United Kingdom Independence Party oor Sjinees

United Kingdom Independence Party

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The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) wants to introduce a five-year ban on immigration for permanent settlement.
英国独立党(UKIP)正力推一项计划,在五年内禁止移民取得永久定居资格。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Unlike the United Kingdom Independence Party, it does not support France's withdrawal from the EU but rather a massive overhaul of it.
不同於英國獨立黨,法國運動不支持脫離歐盟,而是支持徹底檢查和維修現行法國/歐洲的歐盟政策和法律。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
But Ukraine has proved a step too far for some of his erstwhile admirers, like Nigel Farage, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party.
但事实证明即便对英国独立党领袖法拉奇等昔日的崇拜者而言乌克兰也已似乎走得太过。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Parties like the National Front in France or the United Kingdom’s Independence Party could become front-runners in their respective countries, and they are not alone.
诸如法国国民阵线和英国独立党这样党派很可能在各自国家占据领先地位,而且这还不是全部。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The first two falsehoods – deceptions as large as I can remember witnessing during an election campaign – are being peddled by the country’s two most successful populist parties: the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) and the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP).
英国最成功的两大民粹主义政党——英国独立党(UKIP)和苏格兰民族党(SNP)正在兜售上面提到的前两大谎言,这也是我本人在竞选活动中所目睹过的最大欺骗。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Ease registration procedures for independent political parties and for independent national and international NGOs before Parliamentary and Presidential elections (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
放宽独立政党独立的国家和国际非政府组织参加国会和总统选举的登记程序(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国);UN-2 UN-2
The current Prime Minister and leader of the PLP, Jennifer Smith, has said that the party will continue to advocate independence from the United Kingdom, but that any such move would be a matter for another general election
现任总理、进工党领袖珍妮弗·史密斯曾经,进工党会继续主张从联合王国独立,但是,任何这样的行动将属于另一次普选的事宜。MultiUn MultiUn
The Comptroller and Auditor General of the United Kingdom is the independent External Auditor of the International Criminal Court, appointed by the Assembly of States Parties under financial regulation
联合王国主计长兼审计长是缔约国大会根据《财务条例》条例 # 任命的独立外聘审计人。MultiUn MultiUn
The current Prime Minister and leader of the PLP, Jennifer Smith, has said that the party will continue to advocate independence from the United Kingdom, but that any such move would be a matter for another general election.31
现任总理、进工党领袖珍妮弗·史密斯曾经,进工党会继续主张从联合王国独立,但是,任何这样的行动将属于另一次普选的事宜。 31 C.UN-2 UN-2
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland urged all parties to draw on the expertise of the Independent Expert on the human rights situation in Sudan.
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国敦促所有各方借鉴苏丹人权状况独立专家的专业知识。UN-2 UN-2
For instance, in October 2011, the Progressive National Party adopted a resolution supporting independence from the United Kingdom, a programme of educating the people of the Territory about the responsibilities of citizenship in an independent country, and a referendum to signify the will of the people on the question of independence.
例如,2011年10月,民族进步党通过一项决议,支持脱离联合王国而独立,教育领土居民作为独立国家的公民肩负的责任,并举行全民公决,表示人民在独立问题上的意愿。UN-2 UN-2
The services of an independent specialist, Professor James Crawford, Chair, Faculty Board of Law, Cambridge University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was sought by a third party to provide an expert opinion, which is currently being evaluated by OIOS. The independent specialist stated the following
第三曾要求一位独立专家,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国剑桥大学法律系系主任詹姆斯·克劳福德教授提供专家意见,监督厅目前正在评价其意见。MultiUn MultiUn
A Governor-appointed Council member stated, however, that the United Kingdom had clearly stated its intention to legalize homosexuality, yet none of the parties had adopted the position of independence during debates on the White Paper
但是总督任命的委员会成员说,联合王国早就明确表示准备将同性恋合法化,但在讨论《白皮书》期间却没有一个党派采取要求独立的立场。MultiUn MultiUn
However, Gibraltar could not be a party to sovereignty talks, and as the United Kingdom had admitted repeatedly, under the Treaty there could be no independence for Gibraltar without the consent of Spain.
但是,直布罗陀不能是主权会谈的当事方,而且联合王国曾一再承认,根据《条约》,没有西班牙的同意直布罗陀不能独立UN-2 UN-2
The United Kingdom-Norway initiative (with the non‐governmental organization VERTIC as an independent observer) has explored activities in line with these obligations, with both parties mindful of their roles and obligations under international agreements and national regulations.
联合王国-挪威倡议(非政府组织核查中心作为独立观察员)中,两个缔约国都铭记国际协定和国家法规规定的作用和义务,开展了符合这些义务的活动。UN-2 UN-2
Following Winnie Ewing's groundbreaking win for the Scottish National Party in the Hamilton by-election, 1967, the United Kingdom government responded to the growing support for Scottish independence by setting up the Royal Commission on the Constitution, better known as the Kilbrandon Commission (1969–1973).
在1967年漢密爾頓補選中,溫妮·尤因(英语:Winnie Ewing)在蘇格蘭民族黨的開創性勝利之後,英國政府通過建立皇家憲法委員會(英语:Royal Commission on the Constitution (United Kingdom))(1969-1973年,常稱作基爾布蘭登委員會)來回應對蘇格蘭獨立的日益支持。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Create real space for a multi-party parliamentary election later this year in line with international standards and judged by independent observers to be fully free and fair (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
真正为定于今年晚些时候举行的多党制议会选举创造空间,确保在独立观察员的监督下根据国际标准组织的选举是完全自由的和公平的(大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国)。UN-2 UN-2
Neither country was party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; his own country had acceded in 1969, before Qatar had won independence from the United Kingdom and before the Covenant had entered into force.
这两个国家都不是《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的缔约,而叙利亚早在卡塔尔脱离联合王国取得独立和《公约》生效之前的1969年就已加入。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee also regretted that the United Kingdom was trying to limit the self-determination options available to the territories to gaining independence or maintaining the status quo, even though the “free association” option was flexible enough to allow both parties to achieve their objectives.
委员会对联合王国企图把各领土现有的自决方案归结为要么获得独立,要么保持现状表示遗憾,尽管“自由联合”方案非常灵活,使双方都能达到自己的目的。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee also regretted that the United Kingdom was trying to limit the self-determination options available to the territories to gaining independence or maintaining the status quo, even though the “free association” option was flexible enough to allow both parties to achieve their objectives
委员会对联合王国企图把各领土现有的自决方案归结为要么获得独立,要么保持现状表示遗憾,尽管“自由联合”方案非常灵活,使双方都能达到自己的目的。MultiUn MultiUn
I am writing to place on record that the British Government formally recognizes Georgia as an independent sovereign State... I can confirm that, as appropriate, we regard Treaties and Agreements in force to which the United Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were parties as remaining in force between the United Kingdom and Georgia
现特发此信,宣布英国政府正式承认格吉亚为独立的主权国家......我确认,我们认为,联合王国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟共缔约方的有效条约和协定将视情况而定继续在联合王国和格鲁吉亚之间生效。MultiUn MultiUn
The African Heads of States and Government, meeting recently in Tripoli, had urged the parties to the conflict and the United Nations to step up their efforts to hold a referendum to enable the people of the Territory to choose between independence and integration into the Kingdom of Morocco.
非洲国家元首和政府首脑最近在的黎波里举行会议,敦促冲突各方联合国加紧努力举行全民投票,使该领土人民能够独立和并入摩洛哥王国这两个选项之间作出选择。UN-2 UN-2
(c) Ensure the operation of robust independent scrutiny and oversight of any stop and search powers in the United Kingdom with a view to ensuring that such powers are not exercised in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner and are fully compliant with the State party’s obligations under articles 2, 9, 12, 17 and 26 of the Covenant.
(c) 确保在联合王国对拦截搜查权进行有效的独立监察和监督,保证此类权力的动用不带任意性和歧视性,并且完全符合缔约国在《公约》第二条、第九条、第十二条、第十七条和第二十六条下应尽义务。UN-2 UN-2
In consultations with the Government of the United Kingdom in April # the Premier reportedly emphasized that the goal of the Turks and Caicos Islands was for eventual independence when the people of the country were ready for it, adding “[...] it's my party's position not to seek independence at this time.” The focus for the territorial Government was on economic independence as well as on building and modernizing the Territory
总理于 # 年 # 月与联合王国政府进行了协商,据报告,他在协商中强调,特克斯和凯科斯群岛的目标是在其人民做好准备之后最终实现独立,并补充说:“......我们党的立场是,在目前不寻求独立” 领土政府的重点是经济独立以及领土的建设和现代化。MultiUn MultiUn
In # the Committee had confirmed that the provisions on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples were fully applicable to Gibraltar, merely noting the differences in the positions of the United Kingdom and Spain regarding the status of that Territory and inviting the two parties to enter into negotiations on the basis of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations
年,委员会承认,关于给予殖民地国家和人民独立的规定完全适用于直布罗陀,仅指出联合王国和西班牙关于该领土地位问题立场上的分歧,请双方《联合国宪章》原则为基础开始谈判。MultiUn MultiUn
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