and-crown emblems were shown to be not only unnecessary but objectionable.”
格兰特·苏特弟兄参加咗1928年喺美国密歇根州底特律市嘅大会。 佢后来做咗中央长老团嘅成员。jw2019 jw2019
Unknown to me, other Witnesses later studied the Bible with them and helped them to become servants of Jehovah.
后来有其他耶和华见证人教佢圣经,帮佢成为耶和华嘅仆人。jw2019 jw2019
Later my husband was sent to a distant labor camp for being a Witness.
我先生亦都系个耶和华见证人,后来佢因为信仰俾人拉咗,去到一个离家乡好远嘅劳改营。jw2019 jw2019
Then, some 4,000 years later, Jehovah at great personal cost sacrificed his only-begotten Son for the world of mankind.
四千几年后,耶和华付出高昂嘅代价,为所有人牺牲佢嘅独生子。(jw2019 jw2019
Later, my mother gave birth to my two younger brothers and my younger sister.
之后,妈妈又生咗我两个弟弟同一个妹妹。jw2019 jw2019
Later, I learned that my coworker had been coping with a serious health problem and was under a lot of stress.
后来,我知道咗呢个同事原来有严重嘅健康问题,而且面对紧好大嘅压力。jw2019 jw2019
Apun visited us three months later.
三个月之后,亚普嚟探访我哋。jw2019 jw2019
Later, I had the privilege of serving there as a traveling overseer and then as branch overseer.
我后来有殊荣从事探访工作,之后又成为分部监督。jw2019 jw2019
The Divine Plan of the Ages is released, the first volume of the series of books later known as Studies in the Scriptures
发行《上帝嘅历代计划》,即系《圣经嘅研讨》第1卷jw2019 jw2019
Later I'll go to the movies with my friend.
後嚟,我同朋友去睇電影。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Just nine years later, in 2013, there were 121 language editions of the New World Translation available, and the number continues to grow.
过咗短短九年,亦即系2013年,《新世界译本》已经有121种语言版本,呢个数目仲喺度继续上升。jw2019 jw2019
Over 30 years later, Mirjana is still in full-time service, together with her husband.
30年后,麦娅娜依然紧守岗位,同丈夫一齐从事全时服务。jw2019 jw2019
A century later, The Watchtower identified the antitypical city of refuge as “God’s provision for protecting us from death for violating his commandment about the sanctity of blood.”
一个世纪之后,《守望台》解释由于我哋违反咗有关血嘅神圣诫命,所以都要死,而庇护城就系预表上帝为咗拯救我哋而作嘅安排。jw2019 jw2019
13 Some years later, the daughter was reinstated.
13 后来,佢哋嘅女重新被接纳为会众成员。jw2019 jw2019
Luke 3:32 lists five later links in the line leading to the Messiah.
路加福音3:32列出弥赛亚嘅其中五个祖先。jw2019 jw2019
Later, when we reached those areas, many accepted the truth in short order.”
后来,我哋去到呢啲偏远地区传道,好多人好快就接受咗真理。”jw2019 jw2019
I can tell you later.
遲啲話你知。tatoeba tatoeba
Two years later, in 1950, he applied for a reclassification as a conscientious objector.
两年之后,即系1950年,佢申请将登记嘅身份改为依良心拒服兵役嘅人。jw2019 jw2019
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