galley oor Sjinees


(nautical) A long, slender ship propelled primarily by oars, whether having masts and sails or not; usually referring to rowed warships used in the Mediterranean from the 16th century until the modern era.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


ship propelled primarily by oars


ship propelled primarily by oars


ship propelled primarily by oars

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Soortgelyke frases

ship's galley
军舰 · 船上的厨房 · 轮船上的厨房
galley proof (printing)
小样 · 小樣
galley fuel


Advanced filtering
The BFR spaceship will have a pressurized volume of 1,000 m3 (35,000 cu ft), large common areas, central storage, a galley, and a solar storm shelter.
BFR太空船的容积将增加至1,000 m3,并配有大型公共区域、中央存储区、厨房和一个太阳风暴避难所。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Managers galley boy.
走狗 别怪 , 你 坏 了 规矩OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
ARINC 812 is a standard for the integration of aircraft galley inserts and associated interfaces ARINC 816 defines a database for airport moving maps ARINC 817 defines a low-speed digital video interface ARINC 818 defines a high-speed digital video interface standard developed for high bandwidth, low latency, uncompressed digital video transmission.
ARINC 812是飞机厨房插件与相关接口整合的标准 ARINC 816定义了机场移动地图的数据库(英语:Taxi positional awareness) ARINC 817定义了一个低速数字视频接口 ARINC 818定义了一个为高带宽、低延迟、无压缩的数字视频传输开发的高速数字视频接口标准。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was sent to the galleys years ago.
他 多年 前 就 被 押解到 戰艦 上 了OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Within a week (April 12-18) several villages were burned to the ground; in one of them 800 men, women, and children were slaughtered; in two months 3,000 were killed, twenty-two villages were razed, 700 men were sent to the galleys.
......仅在一周内(4月12-18日),多条村落给烧个精光,其中一条村落有800个男女老幼遭人屠杀;不出两个月,有3000人被杀,22条村落给夷为平地,700个男子送到奴隶船上去做苦工。jw2019 jw2019
On it no galley fleet will go, and no majestic ship will pass over it.”
哪怕有成队的兵舰,也不能攻陷这地;哪怕有威武的战船,也不能进占这城。”(jw2019 jw2019
Are you aware that our investigators found two single service vodka bottles in the galley trash bin?
你 知道 我们 在 调查 中 发现 两个 伏特加酒 瓶 在 厨房 的 垃圾桶 ?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She read the galleys to my new collection and loved them, so that was...
看 了 我 的 展览 并 给 了 好评OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The defeated Protestants were taken away: some were imprisoned in France while others, including Knox, were condemned to the galleys.
落败的新教徒一部分被法军带走并囚禁在法国,剩下的包括诺克斯在内的人则被关在船上做苦工。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
International trade was carried on with other African countries by caravans and by ships on the Red Sea, while large Egyptian galleys carried cargoes and passengers to many ports of the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
通过商队和穿梭于红海的船只,埃及得以跟非洲其他国家进行贸易。 埃及的大船货载人,前往地中海东部的很多港口。jw2019 jw2019
Who were these galley slaves?
他们包括什么人呢?jw2019 jw2019
Or sent to the galleys.
或者 是 被 賣 到 船上 去 做 奴隸OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How can we reach the galley?
我们 如何 接近 石田 手下?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The measures were so extreme that if someone who was ill refused Catholic last rites and he thereafter recovered, he was condemned to prison or the galleys for life.
当局的政策极端严厉,有人在垂危之际拒绝接受天主教的临终圣礼,如果后来康复,就会被判终身监禁或终身在木船上划桨。jw2019 jw2019
Seats, floors, walls, ceiling panels, galleys, lavatories, and other equipment are opened or removed from the aircraft to permit close inspection.
飞机椅子、地板、墙壁、舱顶板、厨房、洗手间及其他设备不是给拆开,就是从飞机上搬下来,以进行深入检查,飞机差不多只剩下空壳。jw2019 jw2019
In addition, socially marginalized individuals were forced to man the galleys.
此外,受社会排挤的人也被迫要在舰队做苦工jw2019 jw2019
Fifteenth-century writer Gutierre Diaz de Gamez witnessed a Spanish attack on the Moorish town of Oran in 1404 and later described how "During the most part of the night, the galleys did not cease from firing bolts and quarrells dipped in tar into the town, which is near the sea.
十五世纪的作家古铁兰·迪亚士·德·加梅斯(Gutierre Diaz de Gamez)目睹了西班牙人于1404年对摩尔人城镇瓦赫兰的攻击,后来他写道:“几乎整个夜间,战船都不停地向位于海边的城镇发射火弩箭和蘸了焦油的方镞箭。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
He broke the naval blockade on July 14, sinking three large Ottoman galleys and capturing four large vessels and 20 smaller ones.
他在当天冲破了土耳其海军的阻拦,击沉了3艘大型土耳其军舰,收获4艘大型战船和20艘小型战船。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Eventually, the galleys drifted into oblivion, victims of naval realities and a lack of funding.
桨船舰队终于式微,成为航海技术新发展和资金短缺的牺牲品。jw2019 jw2019
The Empire's shattered fleets were soon restored (in just six months, it consisted of about 150 galleys and eight galleasses), and the Ottomans maintained control of the eastern Mediterranean (1573).
不過帝國破碎的艦隊短短六個月內就恢復了(新艦隊由大約一百五十艘軍艦和八艘加萊賽戰船組成),而鄂圖曼帝國依舊掌控著地中海東部。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Many of those convicted had never seen the sea, let alone galleys.
许多犯人从来没有见过海,更不要说见过舰队了。jw2019 jw2019
In 1562, a Venetian official estimated that only thirty Ottoman galleys had any slaves in their crews.
1051562 年,据一名威尼斯官员估计,只有 30 艘奥斯帝国的加莱船的船员中有奴隶。Literature Literature
Modern Galley “Slaves”
现代海上“奴隶”jw2019 jw2019
For an ancient understanding of the development of galleys, see Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 7.56.206–9 (vol.
关于古代人对桨帆船发展过程的理解,可参看 Pliny the Elder,Natural History,7.56.206–9 (vol. 2:645–47)。Literature Literature
Meals are prepared in two galleys, which together are equipped to feed up to 100 people at a time.
餐膳则在机上的两个厨房准备,这两个厨房一次能确保100人的餐食供给。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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