hastiness oor Sjinees


The characteristic of being hasty.

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(Acts 17:11, 12) Theirs has not been a hasty, emotional decision.


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busy忙 · 匆hasty · 匆忙的(看)cursory
lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude輕嘴薄舌
輕嘴薄舌lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude
hasty river crossing
hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu (idiom)
心急吃不了热豆腐 · 心急吃不了熱豆腐
hasty generalization
easily provoked, hasty
A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to take a hasty decision.-美国的一些盟友已力劝他不要急于作决定
hasty breaching


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However, it was concerned at the hasty decision to establish a United Nations focal point.
可是,它对如此仓促设立联合国协调人感到关注。UN-2 UN-2
Gentlemen, I'm afraid we were a little hasty.
先生 们 , 恐怕 我们 有点 太仓促 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alkarama indicated that a large number of foreigners were sentenced to prison terms after hasty and unfair trials on charges of unlawful entry into Lebanon, based on article 32 of the Law on the Entry and Stay of Foreigners in Lebanon.
Alkarama指出,有许多外国人根据黎巴嫩《入境和居留法》第32条获罪,当局对他们进行草率和不公平的审判以后予以处徒刑。UN-2 UN-2
We are even more surprised at the hasty blessing given by the Secretary-General to an initiative undertaken outside the United Nations whose legal basis and operational effectiveness have not been established: the Proliferation Security Initiative.
我们感到更加惊讶的是,秘书长草率地同意在联合国之外提出的一项倡议(其法律依据和运作效率均未确定):防扩散安全倡议。UN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, hasty deployment of a mission could lead to a crisis, as manifested by recent events in Sierra Leone
另一方面,正如近来在塞拉利昂发生的事件那样,快速部署会导致危机。MultiUn MultiUn
Hasty revision of the new financing measures, such as the strategic deployment stocks, the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund and the granting of pre-mandate commitment authority to the Secretary-General, in order to accommodate short-term needs, would give rise to negative system effects
为满足一时之需而草率变更新的筹资措施,如战略部署储备、维持和平准备基金以及向秘书长授予确定任务前的承付授权等,都会产生消极的系统影响。MultiUn MultiUn
Communication should be cognizant of varying levels of comprehension and not be too technical, complex, hasty, or in a language, manner or context that the patient does not understand
交流应该认识到不同的理解水平,不应过于专业、复杂、匆忙,也不应采用病人不理解的语言、方式或情景。MultiUn MultiUn
As the urban renewal area, the structure of the tertiary industry becomes more and more completely, the consumption market is become more prosperous, the professional market boosts with a hasty rhythm and the traveling economy is strong in new.
作为都市新区,余杭第三产业格局逐趋完善,消费品市场稳中见兴,专业市场兴中见强、旅游经济强中见旺。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite the lack of progress on the main issues, we still believe that the process of the reform of the Council should not be subject to any predetermined or superficial timetable, since any hasty decision would run the risk of harming this very delicate process, which is of vital importance for and of great interest to the entire membership of the United Nations.
尽管在主要问题上缺乏进展,我们仍然认为,安理会改革进程不应受到任何事先确定或肤浅的时间表的限制,因为任何仓促的决定有可能损害这一非常微妙的进程,联合国全体会员国极其重视和非常关心这一进程。UN-2 UN-2
From that standpoint, it is not by introducing cosmetic changes or by attempting to pass hasty and last-minute supposed reforms that we will restore to this body its primary responsibilities and make it the equal of the Security Council, which, it must be recalled, needs to be radically reformed
从这个立场出发,我们不是通过表面改革或试图通过匆忙最后一刻的假设改革,恢复此机构的主要责任,使大会与安全理事会平起平坐。 必须回顾,安理会需要进行根本的改革。MultiUn MultiUn
One mental-health worker observed: “In some families, when there is a crisis going on, parents can lose their tempers and make hasty decisions even though they are normally fair people.”
一个精神科护理员评论说:“在有些家庭里,就算父母一向做事公平,一旦面对困境,他们也会由于冲动而下判语。”jw2019 jw2019
Such an approach shows the hasty and superficial way in which the authors of the draft resolution dealt with those questions.
这种做法表明决议的起草者处理这些问题时匆忙行事,浮于表面。UN-2 UN-2
The Group’s first consensus report (A/63/334) was a positive step but, in the view of many delegations, the new proposal to jump to the next stage — namely, a United Nations conference — is a hasty and premature move.
该小组的第一份协商一致报告(A/63/334)是一个积极的步骤,但许多代表团认为,跳转到下个阶段的新提案——即召开联合国会议——是一种仓促和不成熟的举动。UN-2 UN-2
Ill-conceived action aimed at finding a hasty solution could result in a new, and possibly final, exodus of Serbs
为了匆忙找到解决办法而考虑不充分的任何行动都会产生新的--或许是最后的--塞尔维亚人的出走。MultiUn MultiUn
In that talk I tried to show the friends that perhaps some of us had been a bit too hasty in thinking that we were going to heaven right away, and the thing for us to do would be to keep busy in the Lord’s service until he determined when any of his approved servants would be taken home to heaven.”
我在演讲里试图向朋友们指出,也许我们当中有些人有点急躁鲁莽,以为我们立即便会到天上去。 我们的当务之急是继续在主的工作上保持忙碌,直至他决定把手下蒙嘉许的仆人带到天上之家去的那一天为止。”jw2019 jw2019
“What my delegation said in its previous statement was neither hasty nor emotional. It contained in fact substantive and well-grounded criticisms which we have already raised before
“主席先生,我国代表团早先的发言既不仓促,也不激动,只是提出证据确凿的论点,并且这不是我们第一次提出谴责。MultiUn MultiUn
As experience has shown, proper and just solutions are difficult to achieve if major political problems are addressed in a simplified and hasty manner and without respect for different interests
经验表明,如果不尊重不同的利益集体,以简单草率的方式处理主要的政治问题,就很难达成适当和公正的解决办法。MultiUn MultiUn
The history of the United Nations knows no such document as the report of the commission of inquiry on the situation of human rights in the DPRK which was fabricated in clumsy and hasty manner.
恐怕联合国历史上肯定没有像朝鲜人权状况“调查委员会报告那样急忙炮制的极为简陋的文件。UN-2 UN-2
We are convinced that we must not be hasty in disengaging from East Timor
我们认为,我们绝不能匆忙地从东帝汶撤出。MultiUn MultiUn
I would merely like to call upon them to consider this issue carefully and to avoid taking hasty decisions in the future
我只想呼吁他们认真考虑这一问题,避免今后作出匆忙决定MultiUn MultiUn
A too hasty modification of the UNCITRAL arbitration rules that would run counter to current arbitration practices and the views of the developing countries that were the primary recipients of investment could have the result that UNCITRAL arbitration rules were no longer included by reference in bilateral investment treaties.
对贸易法委员会仲裁规则进行过于草率的修改,使规则与目前的仲裁实践和主要投资接受方发展中国家的意见背道而驰,结果可能是贸易法委员会仲裁规则在双边投资条约中不再被提及采用。UN-2 UN-2
The presidency, he added, included the responsibility to promote consensus, for example, in avoiding what might be a “hasty call for a vote” on a draft resolution
他补充说,主席的责任包括促进共识,例如,避免“匆忙要求对决议草案投票”。MultiUn MultiUn
To deny seeking both compelling and corroborative evidence to determine the safe demilitarized zone is an unfortunate, hasty and unwarranted act.
拒绝寻找确凿、令人信服的证据来确定非军事化安全区,是一种令人遗憾草率和无正当理由的行为。UN-2 UN-2
He also reiterated Eritrea’s peaceful intentions towards Djibouti and questioned the Security Council’s hastiness in issuing a presidential statement last week.
他还重申厄立特里亚对吉布提的和平用意,并对上星期安全理事会草率发表主席声明表示疑问。UN-2 UN-2
In this regard, we would like very seriously to warn against any hasty steps with regard to Mitrovica.
在这方面,我们要严肃地警告不要对米特罗维察采取草率步骤。UN-2 UN-2
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