fine talent oor Sjinees

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Modi’s government has also revealed a fine talent for announcing grandiose schemes and failing to finance them.
莫迪政府还擅长宣布宏大的计划而不为它们提供资金。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Possessing fine talents, he studied at Venice and Padua in Italy and then traveled widely in that country and others.
卢卡里斯天赋聪颖,曾在意大利的威尼斯和帕多瓦攻读,学成后在该国和其他地方四处游历。jw2019 jw2019
Fine art exhibitions of talented children usually take place here
儿童优秀美术作品展通常在这里举行。MultiUn MultiUn
Fine art exhibitions of talented children usually take place here.
儿童优秀美术作品展通常在这里举行。UN-2 UN-2
You will come to know their talents and fine qualities, and they will be your friends too.
你会留意到他们的才干美德,他们也会成为你的朋友。jw2019 jw2019
He was convicted and given the harshest sentence allowable; he was stripped of his Roman citizenship, forbidden fire and water within 800 miles of Rome, fined 15,000 talents (about 825,000 lb) of gold, and forbidden from seeing or speaking to his friends or family until he had left for exile.
他被定罪并遭到最严厉的判决应允 ;他被剥夺了罗马公民的身份,禁止在罗马800英里内用水和火,罚款黄金15,000塔蘭同(約825,000磅),并接不能与朋友或家人想见或说话知道流亡结束。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Since the social-minded prairie dog prefers urban life, how fine that it has a natural talent for town planning!
既然热心社交的草原土拨鼠喜欢都市生活,它有策划市镇的天才实在再好不过!jw2019 jw2019
Conservative author William F. Buckley, Jr. wrote an obituary of White in the National Review in which he described that "conjoined with his fine mind, his artist's talent, his prodigious curiosity, there was a transcendent wholesomeness, a genuine affection for the best in humankind."
著名的保守派作家小威廉·F·巴克利为白修德在National Review上写了一篇讣告,他称白修德“杰出的头脑、艺术的才干和巨大的好奇心结合在一起,是一种完美的健康、对人类真诚的关爱”。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
5) To give full scope to the initiative and creativity of Party members and the masses and to discover, nurture and recommend fine, talented people from among Party members and the masses and encourage them to contribute their skills and learning to reform, opening up and socialist modernization.
(五)充分发挥党员和群众的积极性创造性,发现、培养和推荐他们中间的优秀人才,鼓励和支持他们在改革开放和社会主义现代化建设中贡献自己的聪明才智。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The ministry has been providing financial assistance through National Talent Memorial Fund (Rastriya Prativa Smarak Kosh) to the non-governmental sectors for its effort in promoting and developing literature, culture, and fine art
该部通过国家人才备档基金,向非政府部门提供财政援助,支持它们努力促进并发展文学文化和美术。MultiUn MultiUn
Some Taurus people have fine voices and a talent for music, or they may be good at sculpture or woodwork.
一些金牛座人具有美妙的嗓音和音乐天赋,他们也可能擅长于雕刻以及木工。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The leadership of the core R&D members includes the elite doctoral team at home and abroad, and many years of experience in the production of fine chemicals local talent as a strong backing.
本司科研团队核心成员由国内外名校博士团队领衔,另有多年精细化学品生产经验本土人才做为坚强后盾。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Here, potential and talent are recognized and finely honed by the training leaders Timo Haag, Robert Pejakic, Jenny Bett and Olivia Wetzel.
在这里潜力和天赋都会得到认可,由培训主管 Timo Haag、Robert Pejakic、Jenny Bett 以及 Olivia Wetzel 细细打磨雕琢。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS DEGREE PROGRAMS Designed to transform talented individuals into well-rounded artists, the Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Programs combine a comprehensive college education with rigorous conservatory-level artistic training.
艺术学士学位课程 旨在将有天分的人转变为全面发展的艺术家,它将全面的大学教育和严格的艺术学院级别的艺术培训融为一体。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He said it was a very old name in that neighbourhood; that the ancestors of the house were wealthy; that all Morton had once belonged to them; that even now he considered the representative of that house might, if he liked, make an alliance with the best. He accounted it a pity that so fine and talented a young man should have formed the design of going out as a missionary; it was quite throwing a valuable life away.
他说在附近地区,这是一个古老的名字,这家的祖宗都很有钱,整个莫尔顿一度属于他们。 甚至现在,他认为这家的代表要是乐意,满可以同最好的家庭联姻。 他觉得这么好这么有才能的一个年青人竟然决定出家当传教士,实在可惜。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We provide opportunities beyond traditional, academic studies to develop talents and abilities in fully implemented fine arts and athletic programs.
与传统学校教育相比,我们在全面施行的艺术和体育计划中开发学生的天赋和技能。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
BAUNAT fine diamond jewellery, handmade by the most talented craftsmen in Antwerp, perfectly interprets: Sapphire - not just beautiful in blue, but more beautiful on you.
BAUNAT高级钻石珠宝品牌,携手比利时传统手工工匠,以精湛的宝石镶嵌工艺完美诠释:蓝宝石-不仅仅是蓝色的美,因遇见你而更美。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was made of fine gold, and with the utensils belonging to it was a talent in weight.
我起初以为是福音单,再仔细看一看,却原来是劝人捐血的传单ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Chelsea International Fine Art Competition is an excellent opportunity to foster your talent and develop the résumé of a successful professional artist.
切尔西国际美术大赛是培养自己的天赋和为您作为一名成功职业艺术家的简历添上一笔的极好机会。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
8 He made the most holy house: the length of it, according to the breadth of the house, was twenty cubits, and the breadth of it twenty cubits; and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents.
他又造了至圣所,长二十肘、和殿的宽度相等;至圣所的宽度也是二十∶都上纯金;共用了六百担。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rough diamonds need to be polished to shine, and similarly, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp changes raw creativity into brilliant talent. All above mentioned designers graduated there.
粗糙的钻石需要经过打磨才能闪闪发光,同样,安特卫皇家美术学院也将一些拥有原生的创作想法的人打造成了出色的的钻石领域人才。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Strong had a fine library of classic mathematics texts which he was pleased to allow the talented undergraduate Hill to study.
强了罚款图书馆的经典数学的案文,他很高兴,优秀本科生希尔学习。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Mr.wong will also think of fine management applied in the enterprise management, enterprise should from the cost management, talent management, marketing management, terminal management, and other aspects to achieve the fine management, to perfect quality, to make the five star leopard more powerful.
王总还认为精细化管理也必将运用到企业管理中去,企业要从成本管理、人才管理、营销管理、终端管理等各个方面做到精细化管理,才能做到尽善尽美,才能使五星钻豹更加强大。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
3:8 And he made the most holy house, the length of which was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the breadth of it twenty cubits: and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents. 3:9 And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold.
3:8 又建造至圣所,长二十肘,与殿的宽窄一样,宽也是二十肘。 贴上金,共用金子六百他连得。 3:9 金钉重五十舍客勒。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Talented Kiwi chefs, innovative cuisine, top wines, are helping New Zealand develop a reputation in the world of fine cuisine.
才华横溢的新西兰厨师、创新美食上乘葡萄酒,正帮助新西兰赢得世界高级餐饮的声誉。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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