hasten oor Sjinees


/heɪsn/, /ˈheɪs.ən/ werkwoord
To move in a quick fashion.

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UNOPS should review on a monthly basis the returns from imprest account holders and take immediate action to hasten any missing returns.
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to hasten sth
hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent
奔丧 · 奔喪
to hasten
促进 · 催促 · 加速 · 敦促 · 赶紧 · 趋 · 趨 · 騁
accelerate,hasten,expedite,advance,speed up 加速、助長
加 · 加速、助長accelerate,hasten,expedite,advance,speed up · 助 · 速 · 長
to hasten on with one's journey
赶路 · 趕路
accelerate,hasten, expedite advance, speed up 加速, 助長
加速 · 加速, 助長 accelerate,hasten, expedite advance, speed up · 助長


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By helping to build an Afghanistan that is free and is a better place in which to live, we are working in the best traditions of America and, I hasten to add, in the best traditions of the United Nations.
我们帮助建立一个自由和有着更美好生活的阿富汗。 我们遵循的是美国的最好的传统,并且我马上还要指出,我们也遵循了联合国的最好的传统。UN-2 UN-2
That is why my delegation appeals once again to those States that are hesitant to participate in certain conventional arms control instruments and to take measures to hasten the universalization of those instruments and the contribution of our States to the Register of Conventional Arms.
这就是为什么我国代表团再次呼吁对参加某些常规武器管制文书感到犹豫的国家采取措施,加快实现这些文书的普遍化,并呼吁我们各国对常规武器登记册作出贡献。UN-2 UN-2
We also wish to thank the Secretary-General, the specialized agencies and other relevant entities that have hastened to provide assistance to all the victims of the earthquake
我们也想感谢秘书长、各专门机构和其他有关实体,它们向地震的所有受害者迅速提供了援助。MultiUn MultiUn
Two developments in the past year should assist the Committee to hasten decolonization: the opinion of the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs (in document S/2002/161) issued in February at the request of the Security Council and the reaffirmation by the Council in July (in resolution 1429 (2002)) that the settlement plan was the only valid solution and that the guiding principle must be self-determination.
去年发生的两宗事情应当有助于委员会加快非殖民化:主管法律事务副秘书长应安全理事会要求在2月发表的意见(载于S/2002/161)和安理会在7月重申(第1429(2002)号决议)解决计划是唯一有效的解决办法,指导原则必须以自决为本。UN-2 UN-2
I recall the request made during the January Executive Board, by a representative of the 53 countries in the African Union, to hasten the strengthening of core capacities to implement the IHR.
我重申执行委员会1 月会议期间,一名代表以非洲联盟53 个国家的名义提出要求,希望尽快加强实施国际卫生条例的核心能力。WHO WHO
In Mearns' subsequent book Hood and Bismarck, he conceded that scuttling "may have hastened the inevitable, but only by a matter of minutes."
在默恩斯后续出版的书籍《胡德号及俾斯麦号》中,他承认“凿舰加速了不可避免的事情,但也就几分钟而已”。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Russia expects the new corps of ICTY judges to act to overcome the bias in the Tribunal’s work and to hasten the conclusion of its work.
俄罗斯期望前南问题国际法庭的新的法官班子采取行动,克服法庭工作中的偏见,并加快完成其工作。UN-2 UN-2
We are convinced that, with the birth of the African Union, the continent will hasten its process of economic and political integration and strengthen the peace and solidarity that are indispensable to development
我们深信,随着非洲联盟的诞生,非洲大陆将加快其经济和政治一体化的过程并加强对发展不可缺少的和平与团结。MultiUn MultiUn
Let me hasten to point out that we have never denied that some individuals have been involved in this trade since time immemorial- long before the Gambia gained independence from Britain in
我及时地指出,我们从来没有否认,自远古以来--在 # 年冈比亚从英国那里赢得独立之前的很长时间--有些人就已卷入这一贸易。MultiUn MultiUn
We must hasten our efforts aimed at ensuring that the General Assembly plays its meaningful role in the maintenance of international peace and security, as it is the last hope of the people of the world and as such must not be silent in the face of mass atrocities.
我们必须加快努力,确保大会在维护国际和平与安全方面发挥其有益作用,因为它是世界人民的最后希望。 因此,面对大规模暴行,我们决不可保持沉默。UN-2 UN-2
The functioning of the monitoring system must not be hastened merely on the basis of technical considerations that do not take into account the universal and non-discriminatory nature of the Treaty that gave rise to the system.
不能由于不顾及该条约的普遍和非歧视性的特点的各种考虑,匆忙将监测制度付诸施行。 正是由于普遍和非歧视的特点,才有了不扩散条约。UN-2 UN-2
The Countess faints, and the Count hastens to summon help.
伯爵夫人很茫然,伯爵随之召唤帮助。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
A warming world would threaten billions of people with thirst and malnutrition, endanger more than half of wildlife species with extinction and hasten the melting of the ice caps and glaciers, which could raise global sea levels by more than 22 feet, unleashing catastrophic and irremediable effects and imperilling human life on Earth.
全球升温将威胁数十亿干渴和营养不良的人民,可能导致一半以上的野生动物种灭绝,并加快冰盖和冰川的融化,可能使全球海平面上升超过22英尺,造成灾难性和无法补救的影响,危及地球上的人类生命。UN-2 UN-2
And now the globalization of media and technology are hastening the trend toward linguistic homogeneity.
如今全球化的媒體和科技正加速了語言的同質性。globalvoices globalvoices
Without telling Nabal, she “hastened and took two hundred loaves of bread and two large jars of wine and five sheep dressed and five seah measures of roasted grain and a hundred cakes of raisins and two hundred cakes of pressed figs” and gave them to David and his men.
她“赶忙拿了二百个饼、两大瓶酒、五只宰好的羊、三十七升烘好了的谷、一百个葡萄饼、二百个无花果饼”送给大卫和跟随他的人,但什么都没有告诉拿八。jw2019 jw2019
I hasten to add that for Bangladesh, this pause is very short-lived
必须马上补充说,就孟加拉国而言,这只是一个短暂存在的问题。MultiUn MultiUn
China will hasten progress on the reform of energy management institutions; further optimize the energy mix by market mechanisms and government promotion; actively and carefully promote energy price reform and gradually formulate pricing mechanisms that can reflect resource scarcity, market supply and demand, and pollution control costs; establish pricing systems that help adjust the energy mix and sustainable development; and deepen institutional reform of foreign trade by controlling the export of energy-intensive, pollution-intensive and resource-intensive products, so as to formulate an import and export structure favourable to promoting a cleaner and more optimal energy mix
着力推进能源管理体制改革,依靠市场机制和政府推动,进一步优化能源结构;积极稳妥地推进能源价格改革,逐步形成能够反映资源稀缺程度、市场供求关系和污染治理成本的价格形成机制,建立有助于实现能源结构调整和可持续发展的价格体系;深化对外贸易体制改革,控制高耗能、高污染和资源性产品出口,形成有利于促进能源结构优质化和清洁化的进出口结构。MultiUn MultiUn
A sister and I, being told about it, hastened to the railroad station, where we found him along with his secretary.
我和一位姊妹听到消息立刻前往火车站,遇见他和秘书在那里。jw2019 jw2019
This disappointed many Chinese democracy activists, particularly given that her release from years of house arrest was hastened by winning that same prize, and by having other Nobel laureates, heads of state, and prominent rights activists intervene on behalf of her freedom.
许多中国民运人士对此极为失望,尤其考虑到她本身之能早日挣脱长年软禁,其实得于诺贝尔和平奖得主的身分,以及其他诺奖得主、各国元首和知名人权斗士为她的自由大力奔走。hrw.org hrw.org
Since provisional application was a tool designed to hasten treaty implementation and ensure treaty continuity, States must see to it that they could actually use such a tool from the outset; otherwise, the exercise was pointless.
鉴于暂时适用是一个旨在加快条约执行和确保条约连续性的工具,各国必须做到使这一工具从一开始就可实际运用,否则它就毫无意义。UN-2 UN-2
But we all hastened to add that no model was “pure,” i.e., the family was no longer what it used to be in Asia, the state was playing a bigger role than expected in America, and it was often underperforming in Europe.
但我们都连忙补充说,没有哪种模式是“纯粹的”,比方说,亚洲的家庭早已不是原先那样,国家在美国所起的作用超出人们的预想,而在欧洲则往往表现得不尽人意。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Nevertheless, now more than ever, the international community must ensure the implementation of the instruments of international humanitarian law and hasten to set up the International Criminal Court, under whose jurisdiction such crimes would fall
尽管如此,现在比以往任何时候都更加迫切的是,国际社会必须确保实施国际人道主义法的各项文书,并迅速设立国际刑事法院,在该法院的管辖下,此种罪行将会减少。MultiUn MultiUn
This has prompted the State Department to begin to report on child marriage as a human rights violation in its annual country reports, which will greatly heighten its visibility and hasten a response.
促使国务院开始在其年度国家报告内将童婚视为违反人权,这将大大提高该问题的重要性并加速对其作出回应。UN-2 UN-2
Most of all small Non-Self-Governing Territories should hasten the process of self-determination in order to strengthen the humanization process in the relationship between great and small States
最重要的是,非自治小领土应加快自决进程,以便加强大小国家之间关系的人性化过程。MultiUn MultiUn
That is to no one's benefit; it will only hasten the destabilization of the situation and a resurgence of the deadly cycle of violence, which will surely sabotage the peace process
这样做对任何人都没有好处,只会加速破坏局势的稳定,使可怕的暴力循环再次出现,而这必然会破坏和平进程。MultiUn MultiUn
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