acknowledge oor Sjinees


/ækˈnɑl.ɪʤ/, /əkˈnɒlɪʤ/ werkwoord
(transitive) To admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in; as, to acknowledge the being of a God.

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She acknowledged that my statement was true.


She acknowledged having made a mistake.
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We acknowledge the importance civil society attaches to the project of an arms trade treaty.

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認知 · 感谢 · 证实 · 認 · 告知收到 · 确认 · 肯定 · 认可 · 承認 acknowledge · 承認acknowledge,admit,confer,concede,grant,endorse · 承認concede,grant,admit,acknowledge · 承認confess,acknowledge,admit,concede,avow · 认 · 鸣谢 · 告知 · 答谢 · 不招 · 报偿 · 認識 · 公证 · 应答 · 不承認

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to acknowledge sb as senior or superior (often in negative)
买账 · 買賬
confess,acknowledge,admit,concede,avow 承認
to acknowledge (as valid)
作准 · 作準
informal document acknowledging a debt
白条 · 白條
to acknowledge as one's teacher
拜人为师 · 拜人為師
acknowledge 承認
她承認她沒有MBA學位 She acknowledged that she didn't have a MBA degree · 承認 · 承認 acknowledge
negative acknowledgment
反确认 · 負值通知
引文 · 引用 · 感謝 · 感谢 · 承認 · 承认 · 收讫 · 致謝 · 認可 · 认可 · 语录 · 赞誉 · 鸣谢
to acknowledge one's mistake
認錯 · 认错


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New Zealand acknowledged Cambodia’s progress in some areas, including in poverty reduction and landmines clearance.
新西兰承认柬埔寨在减贫与清除地雷等诸领域的进展。UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledging that increased use of new and renewable sources of energy could offer important options for the provision of both energy for sustainable development and increased access to modern energy services,
承认更多地使用新能源和可再生能源可以为提供可持续发展所需能源和进一步提供现代能源服务提供重要的备选办法,UN-2 UN-2
While acknowledging the progress already made, his Government emphasized the importance of accelerating gender mainstreaming and heightening the focus on the empowerment of women at the country level
冰岛政府承认已经取得的进展,但强调在国家一级加速社会性别主流化和更加重视赋予妇女权利的重要性。MultiUn MultiUn
In this regard, while recognizing that a diverse portfolio of energy sources will be needed to allow access to sustainable energy and electricity resources in all regions of the world, and that States parties may pursue different ways to achieve their energy security and climate protection goals, the Group of Non-Aligned States Parties to the Treaty once again acknowledges and reaffirms that each State party to the Treaty has the sovereign right to define its national energy policies including fuel-cycle policies, in accordance with its national requirements and its rights and obligations under the Treaty.
在这方面,条约不结盟缔约国集团认识到,需要实现能源多样化,以便在世界所有地区都能获得可持续能源和电力资源,缔约国可以采用不同的方式来实现自己的能源安全和气候保护目标,同时,本集团再次认识到并重申,每个缔约国都拥有依照国家的要求以及《条约》规定的权利和义务而制定自己的能源政策、包括燃料循环政策的主权权利。UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledge the efforts made by States parties in the implementation of the Organized Crime Convention and, as appropriate, the Protocols thereto and of the Convention against Corruption, which constitute valuable tools for confronting some aspects of the world drug problem, note with appreciation the increasing level of adherence to those conventions, and call on Member States that have not yet done so to consider ratifying or acceding to those conventions;
承认缔约国在执行《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其各项议定书和《联合国反腐败公约》方面作出的努力,它们构成对付某些方面的世界毒品问题的宝贵工具,赞赏地注意到遵守这些公约的程度日益提高,并呼吁尚未批准和加入的会员国考虑批准或加入这些公约;UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledging the role of biennial update reports and international consultation and analysis,
承认两年期更新报告以及国际磋商和分析的作用,UN-2 UN-2
I cite that example in order to acknowledge the work and leadership of the women's organizations that, with the support of the United Nations Development Fund for Women, participated in the post-conflict process and contributed to the recognition that persons who were sexually violated during the conflict and the children born as a result of such violations are entitled to compensation
我举这一例子,目的是承认妇女组织的工作和领导作用,这些组织在联合国妇女发展基金支持下,参与了冲突后进程,并帮助人们认识到,在冲突中遭到性侵犯的人和由于此种侵犯而出生的儿童有权得到补偿。MultiUn MultiUn
The importance of recognizing the diversity and multidimensional nature of existing practices is increasingly being acknowledged.
各方日益承认必须认识到现有做法的多样性和多维性。UN-2 UN-2
Based on the acknowledgement of the dignity, the integrity and the freedom of disabled people, the Portuguese Parliament approved in 2004, Law 38/2004, dated 18th August which sets the general framework of the prevention, habilitation, rehabilitation and participation of the people with disabilities.
根据对残疾人的尊严、忠诚和自由的承诺,葡萄牙议会于2004年批准了8月18日第38/2004号法律,设定了残疾人预防、增强自立能力、康复和参与的总体框架。UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledges that a new situation has emerged in Cyprus following the referenda on 24 April 2004, which necessitates a fresh and comprehensive assessment of the Cyprus issue.
认识到在2004年4月24日的全民投票举行后,塞浦路斯出现新的形势,需要对塞浦路斯问题作出新的全面评估。UN-2 UN-2
Recognizing the contribution of the International Criminal Court in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, calling upon States not to grant amnesties for such crimes and acknowledging the contribution of the international criminal tribunals and special courts in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,
确认国际刑事法院在制止最严重的对儿童犯罪(包括种族灭绝罪、危害人类罪和战争罪)不受惩罚方面所作的贡献,吁请各国对这类犯罪不得给予赦免,承认各国际刑事法庭和特别法院在制止最严重的对儿童犯罪(包括种族灭绝罪、危害人类罪和战争罪)不受惩罚方面所作的贡献,UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledging that the CPA has reached a critical stage, and stressing the need to complete all remaining implementation tasks under the CPA,
确认《全面和平协议》已处于关键阶段,强调所有尚未完成的《全面和平协议》执行工作都需完成,UN-2 UN-2
In this regard, I fully support your efforts to reach an interpalestinian consensus in the light of the demands of the international community for the resumption of direct talks with Israel on an internationally acknowledged basis.
在这方面,鉴于国际社会要求在国际公认的基础上恢复与以色列的直接对话,我完全支持你为达成巴勒斯坦内部共识所做的努力。UN-2 UN-2
My Government acknowledges the efforts which have been made so far by the principals of the Tribunals and their staff to facilitate completion, but we emphasize that it is vital that both Tribunals continue to do everything possible to minimize further delays in a manner consistent with delivering fair trials for all the accused, including by exploring and implementing further efficiency measures
我国政府感谢两法庭主要负责官员及其工作人员迄今对促进完成工作所作出的努力,但我们强调指出,至关重要的是,两法庭继续尽一切努力,以对所有被告进行公平审判的方式,包括通过探索和实施提高效率的进一步措施,尽量减少进一步的拖延。MultiUn MultiUn
We also acknowledge that reaching a new legally binding agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on further strategic arms reductions and limitations to replace the START Treaty expiring in December 2009 will be a vital contribution to this endeavour.
我们还认识到,俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国就进一步削减和限制战略武器达成新的有法律约束力的协定以取代于2009年12月期满的《削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》将是对这一努力作山的至关重耍的贡献。UN-2 UN-2
We now acknowledge that there is an overwhelming vote against any further steps
现在,我们承认,人们以压倒性投票反对进一步采取任何步骤。MultiUn MultiUn
It acknowledged the efforts made by the Government to advance the sustainable return of internally displaced persons and the ongoing reconstruction of their original homes.
承认海地政府为推动国内流离失所者的可持续回归以及正在进行的重建家园工作而做出的努力。UN-2 UN-2
There is a need to acknowledge women as a major group within the UNCCD in accordance, inter alia, with the mandates of the Convention and the Economic and Social Council (United Nations, ECOSOC), as well as practices emerging from the coordinated approach within the Rio conventions.
除其他外,需要根据《防治荒漠化公约》和经济及社会理事会(联合国,经社理事会)的任务授权,以及从里约三公约的协调一致办法中得出的做法,确认妇女是《防治荒漠化公约》范围内的一个重要群体。UN-2 UN-2
The Australian Government acknowledges this issue and supports the role of court-to-court agreements in responding to these issues
澳大利亚政府确认这一点,并支持法院对法院协议在应对这些问题方面的作用。MultiUn MultiUn
Further, while acknowledging the important role of media in combating religious intolerance, it emphasized the importance of working with media organizations to promote tolerance and understanding of religions, cultural diversity and multiculturalism.
此外,尽管承认媒体在遏制宗教不容忍中的重要作用,它也强调与媒体组织合作促进宗教容忍和理解、文化多样性和多文化主义的重要性。UN-2 UN-2
Acknowledging that, in many countries, indigenous and local communities have a distinctive relationship with marine and coastal environments, including coral reefs and related ecosystems, and in some cases ownership thereof, in accordance with national legislation, and that such peoples have an important role to play in the protection, management and preservation of those reefs and related ecosystems,
确认许多国家的土著和地方社区与海洋和沿海环境、包括与珊瑚礁和相关生态系统有着独特的关系,在有些情况下根据本国立法拥有对海洋和沿海环境的所有权,并确认土著人民可在保护、管理和养护这些珊瑚礁和相关生态系统方面发挥重要作用,UN-2 UN-2
While acknowledging the important work undertaken by the National Coordinating Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women to eradicate domestic violence and violence against women and by the Office for the Defence of Indigenous Women’s Rights to protect and promote the rights of indigenous women, as well as the key role of the Presidential Secretariat for Women as the highest national machinery for the advancement of women and the executive branch’s leading organ for the promotion of public policies for gender equity and equality, the Committee is concerned about weak coordination of the work of these different bodies and the possible overlap in their work.
委员会虽然确认,防止家庭暴力和暴力侵害妇女行为全国协调办公室为消除家庭暴力和暴力侵害妇女行为进行了重要工作,保护土著妇女权利办公室也为保护和促进土著妇女的权利进行了重要工作,而且总统妇女事务秘书处作为提高妇女地位的最高全国机制,并作为行政部门提倡通过公共政策促进两性公平与平等的牵头机构,发挥了关键作用,但是对这些不同机构在工作中的协调薄弱及其工作可能发生的重叠感到关切。UN-2 UN-2
Her Highness acknowledged the important role of the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family in focusing the world’s attention on the family.
殿下承认国际家庭年十周年在使全世界关注家庭问题方面的重要作用。UN-2 UN-2
It is widely acknowledged that the Commission would benefit from the participation, assistance and political support of key Member States.
该委员会将从各关键国家的参与、援助和政治支持中受益,这一点已得到普遍的承认UN-2 UN-2
Further acknowledging the findings of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and that delay in reducing emissions significantly constrains opportunities to achieve low stabilization levels and increase the rise of more severe climate change impacts
承认政府间气候变化专门委员会《第四次评估报告》的结论,即气候系统变暖是毋庸置疑的,而且,延迟减排将大大制约实现较低稳定水平的机会,并将增加产生更严重的气候变化影响的风险。MultiUn MultiUn
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