half-shadow oor Sjinees


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John Casimir for most of his life remained in the shadow of his older half-brother, Władysław IV Vasa.
约翰·卡齐米日在很长时间内都在他哥哥瓦迪斯瓦夫四世·瓦萨的阴影中。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
The new Palestinian uprising (intifada) and the escalating regional tensions during the second half of # have cast a shadow on the activities of stock markets in the ESCWA region
下半年出现的新的巴勒斯坦起义和区域紧张关系的升级使西亚经社会区域的证券市场活动蒙上了阴影MultiUn MultiUn
The new Palestinian uprising (intifada) and the escalating regional tensions during the second half of 2000 have cast a shadow on the activities of stock markets in the ESCWA region.
2000下半年出现的新的巴勒斯坦起义和区域紧张关系的升级使西亚经社会区域的证券市场活动蒙上了阴影UN-2 UN-2
Only a tiny sliver (about 1.5%) of the Moon was covered by the Earth's umbral shadow at maximum eclipse, but the entire northern half of the Moon was darkened from being inside the penumbral shadow.
雖然在食甚的時候只有一個小銀條(約1.5%)的月球被地球本影覆蓋,但整個月球的北部的都在半影裏而變暗了。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
As a result, there is too little rain for almost the whole western half of the United States, which lies in the “rain shadow” of the mountains
因此,美国几乎整个西部地区都处于山脉的“降雨阴影”之中,降雨量很少。MultiUn MultiUn
The shadow banking system is estimated at roughly 25-30% of the global financial system ($250 trillion, excluding derivatives) and at half of total global banking assets.
据估计,影子银行大约占全球银行体系(250万亿美元,不包括衍生品)的25—30%,占全球银行资产的一半。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
On the Sunday he began observing at sunrise, the weather was cloudy, but he first saw the tiny black shadow of Venus crossing the Sun at about 3:15 pm, and observed for half an hour until sunset at 3:53 pm.
他在当天日出时即开始了观测,尽管当天天气多云,他还是在下午3时15分左右看到金星小小的黑影开始穿过太阳,并观察了30分钟左右,直到3时53分日落。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His feeble eyes endeavored to distinguish objects, and behind the bandit he saw a man enveloped in a cloak, half lost in the shadow of a stone column.
他睁大衰弱的眼睛竭力想看清眼前的东西,在那强盗的后面,他看见一个人裹着披风站在石柱的影阴里。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tent Cabins in Curry Village provide a comfortable, inexpensive accommodation right inside Yosemite National Park , in the shadow of Glacier Point and Half Dome !
咖喱村的帐篷小屋提供一个舒适的,便宜的住宿,就在优胜美地国家公园里面,在冰川点半圆的阴影里,你可以享用早餐!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tent Cabins in Half Dome Village (previously Curry Village) provide a comfortable, inexpensive accommodation right in the shadow of Glacier Point and Half Dome , right inside Yosemite National Park ! Each tent cabin can accommodate up to 5 people.
优胜美五日游-帐篷小屋 Curry山庄的帐篷小屋恰好位于优胜美地国家公园中Glacier Point 半顶山(Half-Dome)下。 每个房间可最多容纳5人,非常舒适其价格适中,并可享用早餐。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Picture Yosemite Valley covered in soft white snow, with animal footprints scattered about in the meadows and snow-capped Half Dome casting its long shadow, and perhaps the coyote that made the prints will be stalking its lunch!
想像这一幅美丽画面,优胜美地山谷( Yosemite Valley ) 由柔软洁白的雪覆盖着,动物的足印散落在半圆白顶山(Half-Dome)的牧场上,也许这可能是山狼猎取它们作 午餐时所留下的足印。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tent Cabins in Curry Village provide a comfortable, inexpensive accommodation right inside Yosemite National Park , in the shadow of Glacier Point and Half Dome , and you get breakfast!
咖喱村的帐篷小屋提供一个舒适的,便宜的住宿,就在优胜美地国家公园里面,在冰川点半圆的阴影里,你可以享用早餐!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The shadow of twilight sweeps across the planet gradually, followed half a day later by the slow brightening of dawn.
黄昏的阴影逐渐扫过整个行星,而各地在半天之后,又会出现一道破晓的曙光。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Beginning with half-past six, he hovered like a shadow about the Thirty-ninth Street entrance, pretending always to be a hurrying pedestrian and yet fearful lest he should miss his object.
6点半钟开始,他就像影子似地在三十九街入口处的附近徘徊,总是假装成一个匆匆赶路的行人,可又生怕自己会漏掉要等的目标。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In consideration of the latest subprime lending crisis in the States the Chinese may still wish to leave the children a house, rather than lead the second half of their lives in the shadow of paying off loans.
再考虑到最近美国的次贷危机,今天的中国人也许仍然愿意选择通过奋斗为子女留下一套房子,而不是让自己的下半生都活在"欠债还钱"的阴影里。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you are aware that it's striking your subject in the wrong place - for example, if the facade of a beautiful monument is in shade, or if someone's hat is casting a shadow over half their face - then you can take action.Either move the subject, move yourself or, if the subject isn't going to disappear, wait a while or return at the appropriate time of day.
如果你意识到光线不对 — — 例如,一块好看的纪念碑表面正处在阴影中,或者某人的帽子投下的阴影挡住了那个人的半张脸 — 那么,你就要做点什么来调整光线了。 你可以移动主体,或者转变自己的位置,又或者如果主体不会消失的,可以等到一天中适合的光照时间再来拍摄。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The land in the shadow of the eucalitti "Three Fountains" that was half of the market bodies becomes from hostel to corruption land of Heaven, healing, light.
阴影eucalitti 土地 "三泉" 那是一半市场机构从宿舍成为腐败土地的天堂,愈合,光。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For the first time the harsh reality cast a shadow on a cloudless concept of friendship, when social scientists were convinced that a friendly mutual only half of the cases.
第一次严酷的现实蒙上一层阴影万里无云的概念的友谊,当社会科学家们都相信,一个友好的相互只有一半的情况ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Luckily sun will cast moon's silhouette in a root which would be some 300 km in width, whereas the path travels a half of the Earth's circumference. Literally this means that the moon's shadow will travel more than 20,000 km across the earth, giving the earthlings a fine chance to witness a solar eclipse.
幸运的是,太阳会将月球的阴影投射在一个约3百千米宽的地带,而其运行的路径是地球周长的一半 这也就是说,月球的阴影将会围绕着地球运行2万多千米,给地球人观看日食创造了一个很好的机会。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In fact, I think if we could get half of the preachers in America converted, we would see a mighty revival" (Monroe "Monk" Parker, Through Sunshine and Shadows, Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1987, pp. 61, 72).
其实,我看如果我们能使美国一半牧师获得转变,我们便会见到一场大规模的复兴 " ( Monroe "Monk" Parker, Through Sunshine and Shadows, Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1987, 第61, 72页 ) 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In fact, I think if we could get half of the preachers in American converted, we would see a mighty revival (Monroe Parker, Through Sunshine and Shadows: My First Seventy-Seven Years , Sword of the Lord, 1987, pp. 61-62).
实际上,如果我们能使美国一半的宣道士转变,我们便会目睹一场席卷全国的复兴(Monroe Parker, Through Sunshine and Shadows: My First Seventy-Seven Years , Sword of the Lord, 1987, 第61-62页 ) 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is understood that a number of domestic automobile manufacturers have begun operations, in this year's Beijing Auto Show, we have seen in the HYBRID-Jun as the representative of the class B hybrid shadow, high-volume hybrid of the B-class will also be In the second half of the market.
据了解,国内多家汽车厂商已经开始行动,在今年的北京车展上我们也看到了以君越HYBRID为代表的B级混合动力型的身影,量产型的B级混合动力车也将在下半年面市。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He turned on a spotlight; he wanted it to be possible to recognize in his photograph the half-crumpled and torn images, and at the same time to feel their unreality as casual, inky shadows, and also at the same time their concreteness as objects charged with meaning, the strength with which they clung to the attention that tried to drive them away.
他打开聚光灯;他希望这张相片里被撕掉的被揉碎的影像清晰可辨,同时也能通过那些随意的、漆黑的阴影,显现出它们的不真实,还有,它们作为物质的实体,所具有的意义,那加以它们身上的注意力所从不曾留意的,它们赖以依存的力量。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Many migrants, particularly those in an irregular situation, often live and work in the shadows, afraid to complain, denied rights and freedoms that we take for granted and disproportionately vulnerable to discrimination and marginalization," said UN Human Rights Deputy Chief Flavia Pansieri, during the half-day general discussion on workplace exploitation and protection.
联合国人权事务副高级专员弗拉维亚∙潘谢里(Flavia Pansieri)在关于工作场所剥削和保护问题的半日一般性讨论中表示 : " 许多移徙者,特别是非正规移徙者,通常在阴影下生活和工作,不敢投诉,被剥夺我们认为理所应当的权利和自由,不成比例地遭受歧视和边缘化 。 "ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It got into shadows on the road, and lay cunningly on its back to trip him up. All this time it was incessantly hopping on behind and gaining on him, so that when the boy got to his own door lie had reason for being half dead.
那玩艺儿也钻进路上的影子里,狡猾地躺着,想绊他摔筋头,又一直跟在身后,而且越来越逼近了。 因此当那孩子跑回自家门口时,简直有理由觉得自己已经死了一半。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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