difficulties oor Sjinees


Plural form of difficulty.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


(be) difficult
Did you have any difficulty in finding my house?
English Taiwanese Dictionary


Problems await us, but the gratifying experience we had more than compensates for any difficulties.

他克服偏見和偏執的困難he difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry

Rene Sini

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

困境 · 苦衷 · 苦難 · 阻礙

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Soortgelyke frases

She was having difficulty following his perverted logic她很難理解他那反常的邏輯
她很難理解他那反常的邏輯She was having difficulty following his perverted logic
to iron out (difficulties)
debt-servicing difficulties
债务还本付息的困难 · 偿债困难
breathe with difficulty
㾾 · 哮
learning difficulties (handicap)
have difficulty walking
步履維艱 · 步履维艰
rollover difficulties
in difficulty
to create difficulties


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Christians who have a genuine interest in one another find no difficulty in spontaneously expressing their love at any time of the year.
不论在年中什么时候,真心关注同工的基督徒要彼此表达爱心并不是难。(jw2019 jw2019
i have some difficulty breathing too
我也有些呼吸困难Tico19 Tico19
The Committee recommends that the State party further develop legislation supporting foster care, and that the State party strengthen community services in favour of families with economic, social or other difficulties and families caring for children with disabilities and with emotional or behavioural problems, in a manner which assures greater respect for the principles of the Convention.
委员会建议缔约国进一步制定支持收养的立法,加强对下述各类家庭的社会服务,确保《公约》的原则得到进一步遵守:有经济、社会其他困难的家庭以及扶养有残疾和精神或行为问题的儿童的家庭。UN-2 UN-2
Although the difficulties of being landlocked permeate every aspect of the development process and poverty alleviation, their impact on the evolution of external trade is particularly severe
虽然地处内陆造成困难在发展进程和减贫工作的各个方面比比皆是,但这些困难对发展外贸造成的影响格外严重。MultiUn MultiUn
Those needs are related to the very functioning of the State and its ability to foster the well-being of its 4 million inhabitants and to the political entente needed for the country to overcome its difficulties.
这些需求涉及国家的运转及其促进其400万居民福祉的能力、以及该国克服其困难所需要的政治谅解。UN-2 UN-2
I should like to inform you that, owing to the financial difficulties that the country is currently experiencing and the need to prioritize the necessary investments, we have reached the conclusion that we are not in a position to ensure that the Conference will be staged in an appropriate fashion
我谨向您通报,由于本国目前正经历财政困难并需要优先安排必要的投资,我们已得出结论认为我们无法确保以适当的方式主办这一会议。MultiUn MultiUn
While understanding the difficulty of the situation the independent expert urges that the question of the initial training of judges should not relegated to the bottom of the list of priorities in the reconstruction of Haiti.
独立专家在考虑到目前的艰难状况同时,认为位于海地重建优先考虑名单最后的法官初级培训一项,不应该搁置。UN-2 UN-2
In concluding, the representative stated that, despite the difficulties being experienced by the country, her Government was making every effort to eliminate discrimination against women and improve the condition of women's lives, including through the establishment of a national machinery for the advancement of women, the elimination of discrimination through the draft constitution, the adoption of a gender approach in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of all development projects and the elaboration of a national programme for the promotion of Congolese Women
最后,该代表说,刚果民主共和国虽然面临各种困难,但是正在作出一切努力来消除对妇女的歧视,改善妇女的生活条件,包括通过建立一个全国机构来提高妇女地位,通过宪法草案来消除歧视,在制定、执行和评价所有发展项目方面采取性别观点,并制定一项促进刚果妇女全国方案。MultiUn MultiUn
This coordination and the willingness to give official status to the NAPs seem to be giving rise to some difficulties.
这种协调以及给予国家行动方案一个正式地位的愿望似乎碰到了困难UN-2 UN-2
The high number of dropouts and difficulties in improving students attendance may be attributed to several factors such as inadequate school facilities, including access to clean water and sanitation; lack of qualified teachers; early marriage and unplanned pregnancies; language barriers, as most text books are written in Portuguese; and violence, including sexual violence in schools.
辍学率高,在提高学生入学率方面存在困难,这可以归因于好几个因素,如:学校设施不充分,包括缺乏清洁用水和卫生设施;缺少合格教师;早婚以及意外怀孕;语言障碍,因为大多数课本都以葡萄牙语编写;校园暴力,包括性暴力。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee had had difficulty in interpreting some of those elements and had had to proceed on the basis of hypotheses concerning the Assembly's intentions, as explained in chapter V, section F, of its report
委员会在解读其中的一些要素遇到困难,只能根据对大会意图的猜测行事,这在报告第五章F节中作了解释。MultiUn MultiUn
He focused on the challenges and difficulties faced by indigenous peoples in the context of globalization
他着重谈到了土著人民在全球化形势下面临的挑战和困难MultiUn MultiUn
You may have already been informed about the difficulty we have to accept the first two proposals for reasons that we have already explained both in New York and in Addis Ababa.
你可能已知道,由于在纽约和亚的斯亚贝巴都已解释过的理由,我们在接受头项提议方面有困难。UN-2 UN-2
20 Faith also is needed to withstand difficulties and surmount trials of faith.
20 我们也需要有信心才能克服各种困难渡过信心的考验。jw2019 jw2019
Insufficient information about available vacancies generates difficulties for the Labour Exchanges in hiring unemployed people
有关空额情况的资料提供不足,致使劳务交易所难以雇用失业人员。MultiUn MultiUn
However, the Tribunal continues to experience the difficulties described in extenso in past reports concerning staff retention and recruitment.
然而,法庭继续经历以前报告中详述的在保留和聘用工作人员方面的困难UN-2 UN-2
With regard to the administration of justice, difficulties persisted in terms of access to justice, the safety of officials, victims and witnesses in criminal trials, judicial delays, the full exercise and enjoyment of an adequate defence and the effective intervention of oversight bodies
关于司法问题,以下几方面持续存在困难:司法审判的获得;刑事审判中司法人员、受害者和证人的安全;审判的拖延;充分行使和享有适当的辩护权;以及监督机构的有效干预。MultiUn MultiUn
The Working Group further noted the difficulty in defining the term “operation” when used in connection with space objects.
工作组又注意到,在就空间物体使用“行动”一语时对其加以界定所存在的困难UN-2 UN-2
The insolvency processes serve important commercial and policy needs for businesses experiencing financial difficulties
破产过程满足了遇到财务困难的企业的重要的商业和政策需要。MultiUn MultiUn
He developed symptoms of fever, cough and breathing difficulty on 6 November, was hospitalized on 9 November, and died on 19 November.
他于11月6日出现发烧、咳嗽和呼吸困难等症状,11月9日住院并于11月19日死亡。WHO WHO
Expressing grave concern over the increased difficulties being faced by Palestinian women and girls living under Israeli occupation, including the sharp increase in poverty, soaring unemployment, increased food insecurity, incidents of domestic violence and declining health, education and living standards, including the rising incidence of trauma and decline in their psychological well-being, and expressing grave concern about the deepening humanitarian crisis and rising insecurity and instability on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular in the Gaza Strip,
表示严重关切在以色列占领下生活的巴勒斯坦妇女和女孩面对愈来愈的困难,包括贫穷激增,失业率高涨,粮食更无保障、家庭暴力事件增加、健康、教育和生活水平下降(包括创伤发生率上升和心理健康下降),表示严重关切巴勒斯坦被占领土特别是加沙地带当地的人道主义危机恶化、不安全和不稳定的程度升高,UN-2 UN-2
Failure to protect the privacy of victims adequately; the stigmatization of victims; and fostering confusion between trafficking and other phenomena, such as irregular migration and migrant smuggling, represent further difficulties.
未能适当保护受害者的隐私、侮辱受害者,以及非正规移徙和偷运移民等助长混淆贩运人口和其他现象是要进一步面对难题。UN-2 UN-2
He highlighted the LDCs' efforts to redress their difficulties, through, inter alia, vigorous domestic economic reform programmes implemented, but urged the international community to share responsibility for helping improve the unfavourable conditions facing LDCs through the provision of practical support and assistance in areas such as investment, trade, debt relief, increasing ODA and technical support
他着重提到最不发达国家正在努力克服自己的困难,途经包括大力执行国内经济改革方案,但是他促请国际社会分担责任,帮助改善最不发达国家所面临的不利条件,为此要在一些领域提供切合实际的指示和援助,这些领域包括投资、贸易、债务减免、增加官方发展援助以及技术支持。MultiUn MultiUn
Operationally, some difficulties were encountered during the first year of MSRP, resulting in the need for considerable manual intervention.
管理系统更新项目第一年在业务上遇到一些困难,因而需要大量的人工干预。UN-2 UN-2
(States Parties Shall endeavour to provide assistance to persons with disabilities who experience difficulties in exercising their rights — China)
(缔约国应当努力向在行使权利方面遇到困难的残疾人提供援助——中国)UN-2 UN-2
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