darker oor Sjinees


comparative form of dark: more dark

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


That'll be darker, grainier.
应该 再 黑暗 一些 再 模糊 一些


Gul’s wife’s headscarf was interpreted as the symbol of darker changes to come.

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Darker than Black


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“Pyongyang’s leaders are trying to drag their people back into a darker past, when their obedience was not disturbed by videos from Seoul, and the possibility of flight to South Korea.”
平壤领导人企图将他们的人民带回以往的黑暗时代,没有来自首尔的电视录像动摇人民的効忠,也没有逃向韩国的可能。”hrw.org hrw.org
The darker muscle fibers are slow-contracting, or slow-twitch, fibers, and they are driven by oxygen metabolism.
相反,色泽深的肌纤维则收缩缓慢。jw2019 jw2019
Unlike with the original Mass Effect, the composers aimed for a darker and more mature sound to match the mood of the game.
与《质量效应》初代不同,作曲家的目标是使用更黑暗、更成熟的声音来配合游戏气氛。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The sky grew darker and darker.
天空变得越来越暗了。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As a result, the northern part of the Moon was noticeably darker than the southern part.
其结果是,月球的北部比南部明显较LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Earth Is Getting Darker
地球越来越jw2019 jw2019
Rick Lane of Eurogamer described Mass Effect 2 as a darker, warmer, and overall more human game than its predecessor, noting that it is the player's responsibility to make sure these characters are prepared for the final mission, otherwise they will die.
Eurogamer的瑞克·莱恩(Rick Lane)称《质量效应2》比前作更黑暗、更温暖、总体上更有人性,指出玩家有责任确保这些角色为最终任务做好准备,否则他们会死。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In belts, however, the air descends, warming adiabatically as in a convergence zone on Earth, and white ammonia clouds evaporate, revealing lower, darker clouds.
但是在帶中,空氣下降並因絕熱而變暖,使白色的氨蒸發,露出較低和較暗的雲。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Campaigns that have a lower per session value will be on the red color scale, and the darker the red, the lower the value per session.
單次工作階段價值較低的廣告活動會位在紅色區段;越深的紅色,代表單次工作階段價值越低。support.google support.google
Then the deep blue stratosphere gets darker and darker until finally there is the blackness of space.
接着是深蓝色的平流层,颜色逐渐加深,最后是漆黑的外太空。jw2019 jw2019
The initial anticipation for this title has been good, with critics celebrating the fact that DC are willing to bring back some of the darker elements which had moved over to Vertigo in the 1990s.
最初的預期為這個稱號一直是很不錯的,有評論家慶祝,DC願意帶回一些在20世紀90年代已經轉移到了Vertigo標記的黑暗元素。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The dominant perception among most Dominicans was that their mulatto skin tones distinguished them from darker-skinned Dominicans and Haitians
大多数多米尼加人的主导思想是,他们黑白混血的肤使他们与黑皮肤的多米尼加人和海地人不同。MultiUn MultiUn
But unfortunately, because of climate change and because of social discontent, the sky will continue to become darker, the seas will continue to rise higher and the hurricanes will continue to gather greater force.
但不幸的是,由于气候变化和社会不满,天空将继续暗,海洋将继续升高,飓风将继续变强。UN-2 UN-2
Generally, the darker the honey, the more antioxidants it contains.
一般而言,蜂蜜颜色越深,抗氧化剂含量越高。jw2019 jw2019
Bay announced on his website that Reynor would portray Shane and that the fourth film would start the next installment in the overall series; the film was to be a darker sequel to Dark of the Moon and have a different feeling.
迈克尔·贝在他的网站上宣布,雷诺将饰演男朋友的角色,而第四部影片将开始整个系列的下一部分;影片将是《月黑之时》更黑暗的续集,将会有不同的感觉。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Nazirites, once ‘purer than snow and whiter than milk,’ have become “darker than blackness itself” and are all shriveled up.
锡安的贵胄素来“比雪纯净,比奶更白”,现在却“煤炭更黑”,干瘪如同槁木。(jw2019 jw2019
The Netherlands co-sponsored this draft resolution and sincerely appreciates and respects the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade in 2007, believing that it is tremendously important to remember the darker side of history in particular.
荷兰是本决议草案的共同提案国,它真诚地赞赏和尊重在2007年纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年,认为纪念历史的黑暗面具有特别重大的意义。UN-2 UN-2
At other times, the imagery is darker and forbidding—castles or prisons, complete with corridors and rooms—to create a dwelling place of "oneself" where one resides with one's other selves.
其他时候,这一景观变得黑暗且令人生畏—城堡和监狱,到处充斥着走廊与房间──构造了一个“我”和“不同的我”共同居住的地方。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Sugar and Muto decided to make him into a more "scary and dangerous" character, and purposely played up the darker elements of the episode.
素格和武藤決定讓他變成一個更“可怕又危險”角色,並有意發揮本集的黑暗要素。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cases like the Probo Koala are some of the darker sides or what one might call the underbelly of this enormous machine called globalization that is affecting people in many places across the globe.
象Probo Koala这样的案例是被称为全球化的这个巨大机器的黑暗的一面,或可称为其软腹,影响到全球许多地区的人们。UN-2 UN-2
When the color of their heads turns darker, it indicates they are about to molt.
当它们头部的颜色变的时候,即表明它们将要蜕皮。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At birth, golden parakeets are covered in white down that eventually turns darker within a week.
初生的金太陽鸚鵡有一層白色絨毛覆蓋,這層絨毛一星期後會變深色。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Another variety of gazelle with which the Israelites may have been acquainted is the somewhat larger, darker, fawn-colored Gazella arabica. —PICTURE, Vol. 2, p.
以色列人熟悉的另一种羚羊,是体型较大、颜色较的阿拉伯瞪羚(学名Gazella arabica)。(jw2019 jw2019
Two thirds of the populations of these regions never see a sky darker than a full-moon night, which makes deep-sky astronomy impossible, and half have already lost naked-eye visibility of the Milky Way.
这些区域三分之二的人口从未见过比满月的夜晚更的天空,这使得进行深空天文观测成为不可能,而且有一半的人已失去用肉眼观看银河的机会。UN-2 UN-2
And perhaps it will only bring a return to darker times.
也許 這只 會 帶 來 一段 無盡 的 黑暗OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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