gay club oor Sjinees

gay club

A nightclub whose clientele consists primarily of homosexual men.

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nightclub whose clientele consists primarily of homosexual men


nightclub whose clientele consists primarily of homosexual men


nightclub whose clientele consists primarily of homosexual men


nightclub whose clientele consists primarily of homosexual men

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This is a gay club.
這是 個 同性 戀俱樂部OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Until the early 1930s, gay clubs were openly operated, commonly known as "pansy clubs".
直到30年代早期,男性同性恋俱乐部都是公开经营的,这类场所被称作“pansy clubs”。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They also visit Sydney and spend time at a gay club.
他们还去了一趟悉尼,在一家同性恋俱乐部呆了一阵子。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gay clubs and stripping.
同性恋 俱乐部 和 剥离 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She performs at " Bambola ", a gay club.
她 在 一家 同性 戀 酒吧 表演OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Also, their friends from Sydney's gay club show up.
同时,他们在悉尼的同性恋俱乐部认识的朋友们也出现了。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
It reminds me of a gay club I went to once in Copenhagen.
这 让 我 想起 我 的 一个 同性恋 俱乐部 我 去 了 一次 在 哥本哈根 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The gay club?
那个 同性恋 俱乐部 ?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I was dancing with Darby in an after-hours gay club.
我 跳舞 與 美 在 盤 後 的 同性 戀俱樂部OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He played some tennis, lounged by the pool, and ventured out to the odd gay club or bar at night."
他有时打网球,躺在游泳池边,晚上冒险去奇怪的同性恋俱乐部或酒吧。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Poma ensured that her brother's memory was prominent on the website, that the facility was more than "just another gay club".
波马为确保哥哥的回忆在网络上显眼,便将店子形容为“不只是一个同性恋俱乐部”。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Invariably, as news about a new gay club with great sound and decor gets around, straight people who want to dance start knocking at the door.”
习以为常地,一间有新式音响和装修的同性恋夜总会开张的消息传开,爱好跳舞的正常人遂前往叩门。”jw2019 jw2019
In the United Kingdom, poppers are widely available and frequently (legally) sold in gay clubs/bars, sex shops, drug paraphernalia head shops, over the Internet and on markets.
在英国,Poppers常常合法地在同性恋酒吧、性用品商店,娱乐性药物用品店(drug paraphernalia head shops)以及网络上销售。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In his defense, Noé has stated, "I'm not homophobic", further stating that "I also appear in Irréversible, masturbating at the gay club", as a means of showing that "I didn't feel superior to gays."
诺说,“我不是同性恋”,又说“我也出现在《不可撤销》中,在同性恋俱乐部自慰”,作为表明“我感觉并不比同性恋者高一等”的一种方式。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Plus, it sounds like an underground gay fuck club.
不過 聽 起來 像是 一個 地下 同性 戀俱樂部OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It also found it contradictory that although he had been open about his sexual orientation in Sweden, and had had homosexual relations and visited gay clubs, he did not see fit to confide in the migration authorities on that issue.
移民委觉得,他既然在瑞典境内不隐瞒他的性取向,并有同性恋关系,出入男同性恋俱乐部,然而,他却认为不宜向移民主管机构透露这个问题,岂不是自相矛盾。UN-2 UN-2
However, the author had sexual relationships with men, and eventually women, since the age of 15 up until he left Afghanistan in 2002; he was responsible for the production of and performed in a play allegedly on the theme of bisexuality; he started to have relationships with men in Sweden only one year after his arrival; he started visiting gay clubs and taking part in their social activities as of 2004.
然而,提交人从15岁起,直至2002年逃离阿富汗,他先与男性,最后又与女性有过性关系;他负责编写并亲自上演了据称反映双性恋主题的剧本;他在抵达瑞典仅一年之后就开始了与男性的关系,从2004年起,他开始游逛男同性恋俱乐部,并参与了他们的社会活动。UN-2 UN-2
However, the author had sexual relationships with men, and eventually women, since the age of 15 up until he left Afghanistan in 2002; he was responsible for the production of and performed in a play allegedly on the theme of bisexuality; he started to have relationships with men in Sweden only one year after his arrival; he started visiting gay clubs and taking part in their social activities as of 2004.
然而,申诉人从15岁起,直至2002年逃离阿富汗,他先与男性,最后又与女性有过性关系;他负责编写并亲自上演了据称反映双性恋主题的剧本;他在抵达瑞典仅一年之后就开始了与男性的关系,从2004年起,他开始游逛男同性恋俱乐部,并参与了他们的社会活动。UN-2 UN-2
In the United States, gay-straight alliances or clubs have been established in more than 4,000 high schools.
在美国,在4000多所高中成立了同性恋-非同性恋联盟或俱乐部UN-2 UN-2
Gay groups have held public discussions and published websites, and there are films and plays on gay themes and gay bars and clubs in Singapore.
同性恋团体举行过公开讨论并开设了网站,而且新加坡有关于同性恋主题的电影和戏剧,以及同性恋酒吧和俱乐部UN-2 UN-2
Owen Gleiberman wrote that the film "treats Freddie's personal life – his sexual-romantic identity, his loneliness, his reckless adventures in gay leather clubs – with kid-gloves reticence, so that even if the film isn't telling major lies, you don't feel you're fully touching the real story either."
」歐文·格萊柏文(Owen Gleiberman)寫電影「對待佛萊迪·墨裘瑞的個人生活 — 他的性向浪漫身份、他的孤獨、他在同性戀皮革俱樂部(gay leather clubs)的魯莽的冒險、帶著小孩手套的緘默,因此,即使電影沒有說出重大的謊言,你也不會覺得自己完全觸及真實的故事。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are clubs that cater to young professionals, college students, gays and the older crowd.’”
......有各种夜总会是专为年轻的专业人士、大学生、同性恋者及较年长的人而设的。’”jw2019 jw2019
In the early 21st century, the Ybor City National Historic Landmark District has seen the creation of the GaYbor District, which is now the center of gay and lesbian life in the Tampa Bay area and home to the majority of gay bars and dance clubs, restaurants, and service organizations.
在21世紀初,"Ybor City"國家古蹟區已經有GaYbor的出現了,這裡現在已經成為坦帕地區的男同志和女同志的生活中心,並有多間同志酒吧、舞廳、餐廳和服務機構。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
It was founded by West German and Dutch LGBT sport clubs in 1989 after being inspired by the first Gay Games in San Francisco, United States.
它是在1989年受到在旧金山举办的第一届同志运动会的启发而由西德和荷兰的一些LGBT体育俱乐部创办的。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The famous Piscator Theatre (later Metropol Theatre), Metropol cinema, Metropol discothek, now Goya club), the infamous Eldorado bar, and countless other gay venues attracted big crowds of open-minded followers.
著名的皮斯卡托剧院(今戈雅俱乐部),臭名昭著的埃尔多拉多酒吧和无数其他同性恋场所吸引大批的追随者。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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