hatred 仇恨 oor Sjinees

hatred 仇恨

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仇恨 hatred

Rene Sini

仇恨導致夫妻離婚 Animosity brought about the couple's divorce

Rene Sini

他的敵對態度暴露了他的敵意 His hostile attitude revealed his animus

Rene Sini

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仇恨 animosity
His eyes were filled with hatred as he spoke他說話時眼裡充滿了仇恨
他說話時眼裡充滿了仇恨His eyes were filled with hatred as he spoke
The war left a legacy of destruction and hatred 這場戰爭留下的是破壞和仇恨
The hatred between the two families had lasted for generations這兩個家族之間的仇恨已經持續了好幾代人
這兩個家族之間的仇恨已經持續了好幾代人The hatred between the two families had lasted for generations
animus, hatred 仇恨
仇 · 仇恨 animus, hatred · 恨
The politician’s divisive rhetoric stirred up hatred among the people那位政客的分裂言論激起了人民的仇恨
那位政客的分裂言論激起了人民的仇恨The politician’s divisive rhetoric stirred up hatred among the people
仇恨 animus · 仇恨 animus, hatred · 仇恨hatred · 他說話時眼裡充滿了仇恨His eyes were filled with hatred as he spoke · 她無法理解有些人僅僅因為彼此之間的差异而對他人懷有仇恨 · 恨 · 這兩個家族之間的仇恨已經持續了好幾代人The hatred between the two families had lasted for generations · 那位政客的分裂言論激起了人民的仇恨The politician’s divisive rhetoric stirred up hatred among the people
The senseless act of violence was fueled by hatred仇恨助長了這種無謂的暴力行為
仇恨助長了這種無謂的暴力行為The senseless act of violence was fueled by hatred
animosity,hatred, enmity , hostility, antipathy 仇恨
仇恨 · 仇恨 animosity,hatred, enmity , hostility, antipathy


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