Gay Games oor Sjinees

Gay Games

A sports and cultural event held every four years for LGBT people.

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Gay Games VII
Federation of Gay Games


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Hong Kong will host the 2022 Gay Games, the first time the international competition will take place in Asia.
The Federation of Gay Games hosts the world's biggest cultural and sporting event for the LGBT community every four years.
同乐运动会联合会每四年举办世界上最大的LGBT文化和体育活动。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was founded by West German and Dutch LGBT sport clubs in 1989 after being inspired by the first Gay Games in San Francisco, United States.
它是在1989年受到在旧金山举办的第一届同志运动会的启发而由西德和荷兰的一些LGBT体育俱乐部创办的。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elliot Gay felt the games were expensive, but pointed out that it has "never been cheap to be" a fan of the franchise.
埃利奥·盖伊也提到游戏高价,不过他表示游戏对系列爱好者“从没便宜过”。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Japanator's Jeff Chuang wrote that the game is "twice the fun" to fans of the franchise's songs, while Elliot Gay, writing for the same website, argued that the games' inclusion of anime material pointed to the game's development as "fanservice for fans".
Japanator的杰夫·庄认为游戏对系列歌曲爱好者而言「乐趣加倍」,而同网站的埃利奥特·伊称,加入动画更显出游戏「爱好者福利」的制作定位。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The group carries out daily picketing in Topeka and travels nationally to picket the funerals of gay victims of murder, gay-bashing or people who have died from complications related to AIDS; other events related or peripherally related to homosexuality; Kansas City Chiefs football games; and live pop concerts.
这群人每天在不同的地方的葬礼上抗议,包括同性恋谋杀的受害者的葬礼,殴打同性恋者的葬礼还有那些患有艾滋病的人的葬礼;其他跟同性恋有关系的场合;堪萨斯酋长队的橄榄球比赛;现场演唱会。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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