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customary rule of international law

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In all cases, a customary rule of international law did not emerge unless both those elements were firmly established.
在所有情况下,只有这两个要件都牢固确立,国际法的习惯规则才会出现。UN-2 UN-2
This is said, however, not to “exclude the development of customary rules of international law to the same effect”: ibid., para
但这样说不是要“不包括发展内容相同的国际法习惯规则”:同上,第 # 段。MultiUn MultiUn
Further study is required to determine whether there exist customary rules of international law governing the status of members of special missions
是否存在规定特别使团成员地位的国际法惯例规则问题,需要进一步研究。MultiUn MultiUn
It must be implemented in accordance with the customary rules of international law, particularly those relating to the immunity of State officials.
必须按照习惯国际法规则行使普遍管辖权,尤其是涉及国家官员豁免普遍管辖权。UN-2 UN-2
The Special Rapporteur proposes to use the terms “customary international law” and “rules of customary international law”.
特别报告员提议使用“习惯国际法”和“习惯国际法规则”这两个词。UN-2 UN-2
Mr. Dolatyar (Islamic Republic of Iran) said that draft article # clearly reflected customary rules of international law and was in line with international jurisprudence
olatyar先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)说,条款草案第 # 条清楚反映国际法的习惯规则并符合国际司法。MultiUn MultiUn
The Commission must clearly set out the main components of customary rules of international law, including an analysis of international practice and opinio juris.
国际法委员会必须明确规定国际法习惯规则的主要组成部分,包括分析国际惯例和法律确信。UN-2 UN-2
His delegation viewed favourably draft articles # and # even though they reflected tendencies that had not yet acquired the status of customary rules of international law
意大利代表团赞同草案第 # 、 # 和 # 条,尽管它们所反映趋向尚未具有国际法习惯规则的地位。MultiUn MultiUn
Like other common law countries, Singapore’s courts would apply customary rules of international law where that was not contradicted by local legislation or case-law.
与其他普通法国家一样,新加坡法院可以适用国际法中的习惯规则,只要此种规则不与国内法或判例法抵触。UN-2 UN-2
Like other common law countries, Singapore's courts would apply customary rules of international law where that was not contradicted by local legislation or case-law
与其他普通法国家一样,新加坡法院可以适用国际法中的习惯规则,只要此种规则不与国内法或判例法抵触。MultiUn MultiUn
International obligations may be established by a customary rule of international law, by a treaty or by a general principle applicable within the international legal order.
国际义务可能是国际法惯例规则、条约或国际法律秩序内适用的一般原则确定的。UN-2 UN-2
International obligations may be established by a customary rule of international law, by a treaty or by a general principle applicable within the international legal order
国际义务可能是国际法惯例规则、条约或国际法律秩序内适用的一般原则确定的。MultiUn MultiUn
However, in itself the existence of such treaties, even a large number of them, is insufficient proof of the existence of a customary rule of international law
然而,此类条约,甚至大量此类条约的存在本身,并不足以证明存在一项国际法惯例MultiUn MultiUn
His delegation viewed favourably draft articles 6, 7 and 8, even though they reflected tendencies that had not yet acquired the status of customary rules of international law.
意大利代表团赞同草案第6、7和8条,尽管它们所反映趋向尚未具有国际法习惯规则的地位。UN-2 UN-2
It should also be stressed that armed countermeasures were prohibited under Article # paragraph # of the Charter of the United Nations, which had become a customary rule of international law
还必须指出,已经成为国际法惯例的联合国宪章第 # 条第 # 节禁止执行武装反措施。MultiUn MultiUn
In the latter case, Japan questions the relevance of the phrase, given that the draft articles are themselves aimed at codifying the customary rules of international law on State responsibility.
如果是处理条款草案与习惯国际法之间关系,则日本怀疑该句是否相干,因为条款草案本身目的是要编纂关于国家责任的习惯国际法规则UN-2 UN-2
In EC — Hormones, the European Community proposed that the precautionary principle should be regarded as a “general customary rule of international law or at least a general principle of law”.
在欧共体荷尔蒙案中,欧洲共同体建议将风险预防原则视为“国际法的一般习惯规则或至少是一条一般法律原则”。UN-2 UN-2
In the latter case, Japan questions the relevance of the phrase, given that the draft articles are themselves aimed at codifying the customary rules of international law on State responsibility
如果是处理条款草案与习惯国际法之间关系,则日本怀疑该句是否相干,因为条款草案本身目的是要编纂关于国家责任的习惯国际法规则MultiUn MultiUn
In addition to treaty law, the Government is bound by the customary rules of international humanitarian law.
除了条约规定的法律之外,该国政府还受到国际人道主义法习惯规则的约束。UN-2 UN-2
In addition to treaty law, the Government is bound by the customary rules of international humanitarian law
除了条约规定的法律之外,该国政府还受到国际人道主义法习惯规则的约束。MultiUn MultiUn
It should also be stressed that armed countermeasures were prohibited under Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter of the United Nations, which had become a customary rule of international law.
还必须指出,已经成为国际法惯例的联合国宪章第2条第4节禁止执行武装反措施。UN-2 UN-2
Since national courts often have difficulty determining the content of the customary rules of international law that should be applied, codification of international law in this matter would be most useful
由于国家法院通常难以确定应予适用的国际法习惯规则的内容,编纂有关这个问题的国际法就会非常有用。MultiUn MultiUn
This article provides that the fiscal privileges granted to members of diplomatic missions and consular posts under customary rules of international law and international agreements are not affected by the treaty provisions.
该条规定,根据国际法惯例和国际协定,外交使团成员和领事人员享有的税务特权不受本条约规定的影响。UN-2 UN-2
this is intended to convey that the “[i]nternational obligation may be established by a customary rule of international law, a treaty or a general principle applicable within the international legal order”.
这是为了表达这样意思:“国际义务可由国际法的习惯规则、条约或国际法律秩序内适用的一般原则确定”。UN-2 UN-2
This chapter focuses on incidents where the Mission considered compliance by Israel with its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention and customary rules of international law in relation to taking feasible precautions.
本章重点阐述调查团审议以色列是否遵守《日内瓦第四公约》和国际法习惯规则关于采取可行预防措施的义务情况的事件。UN-2 UN-2
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