one's father oor yue

one's father

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7, 8. (a) How does one Christian father show patience in teaching his daughter?
7 我哋嚟睇吓日本嘅樱子*嘅经历。jw2019 jw2019
One day, John’s father asked John to deliver an envelope to a friend in the congregation.
你有冇做好计划,每个星期都举行家庭崇拜呢?jw2019 jw2019
What advice did one brother give the father?
20 我哋每一个人都应该问吓自己,“为咗除去同弃绝旧品格,我仲需要做啲乜嘢?”jw2019 jw2019
“I make request . . . that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me.” —JOHN 17:20, 21.
赎价系为咗救人脱离死亡而付出嘅代价。(jw2019 jw2019
However, Pablo’s father, who was not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, obtained a court order to overturn his son’s wishes.
威吓施迫害,列国决意反抗耶和华,jw2019 jw2019
On the night before her baptism, her father did a beautiful thing.
我哋唔应该忽视家庭崇拜。 点解家庭崇拜咁重要呢?jw2019 jw2019
Mt 18:10 —Jehovah knows if we have stumbled others (“look upon the face of my Father” study note on Mt 18:10, nwtsty; w10 11/1 16)
你凍就開大啲個暖氣啦。jw2019 jw2019
The high court reasoned that because the parents had conflicting views of life based on their religious beliefs, the father would be in a better position to address those conflicts.
传道嘅人——甘心献出自己jw2019 jw2019
What instruction did the Father give the Son about the ministry that he would carry out on earth?
係咪呀,都唔係真係咁難啫?jw2019 jw2019
“For this reason I bend my knees to the Father, to whom every family in heaven and on earth owes its name.” —Ephesians 3:14, 15
以咖啡开始你的早晨。jw2019 jw2019
Lu 9:59, 60 —Those who follow Jesus put the Kingdom of God first in their lives (“bury my father,” “Let the dead bury their dead” study notes on Lu 9:59, 60, nwtsty)
作为君王同祭司,耶稣会点样做?jw2019 jw2019
17 While on earth, Jesus expressed his desire to return to the glory he once had in heaven with his Father.
答案好简单:我哋都接受上帝王国嘅统治,君王耶稣不断熬炼我哋,帮助我哋跟住佢嘅脚步行,使我哋同目前嘅邪恶世界分别开嚟。jw2019 jw2019
7 Thomas, the father of an 11-year-old girl, relates: “My daughter might ask, ‛Could Jehovah have used evolution to develop life on earth?’
你今日唔使返學咩?jw2019 jw2019
Lu 15:17-24 —He repented and was welcomed back by his loving father (“against you,” “hired men,” “tenderly kissed him,” “called your son,” “robe . . . ring . . . sandals” study notes on Lu 15:17-24, nwtsty)
14 我哋从圣经学到,耶和华以仁爱嘅方式行使佢嘅权力。jw2019 jw2019
14 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.