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Board members commended the Executive Director and UNOPS for a continuing tradition of strong leadership.
执行局成员赞赏执行主任和项目厅保持强有力的领导的传统。UN-2 UN-2
The know-how of the Thiernois cutlers draws its origins from a continuous tradition over more than seven centuries.
刀匠Thiernois的专业知识源于传统持续了七个世纪。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
For over half a century, there has been a continuous tradition of Irish peacekeepers serving the cause of peace under the United Nations blue flag somewhere in the world.
半个多世纪以来,爱尔兰维和人员在世界某地联合国的蓝色旗之下为和平事业服务,已成为一种连续传统UN-2 UN-2
Uzbekistan had also a continuing tradition of adopting integrated State programmes intended to resolve specific problems relating to socio-economic development as the basis of the whole set of human rights enshrined in the fundamental United Nations documents.
乌兹别克斯坦还延续着通过综合的国家方案解决与社会经济发展有关的具体问题、作为联合国基本文件所载整套人权的基础这一传统。UN-2 UN-2
Uzbekistan also has a continuing tradition for the adoption of integrated state programmes intended to resolve specific problems relating to socio-economic development as the basis of the whole set of human rights enshrined in the fundamental United Nations documents.
乌兹别克斯坦还延续着通过综合的国家方案解决与社会经济发展有关的具体问题、作为联合国基本文件所载整套人权的基础这一传统。UN-2 UN-2
Uzbekistan also has a continuing tradition for the adoption of integrated state programmes intended to resolve specific problems relating to socio-economic development as the basis of the whole set of human rights enshrined in the fundamental United Nations documents
乌兹别克斯坦还延续着通过综合的国家方案解决与社会经济发展有关的具体问题、作为联合国基本文件所载整套人权的基础这一传统。MultiUn MultiUn
Indigenous groups that preferred to continue a traditional nomadic lifestyle were allowed to do so.
想要继续维持他们传统游牧生活的土著族群可以继续这种生活方式。UN-2 UN-2
The church has a strong continuing musical tradition from the monks of St Augustine to the present day.
圣马丁教堂将传统的教会音乐从圣奥古丁时期一直延续到了今日。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, it believed that the Commissioner-General’s report continued a tradition of one-sidedness and lack of balance.
但是,以色列相信难民救济和工程处主任专员的报告仍有一贯的片面性,缺乏平衡。UN-2 UN-2
Among these responses, drought relief in the north of Jiangsu launched by gentries from Jiangnan is essentially a continuity of traditional drought relief in Jiangnan since the Ming and Qing dynasties.
实际上, 在单纯面对这场灾荒的情况下, 江南地方的种种反应都贯穿着捍卫乡土安全的地方性立场, 而其间出现的江南士绅前往苏北 赈灾的行动, 在本质上仍是江南自明清以来地方性救荒传统的某种延伸。springer springer
His family had suffered from tuberculosis, and he saw naturism as a cure and a continuation of the traditions of the ancient Greeks.
他的家人曾患有結核病,而且他見證到天然主義是一種方,古希臘人傳統延續。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They also viewed fireworks, a popular tradition that continues to this very day.
人们也会看烟火表演,这种传统活动至今仍然广受欢迎。jw2019 jw2019
The commitment to education was only a continuation of that noble tradition.
对教育的承诺不过是延续良好传统UN-2 UN-2
What Russia is doing currently in Georgia represents a logical continuation of the traditions of fascist and Soviet regimes
俄罗斯目前在格鲁吉亚的所作所为无非是在继承法西斯苏维埃政权的衣钵。MultiUn MultiUn
What Russia is doing currently in Georgia represents a logical continuation of the traditions of fascist and Soviet regimes.
俄罗斯目前在格鲁吉亚所作所为无非是在继承法西斯苏维埃政权的衣钵。UN-2 UN-2
The Catholic Church hierarchy was critical of the violence of both sides, but especially that of the IRA, continuing a long tradition of condemning militant republicanism.
罗马天主教教会批评双方的暴力活动,但特别是对共和军而言,保持长期以来的谴责武力共和的传统。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
First, there is a continuing loss of traditional forest-related knowledge due to inadequate recognition and protection, and thus there is continuing forest degradation and deforestation
第一,由于传统森林知识的认识和保护不够,使传统森林知识不断流失,导致森林的不断退化和毁林。MultiUn MultiUn
Pennsylvania Railroad conductors were told to announce the Horseshoe Curve to daytime passengers—a tradition that continues aboard Amtrak trains.
所有宾州铁路的列车长要求宣布蹄铁曲线给白天的乘客—这个传统延续到美铁的列车。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In 2004 the "BRussells Tribunal" took place in Brussels as a continuation of the tradition of the Russell Tribunal as part of the World Tribunal on Iraq.
2004年,伊拉克世界法庭的一部分布鲁塞尔法庭作为罗素法庭传统延续在布鲁塞尔开庭。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Modern Azerbaijani literature continued with a traditional emphasis upon humanism, as conveyed in the writings of Samad Vurgun, Shahriar, and many others.
现代阿塞拜疆文学仍然延续着重人文主义的传统,这一传统在Samad Vurgun, Shahriar和许多其他人的作品中都有所体现。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The interests would be respected for as long as a traditional community continues to be associated with the knowledge or cultural expressions.
只要一个传统社区继续这种知识或文化表现方式联系在一起,就要尊重这些利益。UN-2 UN-2
These interests would be respected for as long as a traditional community continues to be associated with the knowledge or cultural expressions.
只要传统社区继续有关知识或文化表现形式相关,这些利益就将得到尊重。UN-2 UN-2
The university continued a number of the traditions of its originator college and university and continues to be organised under the ancient university governance structure.
大学保留一些其前身的传统,它依然按照过去的管理结构运行。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result, the informal and traditional justice mechanisms continue to enjoy a higher level of confidence at the community level
据此,非正式的和传统司法机制在社区地方层面上继续得到更多的信任。MultiUn MultiUn
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