Maldives oor Sjinees


/ˈmɒl.diːvz/, /ˈmɑl.daɪvz/, /ˈmɒl.daɪvz/ eienaam, naamwoord
An island country in South Asia. Official name: Republic of Maldives.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


country in South Asia
In Maldives, the focus has been on developing better and stronger buildings to increase the resilience of island communities to climate change.


country in South Asia
Mother, you know where Maldives is?
媽媽 你 知道 馬 爾 代夫 在 哪儿 嗎


Maldives is known to the world as a great holiday destination.
近来警方暴行不断增加 ,促使马尔地夫民主党发动游行抗议。
Glosbe Research


None of the designated entities or individuals have been identified inside the territory of the Republic of Maldives.
AGROVOC Thesaurus

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


geographic terms (country level)
In Maldives, the focus has been on developing better and stronger buildings to increase the resilience of island communities to climate change.

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Republic of the Maldives
馬爾代夫 · 马尔代夫
republic of maldives
Education in the Maldives
Republic of Maldives
马尔代夫 · 马尔代夫共和国
the Maldives
馬爾地夫 · 马尔代夫


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Regional- and national-level training programmes are planned under a project on HIV prevention for incarcerated substance users in South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka);
在南亚(孟加拉国、印度、马尔代夫、尼泊尔和斯里兰卡)的一个针对受监禁的药物使用者的艾滋病毒预防项目的范围内,计划了区域级和国家级的培训方案;UN-2 UN-2
Although progress had been made in the Maldives in that regard, including through the stationing of information officers in public offices and training in public awareness programmes, it was necessary to draw further on international best practices.
虽然马尔代夫在这方面取得了进展,包括在公共部门派驻信息干事以及在宣传方案内培训,仍然需要从国际最佳做法学习。UN-2 UN-2
135.2 Include human rights education in the curriculum of schools (Maldives);
135.2 将人权教育纳入学校课程(马尔代夫);UN-2 UN-2
It noted the recommendation of the Committee on the Rights of the Child that Maldives ratify the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.
它注意到儿童权利委员会的建议,即马尔代夫批准《关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的议定书》。UN-2 UN-2
If those predictions were accurate, Maldives and many other small island developing States would cease to exist within a relatively short period of time
如果这些预测准确,那么在未来相当短的时间内,马尔代夫和其他很多小岛屿发展中国家将不复存在。MultiUn MultiUn
She hoped that Maldives would soon withdraw its reservations.
她希望马尔代夫能够很快撤销其保留意见。UN-2 UN-2
Although a concrete assessment of the costs of graduation for Maldives has not been made, the “Vulnerability profile of Maldives” prepared by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in April 2003 for use by the Committee for Development Policy in the review of the Maldives case, does highlight a number of critical issues that warrant the retention of Maldives on the least developed country list for the time being.
虽然迄今为止没有对将马尔代夫从名单上剔除所涉代价作实际评估,但联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)2003年4月为便利发展政策委员会审议马尔代夫的案例而准备的《马尔代夫的脆弱性概况》,的确突出了一些证明有必要暂时将马尔代夫留在最不发达国家名单上的关键问题。UN-2 UN-2
138.135 Authorise and facilitate humanitarian access to all areas of the country (Maldives);
138.135 批准和便利人道主义援助进入国内所有地区(马尔代夫);UN-2 UN-2
The Maldives had acceded to the Convention in 1991 and to its optional protocols in 2002 and 2004 respectively.
马尔代夫1991年加入了《儿童权利公约》,2002年和2004年分别加入了该公约的两个《任择议定书》。UN-2 UN-2
Some States (for example, Nepal and Maldives) offer visa-upon-arrival arrangements.
一些国家(例如尼泊尔和马尔代夫)提供落地签证安排。UN-2 UN-2
In accordance with articles 1 and 11 of the OPCAT, the SPT visited the Maldives from Monday 10 December until Monday 17 December 2007.
根据《任择议定书》第1条和第11条,防范小组委员会于2007年12月10日星期一至12月17日星期一查访了马尔代夫UN-2 UN-2
Countries that have not enacted separate disaster management laws, such as Maldives, Nepal and Timor-Leste, and most of the Central Asian countries are following this model.
尚未制订单独的灾害管理法的国家(如马尔代夫、尼泊尔和东帝汶以及大多数中亚国家)都采用这种模型。UN-2 UN-2
On 3 November 2008, following the run-off in the first multi-party presidential elections in Maldives, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers welcomed the democratic transition process.
2008年11月3日,在马尔代夫首次多党总统大选的决胜投票之后,法官和律师独立性问题特别报告员对这一民主过渡进程表示欢迎。UN-2 UN-2
It recommended that Maldives: expedite efforts to draft and enact a Juvenile Justice Act in compliance with the Convention; raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to at least 12 years; establish specialized juvenile courts; provide children in conflict with the law with access to education and; improve the condition of detention for children.
委员会建议马尔代夫:依照《公约》规定,加快努力起草并颁布一项《少年司法法》;将最低刑事责任年龄至少提高到12岁;设立专门的少年法院;使触法儿童得到教育;改善儿童的拘留条件。UN-2 UN-2
Challenges in timely and regular reporting are problems with which the Maldives needs to deal.
在及时和定期报告上面临的挑战,是马尔代夫需要解决的问题。UN-2 UN-2
The tsunami created by the Sumatra earthquake that morning swept through the entire archipelago of the Maldives with awesome fury, taking lives, devastating infrastructure, crippling our economy and washing away decades of hard work and toil of our people.
当天上午,苏门答腊地震造成的海啸排山倒海地席卷了整个马尔代夫群岛,夺走生命,摧毁基础设施,使我国经济陷入瘫痪,我国人民几十年来的辛勤劳动成果因此荡然无存。UN-2 UN-2
The Department also notes that the Government of Maldives provides full funding for all programmes that are tailored for the development of the inmates.
该部还指出,马尔代夫政府向为犯人量身定制的所有方案提供了全部资金。UN-2 UN-2
project was conducted in the year # to build capacity of the health sector to address VAW/DV in Maldives. The specific activities under the project include
年还进行了一个卫生部门能力建设项目,以解决马尔代夫存在的对妇女的暴力/家庭暴力问题。MultiUn MultiUn
Earlier, the Economic and Social Council had endorsed the recommendation of the Committee for Development Policy to graduate Maldives in December 2007 (deferred to 2011 by the General Assembly due to the tsunami and its after-effects) and Samoa in July 2007.
此前,经济及社会理事会赞同发展政策委员会的建议,即于2007年12月(因海啸及其灾情被大会推迟到2011年)把马尔代夫从最不发达国家名单中删除,并于2007年7月把萨摩亚从这一名单中删除。UN-2 UN-2
138.75 Adopt legislation that clearly defines and criminalizes torture (Maldives);
138.75 通过明确定义酷刑并将其刑罪化的刑法(马尔代夫);UN-2 UN-2
His Government was also undertaking initiatives for the capacity-building and training of judges and lawyers and had recently appointed the first woman judge in the Maldives.
同时,马尔代夫政府也在采取各项措施加强法官和律师的能力并对其进行培训,马尔代夫最近还任命了首位女法官。UN-2 UN-2
Maldives had engaged extensively with the World Trade Organization (WTO), including successfully campaigning to extend the application of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) for itself and subsequently all least developed countries by seven years.
马尔代夫广泛参与了世界贸易组织(世贸组织)的活动,包括成功地发起将《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》对其本国以及随后对所有最不发达国家的适用期延长七年的运动。UN-2 UN-2
Given their meagre human and financial resources, for many small States like the Maldives, combating the increased activities of international terrorism has been an uphill battle.
鉴于许多像马尔代夫一样的小国缺乏人力和财政资源,同国际恐怖主义日益增加的活动作斗争是一场艰巨的战斗。UN-2 UN-2
The UNICEF quality education programme in the Maldives ensures an integrated, holistic approach to quality education that includes: (a) infrastructure development to “build back better” the schools that were damaged by the tsunami and to create child-friendly environments for children; (b) capacity-building of teachers and administrators on the importance of child-friendly schools; (c) curriculum revision to incorporate child-friendly approaches; and (d) support to parents to participate in their children’s education.
儿童基金会在马尔代夫执行了优质教育方案,确保采用综合全面的方法实现优质教育,包括:(a) 基础设施建设,将被海啸毁坏的学校“重建得更好”,并为儿童创建爱幼环境;(b) 教师和行政人员的能力建设,使其认识到爱幼学校的重要性;(c) 修订课程,将爱幼方法纳入其中;和(d) 支助家长参与子女的教育。UN-2 UN-2
While in some countries the legal frameworks (policies and guidelines) were unclear, constraining the application of the concept to the specific sector planning and development, some countries have transformed the national team or core group into an apex body for coordinating the energy or water resources issues: in Sri Lanka, a presidential task force reviews water sector reforms; Myanmar is in the process of forming a water commission; Maldives has formed an Advisory Committee on Energy; and Viet Nam has established river basin organizations
有些国家的法律框架(政策和指导方针)不甚清晰,限制了把这一概念应用到具体部门的计划和发展之中,但是又有一些国家把国家小组或核心小组转变成了协调能源或水资源问题的最高机构。 例如,斯里兰卡建立了审评水部门改革的总统工作组;缅甸正在建立一个水务委员会;马尔代夫已经成立了能源问题顾问委员会;越南已经成立了河流流域组织。MultiUn MultiUn
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