assault gun oor Sjinees

assault gun

any of the automatic rifles or semiautomatic rifles with large magazines designed for military use

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Against this the German army could field 200 000 men and 237 tanks and assault guns.
當面的德軍則有200,000人、237輛坦克與走砲。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In addition to towed howitzers, Plant No. 9 produced M-30S barrels for arming SU-122 assault guns.
除了牵引火炮以外,第9兵工厂还生产了一批供SU-122自行火炮使用的M-30S炮管。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Lieutenant Talvitie, please explain what an assault gun is.
特尔 维特 中尉 请 解释 突击 炮是 怎么回事OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
LAV-AG (Assault Gun)
带有大炮型装甲车UN-2 UN-2
Finland converted 18 captured tanks into BT-42 assault guns.
芬兰将缴获的18辆坦克改装成了BT-42突击炮。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To overcome these obstacles, the Stavka assigned 11 divisions and 9 tank and assault gun regiments to the Leningrad Front.
為了克服這些障礙,蘇聯最高統帥部配屬11個師和9個坦克和突擊炮團給列寧格勒方面軍。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Italians equipped at least one company in each tank battalion with more heavily armed Semovente 75/18 assault guns.
義軍而後在每個坦克營裝備了至少一個連的較重型的75/18突擊砲LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
At this stage, the Soviet forces included at least one armored brigade, two armored breakthrough regiments, and four assault gun regiments.
在這個階段,蘇聯軍隊中包括至少1個裝甲旅、2個裝甲突破團和4個裝甲衝鋒槍團。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
For the most part, these soldiers were inexperienced and untrained, and were only supported by a handful of tanks and assault guns.
這些士兵大多數沒有經驗和未受過訓練,並只有少數的坦克和突擊炮支援。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
According to a German report from 1943, even a Tiger was once heavily damaged by SU-122 assault guns firing high-explosive shells.
根据一份1943年的德国报告,曾有一辆虎式坦克被SU-122发射的高爆弹重创。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When mounted on a casemate-armored assault gun-designated vehicle (Sturmpanzer) instead of a turreted tank, the weapon was called Sturmkanone 40 (StuK 40).
若非安裝在有塔的戰車上,而是裝在突擊炮上時,則稱為 StuK 40 (Sturmkanone 40)。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Approximately 2,300 tanks and assault guns were committed to the battle, of which only 100 to 120 crossed the Seine at the end of the campaign.
近2,300架坦克及突击炮投入战斗,但在战役收尾阶段仅有100至120架撤回塞纳河。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The most common tank/assault gun deployed at Normandy by the Germans was by far the Panzer IV, followed by the Panther (650) and Stug III (550).
德军在诺曼底部署最多的坦克/突击炮为四号坦克,其次为黑豹坦克(650辆)及三号突击炮(550辆)。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A few days later the battalion-sized 303 Assault Gun Brigade and the 122nd Division Greif also arrived; but after that the Germans offered only supplies, the most important of which were Panzerfaust anti-tank weapons.
幾天後第303突擊砲營及“古瑞夫”的第122師(英语:122nd Infantry Division (Wehrmacht))亦抵達,接著德國的支援便僅限於武器方面,其中一種反坦克武器Panzerfaust發揮了重要的作用。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
That meant that there were 19 divisions, 2 division strength fortified regions, 2 tank brigades, 14 tank and assault gun regiments at the Isthmus, all of which included over 220 artillery and rocket launcher batteries (almost 3,000 guns/launchers).
這意味著在地峽有19個師、等同2個師兵力的要塞區域、2個坦克旅、14個坦克和突擊炮團,所有部隊,包括超過220個炮兵和火箭發射連(近3,000門火炮/發射器)。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They include, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns;
这些武器除其他外,包括左轮手枪和自动手枪、步枪和卡宾枪、冲锋枪、突击步枪和轻机枪。UN-2 UN-2
They include, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns
这些武器除其他外,包括左轮手枪和自动手枪、步枪和卡宾枪、冲锋枪、突击步枪和轻机枪。MultiUn MultiUn
They include, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns;
这些武器除其他外,包括左轮手枪和自动手枪、步枪和卡宾枪、冲锋枪、突击步枪和轻机枪;UN-2 UN-2
With Finnish army reinforcements, there were 268,000 Finnish army troops with 2,350 guns, 110 tanks/assault guns and 250 planes facing the two Red Army Fronts; 40% of the men and guns, and all the tanks were on the Isthmus.
芬蘭軍隊在增援下,芬蘭共有268,000人的部隊、2,350部隊大、110輛坦克/突擊炮和250架飛機面對紅軍的2個方面軍;40%的士兵和火炮及所有的坦克集中在地峽。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Gender-based violence also includes specific types of violence against men and boys, including bullying, fighting, and assault and gun crime.
基于性别的暴力还包括针对男性和男童的特定暴力类型,包括欺凌、殴打袭击枪支暴力。UN-2 UN-2
The category of small arms includes revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns.
小武器类包括左轮手枪和自动手枪;步枪和卡宾枪;冲锋枪;突击步枪和轻机枪。UN-2 UN-2
The category of small arms includes revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns
小武器类包括左轮手枪和自动手枪;步枪和卡宾枪;冲锋枪;突击步枪和轻机枪。MultiUn MultiUn
Between 19 and 25 September 1944, during the Battle of Arnhem, Major Robert Henry Cain used a PIAT to disable an assault gun that was advancing on his company position, and to force another three German Panzer IV tanks to retreat during a later assault.
1944年9月19日至25日,羅拔·凱恩(英语:Robert Henry Cain)於阿納姆戰役中用PIAT阻止一輛虎式坦克推進至他所屬的連部,並於之後的突擊中迫使另外三架德國四號坦克撤退。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While the 76 mm had less High Explosive (HE) and smoke performance than the 75 mm, the higher-velocity 76 mm gave better anti-tank performance, with firepower similar to many of the armored fighting vehicles it encountered, particularly the Panzer IV tank and StuG assault gun vehicles.
雖然76毫米炮的高爆彈(HE)和煙霧彈性能反而比75毫米炮差劣,但76毫米的高初速提供了更優良的反坦克性能,其火力類似於它所面對的眾多裝甲戰鬥車輛,特別是四號坦克和StuG(英语:Sturmgeschütz)突擊砲車。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
No change to the notification (information) procedure for transfers of small arms (firearms, revolvers and automatic pistols, rifles and carbines, machine guns, assault rifles, light machine guns and the like).
不修改小武器(火器、左轮和自动手枪、步枪和气枪、机枪、攻击步枪、轻机枪等)转让的通知(信息)程序。UN-2 UN-2
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