with regard to oor yue

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What is your determination with regard to your ministry?
对于传道工作,你决心点样做呢?jw2019 jw2019
What have many secular writers concluded with regard to generosity?
关于表现慷慨,一啲研究人员点样讲?jw2019 jw2019
What are Satan’s claims with regard to God’s rulership?
撒但点样质疑耶和华嘅至高统治权?jw2019 jw2019
How have both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ set excellent examples with regard to being willing to wait?
喺表现耐心方面,耶和华上帝同耶稣基督点样树立完美嘅榜样?jw2019 jw2019
What was Satan’s claim with regard to Job?
撒但约伯提出乜嘢质疑?(jw2019 jw2019
What did one brother find lacking with regard to his spiritual condition, and what did he do about it?
一个弟兄发现自己嘅灵性有乜嘢问题? 佢跟住点做?jw2019 jw2019
6 With regard to a resurrection being foretold long in advance, consider Psalm 118, which some feel that David composed.
6 有关喺好耐之前就预告过嘅复活,请留意诗篇118篇嘅经文。jw2019 jw2019
16 With regard to exercising patience, Jehovah does not expect us to do something that he is not willing to do himself.
16 如果耶和华自己唔愿意表现耐心,佢都唔会要求我哋表现耐心。jw2019 jw2019
(b) What support has been provided to Christ’s followers regarding transfusions and nonblood management, and with what result?
乙)关于输血嘅问题,基督徒得到乜嘢帮助可以采用不输血疗法?( 丙)有乜嘢成果?jw2019 jw2019
Regarding that article, Simon Kraker, who later served at headquarters, in Brooklyn, New York, said: “I learned to appreciate that God’s people were to be at peace with everyone, even amid threats of war.”
西蒙·克拉克后来喺纽约布鲁克林总部服务,佢提到呢篇文章话:“我睇出,上帝嘅子民应该要同所有人和平共处,即使战争期间都唔例外。”jw2019 jw2019
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