banana tree oor Sjinees

banana tree

The tropical treelike plant which bears clusters of bananas. The plant, of the genus Musa, has large, elongated leaves.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

香蕉;芭蕉 [b = 香蕉]

elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh
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The tropical treelike plant which bears clusters of bananas. The plant, of the genus Musa, has large, elongated leaves.
After about an hour the soldiers marched her along to a spot near a banana tree.


The tropical treelike plant which bears clusters of bananas. The plant, of the genus Musa, has large, elongated leaves.
After about an hour the soldiers marched her along to a spot near a banana tree.

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Films featuring ghost stories, mythology and blood rituals include Ghost Banana Tree and The Kantong Kiev Witch.
幽靈故事,神話和血腥儀式的電影,包括鬼蕉樹和The Kantong Kiev Witch(英语:The Kantong Kiev Witch)。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One plantation lost 500 banana trees, and there was also damage to corn, coffee, and yams.
其中一个种植园失去了500棵香蕉树,玉米、咖啡和山药也出现损失。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
After about an hour the soldiers marched her along to a spot near a banana tree.
大约一个小时后,这些士兵押着她走到靠近一棵香蕉树的地方。UN-2 UN-2
The only impact in Cuba was downed banana trees.
古巴所受影响基本局限于香蕉树倒塌。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agricultural damage included about 250,000 downed banana trees and 400 drowned cattle.
该国农业损失惨重,约有25万株香蕉树倒塌,400头牛溺毙。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vegetation in forested areas thrives next to banana trees in the Comoros and cacao trees in Cameroon
林区植被在科摩罗的香蕉树旁和在喀麦隆的可可树旁茂盛地生长。MultiUn MultiUn
Vegetation in forested areas thrives next to banana trees in the Comoros and cacao trees in Cameroon.
林区植被在科摩罗的香蕉树旁和在喀麦隆的可可树旁茂盛地生长。UN-2 UN-2
High winds downed about 200,000 banana trees, while flooding in the western portion of the island affected roads and railways.
狂风将约20万棵香蕉树刮倒,该岛西部发生洪灾,公路和铁路受到影响。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If we cut down the trees that shade and protect our food — the banana trees, the cocoa trees — we will starve.
如果我们砍掉为我们的粮食遮阳而起保护作用的树木——香蕉树、椰子树——我们将挨饿。UN-2 UN-2
If we cut down the trees that shade and protect our food- the banana trees, the cocoa trees- we will starve
如果我们砍掉为我们的粮食遮阳而起保护作用的树木--香蕉树、椰子树--我们将挨饿。MultiUn MultiUn
In 1736 George Clifford became famous for growing the first indoor banana tree, and for this reason Carl Linnaeus was eager to work with him.
1736年,乔治·克利福德(George Clifford)因为培植了第一株室内香蕉树变得出名了,由此原因故林奈渴望同其合作。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
If there was already a banana tree growing close by, all of the banana tree's leaves touching or near the house would be cut off for safety.
如果已經有一棵香蕉樹在附近生長,所有接觸或靠近房子的香蕉樹的葉子都會被切斷以確保安全。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Israel has bulldozed all farmland on the border strip, which is # kilometres long, and has cut down tens of thousands of citrus and banana trees, thus destroying the economic livelihood of the residents
以色列用推土机推平了边界沿线 # 公里所有农田,推倒了上万颗柑橘香蕉树,使当地居民生活无着落。MultiUn MultiUn
Israel has bulldozed all farmland on the border strip, which is 100 kilometres long, and has cut down tens of thousands of citrus and banana trees, thus destroying the economic livelihood of the residents.
以色列用推土机推平了边界沿线100公里所有农田,推倒了上万颗柑橘香蕉树,使当地居民生活无着落。UN-2 UN-2
But we discovered that if you plant banana trees, papaya trees on the periphery of these leach pits, they grow very well because they suck up all the nutrients and you get very tasty bananas, papayas.
我们发现如果在这些过滤池附近 种植香蕉树和木瓜, 他们会生长得非常好, 因为他们能吸取所有养分, 然后就能收获非常可口的香蕉和木瓜。ted2019 ted2019
A folk belief, which many Khmer still follow, stems from this legend, forbidding people from planting banana trees next to their houses as a ghost spirit could enter the house by climbing in on a banana leaf.
許多高棉人仍然遵循源自這個傳說的民間信仰,禁止在他們的房子旁邊種植香蕉樹,因為鬼魂可以通過爬上香蕉葉進入房子。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
One of them is the arbor loo ecological type of sanitation introduced in different countries, including Malawi, which aims to compost faeces directly in a pit and to subsequently grow a fruit tree — normally a banana tree in Malawi — on this very fertile soil.
其中一个是在马拉维等不同国家推行的“植树厕所”生态型环卫系统,其目的是将粪便直接放在地洞中堆肥,随后在这块非常肥沃的土上种上一棵果树——在马拉维通常是种一棵香蕉树UN-2 UN-2
Disturbed by the devastation to the agricultural sectors of Haiti, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in particular to the banana, tree crop and vegetable sectors and to livestock, caused by Hurricane Tomas, the short-term impact of the hurricane on the livelihoods of farmers and the medium-term impact on national economies resulting from the loss of revenue from agricultural exports,
不安地看到托马斯飓风对海地、圣卢西亚和圣文森特和格林的农业部门,特别是香蕉、木本植物、蔬菜部门和牲畜造成毁坏;飓风对农民的生计产生短期影响;农业出口收入损失,对国民经济产生中期影响,UN-2 UN-2
The storm destroyed large swaths of banana and plantain trees, and all vessels in Havana Harbor dragged anchors at the height of the hurricane.
风暴摧毁了大片香蕉和大蕉,哈瓦那港的所有船只都在飓风来袭期间拖锚。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Driving up the road from Cebu City to the northern tip of the island, the intensity of Typhoon Haiyan is immediately apparent: trees, including the usually wind-resistant coconut trees, and electric poles lie on the ground; debris from roofs and other remains of buildings are piled up along the roadsides; electricity and water supplies are not functioning and food is scarce because the typhoon damaged fishing boats and destroyed all crops such as banana trees, corn fields and vegetable gardens.
驱车从宿务市的道路来到该岛的北端,台风海燕的威力立刻展现在眼前:包括通常情况下可以抗风的椰子树等树木和电线杆倒在地上;道路两边堆放着屋顶废墟和其它建筑物残留;电力供应和饮用水供应不能正常运转,由于台风使渔船遭受破坏,并且毁坏了诸如香蕉树、玉米地和菜园等所有农作物,因此存在食品短缺情况。WHO WHO
It seems that everywhere you look, you see palm trees, banana plants, and sugarcane as well as coffee plantations and many kinds of exotic plants, bushes, and flowers.
放眼尽是棕榈树树和甘蔗,还有咖啡植物以及千姿百态的植物、灌木和花儿。jw2019 jw2019
Some 38,000 dunums of cultivated land had been destroyed and more than 1 million fruit trees (including olive, palm, citrus, peach, apricot, banana, almond and other trees) had reportedly been uprooted and destroyed.
据报道,有38 000德南的耕地被破坏,100多万果树(包括橄榄树、棕榈、柑橘属果树、桃树、杏树、香蕉、杏仁和其他树木)被连根拔起破坏掉。UN-2 UN-2
The rainfall caused some damage to banana crops, uprooted several trees, and left some roads impassable, but was largely beneficial in alleviating drought conditions.
降雨还对香蕉作物造成一定程度破坏,许多树木被连根拔起,部分道路无法通行,但也很大程度上缓解了当地旱情。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Eight structures now stand within the Society’s 4.6-acre (1.9-ha) compound, which is landscaped with banana, mango, fig, and papaya trees, along with many flowering plants and shrubs.
现今有八座建筑物矗立在分社占地4.6英亩(1.9顷)的物业内,园中各处植有香蕉树、芒果树、无花果树及木瓜树,连同许多开花的植物和灌木丛。jw2019 jw2019
Banana plants may grow there, and you might see such trees as breadfruit, avocado, guava, or mango.
说不定你还可以看见香蕉树、面包果树、鳄梨树、番石榴树、或芒果树。jw2019 jw2019
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