geometer oor Sjinees


A mathematician who specializes in geometry.

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Like his friend and colleague Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, Bianchi studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa under Enrico Betti, a leading differential geometer who is today best remembered for his seminal contributions to topology, and Ulisse Dini, a leading expert on function theory.
和他的朋友及同事格雷戈里奥·里奇-库尔巴斯托罗一样,比安基于比萨的高等师范学校恩里科·贝蒂,微分几何的领袖人物,今天最被记住的是他对拓扑学的开创性贡献,以及乌利塞·迪尼,函数理论的带头专家,的下指导学习。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
We cite only three geometers who are concerned with this question and who have successively reduced the number of undefined symbols, and through them (as well as through symbols that appear in pure logic) it is possible to define all the other symbols.
我們會舉三位數學家為例,他們關心此一問題,並相繼減少未定義符號的數量,且透過這些符號(及透過出現於純邏輯上的符號),可以定義出其他所有的符號。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The former allowed the calculations of areas and volumes of curvilinear figures, while the latter enabled subsequent geometers to make significant advances in geometry.
前者使计算曲线图形的面积和体 积成为可能,后者使后来的几何学家极大推动了几何学的发展。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In 1890, Bianchi and Dini supervised the dissertation of the noted analyst and geometer Guido Fubini.
1890年,比安基与迪尼合作指导了后来著名分析学家与几何学家圭多·富比尼的博士论文。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In fact, a single quadratic relation holds between the six minors, as was known to nineteenth-century geometers.
事实上这六个子式间有一个二次关系,已为十九世纪的几何学家知道LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In algebraic geometry of dimension two such a formula was found by the geometers of the Italian school; a Riemann–Roch theorem for surfaces was proved (there are several versions, with the first possibly being due to Max Noether).
在二维代数几何中这样一个公式意大利几何学派找到;代数曲面的黎曼-罗赫定理证明了(有各种版本,最早可能属于马克斯·诺特。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this form, the problem was first discussed by American geometer Jacob E. Goodman.
这个问题最早由美国几何学家雅可比·古德(英语:Jacob E. Goodman)提出。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In 1885 Cayley and Salmon had carried forward the investigations of the earlier German geometers, Hesse , Steiner , Plücker and other; and Salmon had expounded the subject in treatises which for clarity of style are still unrivalled.
1885年 凯莱和 鲑鱼已结转的调查早些时候德国geometers ,黑塞 ,施泰纳, Plücker 和其他;和 鲑鱼已经阐述了这一问题的论文而明确的风格仍然无可匹敌的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Bieberbach was an inspiring, if unorganised, lecturer and Hanna almost became a geometer.
比贝尔巴赫是一个鼓舞人心的,如果没有组织的,讲师和汉娜几乎成为一个几何。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Monsieur de la Grange, a young geometer from Turin, has been here for six weeks.
德拉鲁阿先生田庄,一名年轻几何来自都灵,在这里已经6个星期。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During his period as a research student he had many famous geometers as fellow research students and he formed a particular friendship with Coxeter and Semple .
在他期间作为一个学生,他研究了许多著名的geometers作为学生研究员的研究,他成立了一个特别的友谊与考克斯特和森普尔。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Edge wrote nearly 100 papers and his mastery of the area ranks him with Coxeter as one of the leading geometers of the 20th century.
边写论文近100名和他的掌握该地区的行列他考克斯特作为一家领先的geometers的20 世纪。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We have known this for a very long time, and even before anyone had circumnavigated it clever Greek geometers found a way to measure the circumference quite accurately (see, for example, this page ). The Earth makes one revolution each day around an axis which joins two points, called the north and south poles .
而在甚至还没有任何人环绕过地球以前,聪明的希腊几何学家就已经知道怎么准确地测量它 的周长。 (可请参考 这个页面 ) 地球每天绕着一条轴心自转一圈。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Edge's fellow students included P du Val and J G Semple but other famous geometers joined the group while Edge was at Cambridge including the slightly younger men H S M Coxeter and J A Todd .
边缘的同学都包括P缬氨酸和JG森普尔其他著名geometers加入该集团,而边缘是在剑桥,包括稍微年轻男子高速加工考克斯特和JA托德。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
... obligatory reading for geometers interested in understanding modern quantum field theory.
. . . 强制性的阅读兴趣geometers理解现代量子场论。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Not only did Roth benefit mathematically from his personal contact with the Italian geometers while he was in Rome, but also at that time he met Marcella Baldesi, the only daughter of the reformist socialist Member of Parliament Gino Baldesi, and soon they were married :
不仅没有受益数学罗斯从他个人接触与意大利geometers虽然他在罗马,而且当时他会见了马尔切拉Baldesi ,唯一的女儿社会主义改革派议员吉诺Baldesi ,不久他们结婚:ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was while he was in England that Edmond Halley suggested to him that he might devote his considerable talents to the restoration of the work of the early Greek geometers, such as Euclid and Apollonius of Perga.
这是当他在英格兰的爱德蒙哈雷建议他说,他可能投入了大量的人才,以恢复工作的早期希腊geometers ,如欧几里德和阿波罗Perga 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Little is known of his life but he is reported to have been an excellent geometer who, in other respects, was stupid and lacking in sense.
目前还不知道他的生活,但他报告,是一个极好的几何谁,在其他方面一样,是愚蠢和缺乏常识。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Major progress was made on classifying algebraic surfaces during the first part of the 20th century by the great Italian algebraic geometers led by Castelnuovo , Enriques and Severi .
取得重大进展的分类代数曲面在第一部分20 世纪伟大的意大利代数geometers由尔诺沃, Enriques和塞韦。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The book is not intended to be an easy introduction to the field (though, as a matter of fact, large parts can be read by anyone with a reasonable knowledge of commutative algebra, and suitable amplification could make most of the rest comprehensible to such a person ); rather, it is designed to be of help to algebraic geometers.
这本书是不是要简单介绍到外地 ( 不过,事实上,大部分地区可以读取任何一个合理的知识交换代数,并适当放大可能使大部分的休息理解这样一个人 ) , 相反,它的设计是有助于代数geometers 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
... we believe we hazard nothing in saying that he was one of the most learned mathematicians of his age, and among the first, if not the very first, who introduced the beautiful discoveries of the later continental geometers to the knowledge of his countrymen, and gave their just value and true place, in the scheme of European knowledge, to those important improvements by which the whole aspect of the abstract sciences has been renovated since the days of our illustrious Newton....
. . . 我们相信,我们没有什么危险的话说,他是一个数学家最教训他的年龄,首先,如果不是第一个,谁介绍了美丽的发现后大陆geometers的知识,他的同胞,让他们的正义价值和真正的地方,在这项计划中的欧洲知识,这些重要的改进,整个方面的抽象的科学已经翻新的日子,因为我们的杰出牛顿 . . . .ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
His reputation as a geometer has always been very high, although, as a critic wrote
他的声誉作为一个几何一直很高,但作为一个评论家写ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This gave the fortunate student extra tuition, since what the Göttingen geometer gave in one day's lecture (two hours ) must be edited and elaborated and submitted for Klein 's own correction and revision within 48 hours.
这使幸运的学生补习,因为什么哥廷根几何了一天的演讲( 2小时 ) , 都必须进行修改和制定,并提交给 克莱因自身的校正和修改后48小时内。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The book is written in the form of a play in which the ghost of Euclid returns to defend his book to modern geometers.
这本书是书面的形式在其中发挥的幽灵欧几里德返回捍卫他的著作对现代geometers 。 欧几里得总结说:ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Feuerbach was a geometer who discovered the nine point circle of a triangle.
费尔巴哈是一个几何谁发现了9个点循环的一个三角形。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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