believability oor Sjinees


The state or quality of being believable.

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We believe that this approach enhanced the credibility of the mandate and the resulting report.


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to believe (in sth)
He never believed those contemptible rumours. 他从未信过那些可鄙的谣言。
卑鄙,劣的;卑劣;卑鄙的;可鄙的-Despicable · 可轻蔑的;可鄙的;卑劣的-contemptible
In central Mexico, the Aztecs believed that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cocoa tree, and that it had nourishing, fortifying, and even aphrodisiac qualities.
to believe oneself to be
to believe something to be true
to believe rumors
believe in the masses
The arrant fool believes everything he is told.
完全的 arrant


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We also strongly believe that our position will be reconfirmed
我们也深信,我们的地位将得到再次确认。MultiUn MultiUn
Indeed, we believe that non-military measures must be developed to supplement activities and initiatives undertaken to help build confidence among States
的确,我们认为必须制订非军事措施,以补充为帮助各国建立信任而开展的活动和提出的倡议。MultiUn MultiUn
But I believe that, since paragraph 4 states that the Disarmament Commission did not hold any substantive meetings in 2005, perhaps in paragraph 7 we could shorten the wording proposed by our colleague from the United Kingdom, so that the paragraph would begin:
但我认为,既然第4段指出裁军审议委员会在2005年没有举行任何实质性会议,我们或许可以在第7段中缩短联合王国同事建议的措辞,因此该段这样开始:UN-2 UN-2
The number of children in care institutions had decreased dramatically in recent years because the Government believed that the best way to solve the problem was to protect the child within the family through a range of services.
近年来,由于政府认为解决这一难题的最好办法是通过提供多项服务在家庭内部保护儿童,因此护理机构中的儿童数量大幅降低。UN-2 UN-2
“Although [the deceptive talker] makes his voice gracious,” the Bible warns, “do not believe in him.” —Proverbs 26:24, 25.
圣经告诫说:“他[骗子]装成声音和蔼, 你却不要相信。”——箴言26:24,25。jw2019 jw2019
The Government believes that NGOs play an important role in national life and their contribution to national development is very much recognized
政府认为,非政府组织在国家生活中发挥了重要作用,他们对国家发展的作用是有目共睹的。MultiUn MultiUn
Look... whether you believe it or not, Krueger is back.
聽著 不信 你 克魯格 回來 了OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Finally, we strongly believe that an international order of justice and equity must redress the distortions in the world economy, reduce the harmful effects of speculative financial flows and act more decisively against the social and regional imbalances throughout the world
“最后,我们强烈认为,国际正义与平等秩序必须纠正世界经济中的扭曲,缩小投机性金融流通的有害影响,更果断地对全世界的社会和地区不平衡采取行动。MultiUn MultiUn
In its submission of 5 July 2001, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland indicated that it believed that the Agreement played an important role in the effective management of international fisheries.
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王在其2001年7月5日提交的资料中表示,它认为协定对国际渔业的有效管理发挥了重要作用。UN-2 UN-2
We believe that as the ICTR completes its work, the United Nations and the international community should bequeath to Rwanda a genocide prevention and education centre not only to serve the memory of the genocide's # million victims, but also to act as a centre for research and for understanding the lessons learned from the Rwanda genocide and as a centre to promote justice, reconciliation and human rights
我们认为,随着卢旺达问题国际法庭完成工作,联合国和国际社会应当给卢旺达留下一个灭绝种族罪预防和教育中心,这不仅可以纪念遭受灭绝种族的 # 万受害者,也可以作为一个研究中心和了解卢旺达灭绝种族现象的教训的中心,以及一个促进正义、和解与人权的中心。MultiUn MultiUn
We believe that one of the great benefits of the Peacebuilding Commission is the establishment of direct dialogue with national Governments, thus ensuring their leading roles in and responsibility for the peacebuilding process.
我们认为,建设和平委员会带来的一大好处是与国家政府建立直接对话,从而确保它们在建设和平进程中发挥主要作用,并对这一进程负责。UN-2 UN-2
Samoa believes most strongly in the need for and the purposes of the International Criminal Court, and will continue to play its part in the development of the Court
萨摩坚信国际刑事法院的必要性和目的,并将继续在建立该法庭方面发挥其作用。MultiUn MultiUn
However, my delegation continues to believe that this question warrants an appreciation of its complexity
然而,我国代表团仍然认为,对这一问题,需要考虑到它的复杂性。MultiUn MultiUn
We note that some countries, including Japan, have consistently committed substantial resources towards the maintenance of global peace and security, and we believe that they should be accorded permanent membership on the Security Council
我们注意到,包括日本在内的一些国家一贯为维持全球和平与安全投入大量资源,我们认为,它们应该成为安全理事会常任理事国。MultiUn MultiUn
We believe that Israel must take full responsibility for this heinous act and take remedial measures.
我们认为,以色列必须对这一罪恶行径承担全部责任并采取补救措施。UN-2 UN-2
At the same time, we also believe that on issues of such deep ethical and moral sensitivity, real progress can only be achieved through consensus
与此同时,我们还认为对于具有如此深刻的伦理和道义敏感性的问题,可以通过协商一致取得切实的进展。MultiUn MultiUn
We believe, therefore, that the presence of all these stakeholders augurs well for the creation of a durable, stable Government.
因此,我们相信所有这些利益攸关者的与会对于创建一个持久稳定的政府是个吉兆。UN-2 UN-2
Believing that human rights education constitutes an important vehicle for the elimination of gender-based discrimination and for ensuring equal opportunities through the promotion and protection of the human rights of women,
相信人权教育是消除性别歧视和通过提倡和保护妇女的人权来确保机会平等的重要手段,UN-2 UN-2
We believe this is the appropriate approach to resolving all the aspects mentioned in the mission’s report with the requisite calm and the greatest chances for success.
我们认为这是一种适当的办法,用以解决代表团报告中提及的所有方面,同时获得所需的平静和最大的成功机会。UN-2 UN-2
In southern Israel, communities that believed Israel's disengagement from Gaza would bring security face daily rocket attacks, while Israelis generally continue to believe that they must primarily rely on Israeli security measures for their safety
在以色列南部,曾以为以色列脱离与加沙的接触会带来安全的居民每天面临火箭弹袭击,而以色列人普遍认为,他们必须主要依靠以色列的安全措施来保证安全。MultiUn MultiUn
Senegal has always believed that recovery on the continent, and particularly economic recovery, will remain elusive so long as intra- and inter-State conflicts and tensions and their tragic human consequences persist.
塞内加尔始终认为,只要国家内和国家间冲突和紧张以及它们所造成的悲惨的人的后果继续存在,非洲大陆的恢复,特别是经济恢复仍将难以实现。UN-2 UN-2
• Preservation of the assets connected with unlawful activity, not with a view to keeping them from their owner, but rather with a view to maintaining them in a state that protects them from damage, disappearance or destruction if it is believed that they might be useful to the investigation provided for in article # of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedure
• 保存与非法活动有关的资产,目的不是禁止物主使用,而是在认为这些资产对根据《联邦刑事程序法》第 # 条进行的调查有帮助时,维持资产状况,使其免于损坏、消失或毁坏MultiUn MultiUn
Ms. Girtel (Canada), speaking on behalf of the CANZ group of countries (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), said that while those delegations favoured a public information campaign to publicize the summit, they believed that it should be funded from existing resources after a review of the priorities of the Department of Public Information
irtel女士(加拿大)在代表加澳新集团国家(加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰)发言时指出,尽管这些代表团赞成为宣传该首脑会议进行一场新闻运动,他们认为应当在审查新闻部优先顺序之后从现有资源资助该运动。MultiUn MultiUn
We also believe that it is equally important for the international community to provide the necessary support to neighbouring countries weakened by the serious effects of conflict on their borders
我们也认为,同等重要的是,国际社会应对那些因其边境上冲突的严重影响而受到削弱的邻国提供必要支助。MultiUn MultiUn
"Do You Believe In Miracles?".
在片頭中出現的命運羅盤的招牌寫說「Do You Believe In Fortunes?LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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