crucifix oor Sjinees


A wooden cross used for crucifixions, as by the Romans.

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How big of a crucifix do you want?
你 想要 个 多 大 的 十字架 ?


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and swastikas were created out of crucifixes,


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cross with an image or artwork of Jesus on it

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crucifix 十字架
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The public nature of the punishments, including the display of persons on crucifixes, constitutes cruel and degrading treatment.
惩罚的公开性,包括将人绑在十字架上示众,构成残忍和有辱人格的待遇。UN-2 UN-2
All crucifixes show the wounds of Christ on the cross, but this has extra wounds, bullet holes, great gashes in Christ's body.
所有 的 受难 像 上 都 有 耶稣 在 十字架 上 的 伤口 , 但 这个 有 额外 的 伤口 ,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Canada noted that France prohibits wearing the veil, be it religious or not, in its public schools while tolerating wearing crucifixes
加拿大注意到法国禁止在公共学校中佩戴头巾――无论是否宗教性的,但允许佩戴十字架MultiUn MultiUn
I cut myself on my crucifix.
被 我 的 十字架 刮伤 了 而已OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the south, the 1st Infantry Division began its offensive on 8 October, aiming to capture the town of Verlautenheide and Hill 231 (dubbed "Crucifix Hill") near the town of Ravelsberg.
在南部,第1步兵師的進攻開始於10月8日,目的是攻佔費勞滕海德鎮和在拉雲斯具附近的231號山(代號為“十字架山”)。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was a crucifix and a picture of Saint Jude in his pocket.
他 口袋 里 有 十字架 及 圣 犹大 的 照片OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cover the crucifix!
而 皮特 從 墳 墓裡 跳出 來 , 把 石門 推向 獵人OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She immediately cleaned our home of its crucifix and idols of Joseph, Mary and other “saints.”
她立即把家里的十字架、还有约瑟、马利亚和其他“圣人”的偶像全部丢掉。jw2019 jw2019
She was the subject of Cohen's 1967 track "So Long, Marianne", in which he sang that she "held on to me like I was a crucifix as we went kneeling through the dark".
她是科恩1967年作品“So Long Marianne”的主角,在这首歌中,他唱到她“抱着我就像抱着受难的耶稣,我们在黑暗中以膝前行”。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In the Russian Orthodox Church, both crucifixes and crosses are usually made with three bars: the top one, representing the titulus (the inscription that Pontius Pilate wrote and was nailed above Jesus' head); the longer crossbar on which Jesus' hands were nailed; and a slanted bar at the bottom representing the footrest to which Jesus' feet were nailed.
在俄羅斯正教會,他們的十字苦像共有三條橫枝,最上的一條是十字架的題字「拿撒勒人耶穌,猶太人的王」(由本丟·彼拉多所寫,後釘在耶穌頂上邊);中間的一條最長,釘住耶穌的雙手;最下方傾斜的橫枝為踏板,釘住耶穌的腳掌。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
How big of a crucifix do you want?
你 想要 个 多 大 的 十字架 ?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Uruguay a door-to-door salesman who was selling necklaces with crucifixes came to the home of a Witness.
在乌拉圭,一个挨门挨户推销十字架项链的人来到一个耶和华见证人的家。jw2019 jw2019
The ACLU also won cases challenging schools in New Mexico which were taught by clergy and had crucifixes hanging in the classrooms.
ACLU也赢得了挑战在新墨西哥州的由神职人员任教的并在教室里悬挂十字架的学校。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
and fix that crucifix, would you?
把 那 十字架 摆正 好 吗OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Holy water, crucifixes and idle threats get so... dull.
聖水 、 十字架 、 無所 事事 , 變得 如此... ... 枯燥 無味 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Interest in religion across China has surged in recent years, prompting authorities – who fear it as a vehicle through which opposition to the Communist Party could be organized – to install surveillance cameras in mosques in Xinjiang, aggressively limit participation in the world’s largest Tibetan Buddhist educational institution, and to use blowtorches to remove crucifixes from churches across Zhejiang province.
With a crucifix no less.
十字架 不会 少 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
According to the Court ruling: "the presence of the crucifix—which it was impossible not to notice in the classrooms - could easily be interpreted by pupils of all ages as a religious sign and they would feel that they were being educated in a school environment bearing the stamp of a given religion."
根據法院的判決:「耶穌受難像的存在-且其若懸掛於教室中,不可能不被注意到-將可能被所有年齡層的學生輕易的解讀成一種宗教像徵,且他們將感到處於附有某一種宗教印記的環境下受教育。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
You know who stole the crucifix.
浮宫 的 事OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
he State party also notes that new circumstances regarding this incident, and not mentioned previously to the Swedish authorities, were submitted to the Committee, including the contention that the knife hit the guard's body rather than his face, that his girlfriend was with him at the time of the incident and that it was she and not the complainant who was wearing the crucifix
缔约国还注意到,他向委员会提出了此前未向瑞典当局提出的事件新情况,包括有关他用匕首捅了卫兵的身体,不是卫兵的脸;在事件发生期间他与其女友在一起,以及是他的女友,而不是他本人带着十字架MultiUn MultiUn
2 In Catholic countries, you will see people praying in churches and cathedrals while holding a crucifix or a rosary.
2 在天主教国家,你会看见许多人拿着十字架或念珠在教堂和圣堂里祷告。jw2019 jw2019
When a shell exploded nearby, the chaplain fled in panic, striking his horse with a crucifix to urge it on.
突然间,附近有一个炮弹爆炸,牧师恐慌起来,就用十字架猛打马儿,策马而逃。jw2019 jw2019
On 3 November 2009, in the Lautsi v. Italy case — where the applicant was contesting the display of Catholic crucifixes in Italian classrooms — the European Court of Human Rights unanimously concluded that there had been a violation of article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to and article 9 on the freedom of thought, conscience and religion of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
2009年11月3日,在Lautsi诉意大利一案中(此案中原告对在意大利的教室内摆放天主教十字架提出异议),欧洲人权法院的一致结论认为,这违反了《欧洲保护人权与基本自由公约》第一号议定书第2条及该公约中关于思想、良心和宗教自由的第九条的规定。UN-2 UN-2
“The Crucifix is indispensable “The God that made the world and
“在祭坛上,耶稣受难像是不可“创造宇宙和其中万物的上帝,既是天地jw2019 jw2019
The interior was rebuilt from 1620 in Baroque style, the only remaining Gothic elements being the nave's vault, fragments of a fresco and a Crucifix by Hans Leinberger.
内部在1620年重建为巴洛克风格,唯一保存的哥特式元素是中殿的拱顶,壁画的碎片和汉斯·莱因伯格的钉十字架LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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