concept oor Sjinees


/ˈkɒn.sɛpt/, /ˈkɑːn.ˌsɛpt/ naamwoord
An understanding retained in the mind, from experience, reasoning and/or imagination; a generalization (generic, basic form), or abstraction (mental impression), of a particular set of instances or occurrences (specific, though different, recorded manifestations of the concept).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


something understood and retained in the mind
By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
藉由讀書和討論概念, 一個人能獲得智慧並包容不同的想法。


something understood and retained in the mind
In this way we further clarify an important element of the Christian concept of hope.


something understood and retained in the mind
Combating stereotyped conceptions regarding the role of the sexes within the educational process, especially in primary education
C. 在教育过程中,特别是在初级教育中消除对男女角色的陈规定型观念

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构思 · 理念 · 发明 · 思想 · 社會向上流動的概念一直是美國人生活的一個持久特徵The concept of upward social mobility has been an enduring feature of American life · 观 · 意思 · 見識 ·

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concept of integrated mission task forces
发明 · 受孕 · 受精 · 受胎 · 妊娠 · 开始 · 怀孕 · 思考 · 想像力 · 想法 · 懷孕 · 构思 · 构想 · 概念 · 概念;開端 conception,idea;beginning , n. · 構思 · 構想 · 立意 · 觀 · 觀念 · 观念 · 认识 · 设想 · 设计
open skies concept
conception rate
Concepts and methods of environment statistics: human settlements statistics - A technical report
Strategic Concept
concept of operations
作战构想 · 总体作战构想
Feast of the Immaculate Conception


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For social theorists in the tradition of Max Weber, such as Jürgen Habermas and Max Horkheimer, the concept of scientism relates significantly to the philosophy of positivism, but also to the cultural rationalization for modern Western civilization.
对于有着马克斯·韦伯传统的社会学家来说,如尤尔根·哈贝马斯,科学主义的观念不仅与实证主义哲学密切相关,并且也与现代西方文化中的“合理化”密切相关。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Issues identified by States and international organizations regarding the application of the concept of the “launching State”
三、各国和国际组织确定的有关应用“发射国”概念的问题MultiUn MultiUn
Did he reveal the different religious concepts that divide the world?
使世界四分五裂的各种宗教观念是他向人显示的吗?jw2019 jw2019
However, despite the agreement in principle by Member States on the concept of making necessary changes and reform, the Working Group has not reached agreement on the substance of the changes that should be made, despite the fact that # years have already elapsed
然而,尽管会员国原则上同意进行必要变化和改革的概念,哪怕 # 年已一晃而过,但是,工作组尚未就应采取变革的实质性内容达成一致。MultiUn MultiUn
In lectures, articles, and a preface to an internationally distributed booklet on Human Rights published by the Frankfurt Book Fair, the organisation supported the concept of realising and protecting Human Rights as an obligation of the global society.
在各种讲座、文章以及法兰克福书市推出的国际人权手册序言中,都将实现和保护人权视为国际社会的义务,国际医疗组织支持这种理念UN-2 UN-2
Also requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to initiate a work programme to develop and recommend modalities and procedures for applying the concept of additionality, with a view to forwarding a draft decision on this matter to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for adoption at its ninth session;
并请附属科学技术咨询机构启动一项工作方案,据以拟订并作为建议提出关于运用额外性概念的模式和程序,以期就此事项向作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议转交一项决定草案,供其在第九届会议上通过;UN-2 UN-2
To advance the project after the numerous setbacks described above, it was decided to use the design concept already prepared but to contract another architectural firm to complete the design and construction phases
在经历了上述种种挫折后,为了推动该项目,决定使用已经拟订的设计构想,但与另一个建筑公司签订合同,以完成设计和施工阶段。MultiUn MultiUn
Paraguay’s Constitution enshrined the right to life, beginning at conception, and she hoped that it would soon be possible to adopt an effective international instrument protecting that right.
巴拉圭宪法》庄严载入自生命之初就享有的生命权利,希望尽快通过切实有效的国际文书来保护这项权利。UN-2 UN-2
c) HIP Health Plan for New York is a health maintenance organization (HMO), and follows the concept of total prepaid group practice hospital and medical care
纽约医保计划,是一家健康维护组织,采用全面预付团体协作医院和医疗保健概念MultiUn MultiUn
The Advisory Committee was informed that the proposed drawdown would not have a significant impact on the support structure and concept of operations of the Mission.
行预咨委会获悉,拟议削减不会对特派团的支助结构和行动构想产生重大影响。UN-2 UN-2
Chapter 1 will introduce relevant concepts and a short overview of the state of the art of various knowledge systems and the various production systems used across the globe.
第一章将介绍相关概念,并简要概述不同知识体系以及全球各地应用的不同生产系统的最新状况。UN-2 UN-2
In May 1998, that international project had been praised by the G-8 Summit at Birmingham, which had noted that the results of the technical studies confirmed the validity of hopes that the physical objectives could be achieved, and demonstrated the technical viability of the concept as a whole.
1998年5月,在伯明翰举行的8国首脑会议赞扬了这一国际项目,并指出,技术研究结果证实了实际目标可以实现,说明整个概念在技术上完全可行。UN-2 UN-2
The emergence of the earliest education systems, committed to training industrial and commercial labour, gave rise to worldwide schooling models and concepts that focused on the eradication of differences among students and the idea of creating standardized consumers and workers
最早的教育体制的坚定目标就是要训练培养工业和商业方面的劳工,这一体制的出现导致了注重消除学生间差异,注重培养标准的消费者和工人想法的那些世界性学校教育模式和理念MultiUn MultiUn
For it to succeed and become an integral part of the policymaking and service-delivery process, the Government would continue to promote better understanding and awareness of the concept in the community
为了实现这一目标并使之成为制定政策和提供服务的构成部分,香港政府将继续在社会上进行宣传社会性别平等主流化,促进公众更好理解并提高他们的意识。MultiUn MultiUn
Parties should adhere to a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable concept of security and seek and promote security through cooperation.
联合国和非盟合作应本着共同安全理念,加强战略谋划,在预防冲突、解决地区热点、维护和平、建设和平等领域开展全面合作,实现合作共赢和共同安全。UN-2 UN-2
The fourth mode concept provided that any change in political status on the basis of the freely expressed will of the people constituted implementation of one form or another of that people's right to self-determination
按照第四种方式的概念,根据人民自由表达的意志来改变政治地位,将构成人民自决权的一种实现。MultiUn MultiUn
Arising out of the concepts of non-discrimination and equality, international human rights law has a preoccupation with vulnerability and disadvantage.
根据不歧视和平等的概念,国际人权法非常注重脆弱和弱势群体。UN-2 UN-2
The review is to determine how this programme can be adapted to support the OAU, as it develops the structural concept of the new African Union and seeks to establish the new institutions that this may call for.
审查的目标是确定在非统组织发展新非洲联盟的结构概念时,以及在它谋求建立为此目的所需要的新机构时,如何能够使这个方案适合于为非统组织提供支持。UN-2 UN-2
The Covenant does not contain any definition of the concepts covered by article 7, nor does the Committee consider it necessary to draw up a list of prohibited acts or to establish sharp distinctions between the different kinds of punishment or treatment; the distinctions depend on the nature, purpose and severity of the treatment applied.
《公约》并未界定第7条所涉的各种概念。 委员会认为不必逐一列出违禁行为,亦不必明确区分不同种类的待遇或处罚;这些区域视实际待遇的性质。 目的和严厉程度而定。UN-2 UN-2
Through an in-depth analysis of the individual beliefs and theories that form the foundation of each system, we trace the origins of the concepts that were synthesized into the Uyghur, Tibetan, and Mongolian medical systems.
方法:我们通过深度分析形成各个体系之基础的各种信念与理论,追踪了融入维吾尔族、藏族和蒙古族医疗体系的概念之根源。pmc pmc
A written explanation will be provided to the United Kingdom in order to clarify the concept of “paramilitary groups”, as Colombia deems the term not applicable in the current situation, after the demobilisation of the self-defense / paramilitary groups.
将向联合王国提供一项书面解释,以便澄清“准军事集团”的概念,因为哥伦比亚认为在自卫/准军事集团解除武装之后,这一用语不再适用于目前的状况。UN-2 UN-2
The parallel problems of defining what constituted equitable geographical distribution of the Secretariat and establishing a yardstick for measuring progress towards that end were first addressed in 1948 through the introduction in the Secretary-General’s bulletin No. 77 of the concept of “desirable ranges” for Member States, in response to General Assembly resolution 153 (II).
1948年,应大会第153(II)号决议的要求,在秘书长第77号公报中介绍了会员国“适当幅度“的概念,这首次讨论了关于确定何者构成秘书处的公平地域分配问题,以及如何设定标尺衡量这方面取得的进展的对等问题。UN-2 UN-2
It was noted that the concept of clear and adequate notice to the parties required more precise definition (A/CN.9/721, para. 57) and it was proposed to modify the draft article to read as follows: “Where the parties have agreed to submit to dispute resolution under these Rules as one of the terms of the online dispute resolution or before the dispute arises, the Rules apply only if the [buyer] [party] was given clear and adequate notice of the agreement to arbitrate.
指出需要更准确地界定当事人得到明确和适当通知的概念(A/CN.9/721,第57段),建议将本条草案修改如下:“作为网上争议解决的条款之一或者在争议产生前,当事人约定根据本《规则》解决争议的,仅在[买方][当事人]得到关于仲裁协议的明确和适当通知的情况下,适用本《规则》。UN-2 UN-2
The content of the concepts mentioned in paragraph 2 of this resolution;
本决议第2段所述概念的内容;UN-2 UN-2
However, should the Committee wish to establish a universal rule, it would be preferable to opt for receipt of notice, which would also be more consistent with the concept of good faith.
不过如果委员会希望拟定一条普遍的规则,那么就应选择接收通知的提法,因为这种做法也更加符合善意的概念UN-2 UN-2
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