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/ˈpɒl.ɪ.tɪks/, /ˈpɒlɪtɪks/ naamwoord
The practice of responding to conflict with dialogue.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - yue


practice and theory of influencing other people, as in government

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Politics (Aristotle)

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23 Amid a world divided by political strife and warped by ingrained hatred, our reigning King, Jesus Christ, has blessed the efforts of his followers worldwide to maintain their neutral stand.
23 政治斗争搞到成个世界都四分五裂,根深蒂固嘅仇恨扭曲咗成个人类社会。jw2019 jw2019
Do not get involved in politics.
唔参与政治jw2019 jw2019
12 We should not get involved in politics.
12 我哋唔应该参与政治jw2019 jw2019
13, 14. (a) How did political and religious issues lead to violence and injustice?
13,14.( 甲)政治同宗教勾结点样引发暴力同唔公正嘅事?(jw2019 jw2019
22 What, though, about the political part of Satan’s organization?
22 而家讲吓撒但组织嘅政治制度。jw2019 jw2019
How did Jesus show that he had no interest in political movements?
耶稣点样表明佢唔会卷入政治纷争?jw2019 jw2019
15 Clearly, the freedom that Jesus promised his disciples is far superior to the social or political freedom that most people yearn for today.
15 耶稣对佢门徒承诺嘅自由,比今日大部分人所渴求嘅自由好得多。jw2019 jw2019
The people in Jesus’ day were divided by political, social, and ethnic differences.
喺耶稣嘅日子,人因为政治、社会地位、种族唔同而产生分裂。jw2019 jw2019
Politics is a dirty business.
政治好黑暗。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
(Acts 4:13) So, humanly speaking, the courts have little incentive to rule against our powerful religious and political opposers and to come to our aid.
使徒行传4:13)从人嘅角度嚟睇,法院同势力强大嘅宗教以及政治领袖作对,判我哋胜诉,一啲好处都冇。jw2019 jw2019
15 Jesus did not crave to be honored by the religious or political leaders of his day.
15 耶稣冇谂过要荣耀自己,更加唔想通过宗教或政治领袖使自己得荣耀。jw2019 jw2019
How did Jesus make clear that he did not seek political power on earth?
耶稣点样表明佢唔想喺地上追求政治权力?(jw2019 jw2019
In this regard, in 1922, The Watch Tower pointed out that there are two organizations at work, Jehovah’s and Satan’s, with Satan’s being made up of commercial, religious, and political elements.
关于呢点,1922年,英语版《守望台》指出有两个对立嘅组织,就系耶和华嘅组织同撒但嘅组织。jw2019 jw2019
Who do not get involved in politics?
边啲人唔参与政治?jw2019 jw2019
How would you explain why Jehovah’s people remain politically neutral?
点解耶和华嘅子民喺政治方面严守中立?jw2019 jw2019
Jesus didn’t participate in politics.
耶稣喺地上嘅时候唔参与政治jw2019 jw2019
17 We have seen that we can promote Christian unity in three ways: (1) We put our trust in God’s heavenly Kingdom to correct injustice, (2) we refuse to take sides in political issues, and (3) we reject violence.
17 呢篇课文讨论咗我哋可以促进基督徒团结嘅三个方面:(1)我哋相信上帝嘅王国会解决所有唔公正嘅事;(2)我哋喺政治问题上唔会偏袒任何一方;(3)我哋唔会使用暴力。jw2019 jw2019
How did he demonstrate the need for God’s servants to avoid taking sides on political issues?
佢点样表明上帝嘅忠仆唔应该支持任何政治观点?jw2019 jw2019
9, 10. (a) How did Jesus’ enemies try to get him involved in a political issue?
9,10.( 甲)反对者点样试图诱使耶稣卷入政治?(jw2019 jw2019
13 When religion is mixed with politics, violence can easily erupt.
13 宗教同政治互相勾结往往会引发暴力。jw2019 jw2019
3, 4. (a) What political expectations did the Jews have in Jesus’ day?
3,4.( 甲)喺耶稣嘅日子,犹太人喺政治上期待有乜嘢事发生?(jw2019 jw2019
3 In this article, we will consider examples of how God’s Word has endured (1) changes in language, (2) political developments that influenced the lingua franca, or common language, and (3) opposition to Bible translation.
3 喺呢篇课文,我哋会睇吓上帝嘅话语喺以下嘅情况点样保存落嚟:(1)语言嘅改变;(2)政治改变对通用语言嘅影响;(3)圣经翻译工作受到反对。jw2019 jw2019
Why do we not get involved in politics?
点解我哋唔参与政治?jw2019 jw2019
Do not get involved in the political affairs of the nations; they do not support Jehovah and his Kingdom.
政治有关嘅活动,都唔应该参与。 呢啲活动系同耶和华以及佢嘅王国对立嘅。jw2019 jw2019
12 In Jesus’ day, religion was often mixed up in politics.
12 喺耶稣嘅日子,宗教领袖经常参与政治。《jw2019 jw2019
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