gay press oor Sjinees

gay press

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So my activation button for gay equality was pressed, and along with many, many others, I campaigned for years for gay rights, and in particular, the right to marry the person that I love.
所以我内心中为 同性恋平等的按钮被启动了, 同时还有其他的许多,许多。 我曾多年参与同性恋人权运动, 特别还包括,与相爱的人结婚的权利。ted2019 ted2019
� The Committee acknowledged receipt of quadrennial reports from three additional non�governmental organizations that submitted their reports after the 1 May 2014 deadline: Asociación de Antiguas Alumnas del Colegio Madres Irlandesas, Associacão Brasileira de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgeneros and International Press Institute.
� 委员会确认已收到另外3个非政府组织在2014年5月1日最后期限之后提交的四年期报告:爱尔兰母亲大学校友会、巴西男同性恋、女同性和变性者协会以及国际新闻学会。UN-2 UN-2
� The Committee acknowledged receipt of the quadrennial reports from three additional non�governmental organizations that submitted their reports after the 1 May 2014 deadline: Asociación de Antiguas Alumnas del Colegio Madres Irlandesas, Associacão Brasileira de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgeneros and International Press Institute.
� 委员会确认已收到另外3个非政府组织在2014年5月1日最后期限之后提交的四年期报告:爱尔兰修女学院校友会、巴西男同性恋、女同性和变性者协会和国际新闻学会。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee Against Investment in South Africa (CAISA) and numerous student groups including the Socialist Action Committee, the Black Student Organization and the Gay Students group joined together and succeeded in pressing for the first partial divestment of a U.S. university.
反对向南非投资委员会(The Committee Against Investment in South Africa, CAISA)以及包括社会主义者行动委员会(Socialist Action Committee),黑人学生组织(Black Student Organization),同性恋学生小组在内的许多学生组织共同加入了这次行动,并成功实现了美国大学第一次从南非的单边撤资。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Inadvertently given to the Associated Press, her comments caused a political maelstrom and were perhaps the first gay-positive comments to come from the White House.
”她的评论被美联社报道,带来了一场政治风暴,可能是白宫第一次发表同性恋正面评论。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Black Looks posts a press release from Sexual Minorities Uganda: “n a landmark case, we, Ugandan lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people assembled at the High Court of Uganda two months ago to reinforce our right to privacy, dignity, and property.
Black Looks张贴「乌干达性少数族群组织」的新闻稿:「在此次历史性活动中,乌干达同性恋、双性恋与跨性别人士于两个月前集结高等法院前,要求司法保障我们的私隐、尊严与财产,我们并未挨告,我们也未犯法,而是政府必须有所作为,阻止官员歧视同性恋与跨性别人士。」gv2019 gv2019
Black Looks posts a press release from Sexual Minorities Uganda: “n a landmark case, we, Ugandan lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people assembled at the High Court of Uganda two months ago to reinforce our right to privacy, dignity, and property. There were no charges against us.
Black Looks张贴「乌干达性少数族群组织」的新闻稿:「在此次历史性活动中,乌干达同性恋、双性恋与跨性别人士于两个月前集结高等法院前,要求司法保障我们的私隐、尊严与财产,我们并未挨告,我们也未犯法,而是政府必须有所作为,阻止官员歧视同性恋与跨性别人士。」globalvoices globalvoices
The film opens with archival footage of police raiding gay bars and arresting patrons during the 1950s and 1960s, followed by Dianne Feinstein's November 27, 1978 announcement to the press that Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone had been assassinated.
电影《米尔克》以20世纪50年代至60年代时期警察在同性恋酒吧逮捕顾客为开头,之后镜头转到在1978年11月27日議長黛安·费恩斯坦宣布了哈維·米爾克和乔治·莫斯康尼遭到刺杀身亡。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The Department worked with OHCHR to organize a press conference and promote a special event on the protection of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in Latin America on 20 November, featuring the launch of a new music video by Brazilian singer Daniela Mercury.
新闻部与人权高专办合作,于11月20日在拉丁美洲举办了一次新闻发布会,并宣传关于保护女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人和双性人的专门活动,期间发行了巴西歌手Daniela Mercury的一个新的音乐录像片。UN-2 UN-2
The same year that the government-run press called homosexuality a "social evil", the Communist Youth Newspaper carried a story about homosexuality that stated "some people are born gay, just as some people are born left-handed".
” 同年,政府经营的新闻称同性恋“社会罪恶”,共产主义报纸刊登一篇关于同性恋的报道指出:“有些人是天生同性恋,就像有些人天生左撇子”。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One of the vice-presidents of the league, Wojciech Wierzejski said, in advance of Warsaw Pride 06, “if the deviants will start demonstrating, they need to be bashed with a thick club”, leading to official condemnation from the European Parliament, and a row that has rumbled on even till now – with Lech Kaczynski telling Associated Press on Monday, in New York for the UN's General Assembly, that his views on gays had been misunderstood.
在06年华沙同志游行之前,该联盟的一位副总理Wojciech Wierzejski说,“若这些变态要示威,他们就该被以粗棍子狠打。” 这引来了欧洲议会的正式谴责,以及持续至今的争论。 Lech Kaczynski在礼拜一于纽约联合国会议美联社说,他同志的观点被误解了。gv2019 gv2019
Canada, while acknowledging the security challenges and budget constraints, was concerned at restrictions on the practice of religion and on freedom of the press, conditions of detention and deaths in custody, impunity with regard to allegations of torture and confessions obtained through torture, lack of independence of the judiciary, domestic violence, discrimination against women, child labour, institutionalization of children with disabilities and incidents regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons.
加拿大承认安全方面的挑战和预算商定限制,但奉行宗教和媒体自由所受到的限制、拘留条件和羁押期间的死亡、在关于使用酷刑和刑讯逼供的指控方面存在的有罪不罚现象、司法部门缺乏独立性、家庭暴力、歧视妇女、童工、由机构收容残疾儿童做法以及有关同性恋、双性恋和变性人的事件等等,令其感到关切。UN-2 UN-2
Taking into consideration that Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development identifies non-governmental organizations as an important and efficient means to focus local and national initiatives and to address pressing concerns regarding population, the environment, migration, economic and social development, we, representing organizations from Central and Eastern Europe comprising representatives of civil society organizations, including women, men, youth, people living with HIV/AIDS, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and intersex persons and sex workers, faith-based organizations and other networks and organizations throughout the region, call on our Governments:
考虑到《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》将非政府组织当作重点实施地方和国家倡议的重要和有效手段,并且解决人口、环境、移徙、经济和社会发展方面迫在眉睫的关切,我们代表由民间社会代表构成的中欧和东欧各个组织,包括妇女、男子、青年、艾滋病毒/艾滋病携带、男女同性恋者、双性恋者、变性者、阴阳人、性质疑者和双性人、性工作者、信仰组织及整个区域的其他组织,呼吁我们各国政府:UN-2 UN-2
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