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National programme for the highly gifted
国家资优方案UN-2 UN-2
• Slow learners and highly gifted children shall be identified and given opportunities to learn at their own pace; and
· 应查明哪些儿童学习缓慢,哪些儿童天赋高,并给予他们机会,使其按照自己的步调学习;UN-2 UN-2
It allowed us to take on the daunting challenge of following in the footsteps of the great Mwalimu Nyerere, the highly gifted and revered international statesman, and to continue the sterling work he had done up to that point
我们接受了艰巨挑战,决心追随天才和尊贵的国际政治家、伟大的瓦利姆·尼雷尔的脚步,将他到那时为止开展的工作继续下去。MultiUn MultiUn
It allowed us to take on the daunting challenge of following in the footsteps of the great Mwalimu Nyerere, the highly gifted and revered international statesman, and to continue the sterling work he had done up to that point.
我们接受了艰巨挑战,决心追随天才和尊贵的国际政治家、伟大的瓦利姆·尼雷尔的脚步,将他到那时为止开展的工作继续下去。UN-2 UN-2
All listened carefully as the graduates were given some parting counsel that would help them to value highly the gift of missionary service and to use it wisely.
所有人都仔细聆听讲者对毕业生提出临别的劝言,借此帮助他们深深珍惜海外传道服务的恩赐而明智地加以运用。jw2019 jw2019
Among the advances made by the United Arab Emirates in the area of children’s welfare were the extension of maternity leave to six months, the establishment of a system of free education at all levels for all citizens of the country, the creation of special programmes for highly gifted children and the establishment of preventive-medicine centres, rehabilitation centres for children with special needs, medical services in schools and vaccination programmes.
阿联酋在儿童福利领域取得的进步表现在给母亲的产假延长到六个月,建立了面向所有国家公民、包括不同水平的免费教育体系,为天资超常的儿童创立了特别教育方案,设立了预防药物中心,为有特殊需求的儿童重置居所中心和开展学校医疗服务和接种项目等等。UN-2 UN-2
6:10) Thus we will have shown how highly we value the gift of life.
希伯来书6:10)到时,我们已经用行动表明自己多么珍视生命这个恩赐。jw2019 jw2019
Christians view prayer as a most valuable provision of the Creator —a real gift to be highly prized.
基督徒把祷告视为创造者赐给人的宝贵礼物——一项值得珍惜的恩赐jw2019 jw2019
He was enormously respected, was a highly gifted lecturer, and supervised a string of impressive graduate students.
他是极大的尊重,是一个非常天才讲师,并监督了一系列令人印象深刻的研究生。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Among some indigenous tribes, the avocado was so highly esteemed that it was used as a wedding gift as well as a gift to welcome visitors.
在当地某些部族当中,鳄很受欢迎,因此人们都用鳄梨作为一种结婚礼,又或用馈赠访客,以示欢迎。jw2019 jw2019
16 In the case of the part of the Bible written in Greek by Christians, the so-called New Testament, the copyists were more like gifted amateurs than like the highly trained professional Sopherim.
16 至于圣经中以希腊文写成的部分,所谓的‘新约’,抄写者比较像有天赋的业余人士而非受过高度训练的专业人士苏弗令。jw2019 jw2019
Let us look to her, the highly -beloved daughter of the Father, endowed with every gift of grace, as the unsurpassed model for all those who follow Christ in love of God and service to their neighbour.
讓我們仰視她,天父至愛的女兒,祂賦予了她一切恩寵,她是所有追隨基督,愛天主並為近人服務者的無人可超越的模範。vatican.va vatican.va
Schools have pupils of all kinds, including those with disabilities, the highly gifted and those who struggle with maths or reading or do not have German as a mother tongue.
学校里有各种各样的学生,包括残疾学生、有天赋的学生、在数学或阅读上有困难的学生、或者德语不是母语的学生。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Some gifts are precious because they were given to us by someone in authority or someone whom we highly esteem.
有些礼物非常宝贵,是因为送礼的人地位很高或备受尊重。jw2019 jw2019
Islam, like all other religions, highly values respect for human dignity and the sanctity of life, as life is a gift from God to all human beings alike
伊斯兰教同所有其它宗教一样,高度重视尊重人的尊严和生命的神圣性,因为生命是真主对所有人的馈赠MultiUn MultiUn
While highly valuing life and appreciating medical care, true Christians respect life as a gift from the Creator, so they do not try to sustain life by taking in blood. —1 Samuel 25:29.
真正的基督徒虽然十分尊重生命,也赏识医药治疗,他们却因为生命是来自创造者恩赐而加以尊重,因此不会试图为了维持生命而将血吸进身体里。——撒母耳记上25:29。jw2019 jw2019
They thought that Mary had wasted the valuable ointment; whereas He perceived it as a highly appropriate gift of love and understanding.
他们认为玛丽曾浪费了宝贵的药膏 ; 而他被认为那是一种爱和理解,是一种非常适当的礼物ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The true nature of human spirituality has now been so clouded, so distorted, so overlaid with tradition and ritual and interpretation that even the great traditions of the world, which can provide the steps that you must take, require a unique and highly gifted teacher to navigate everything else that has been added over the decades and centuries.
人类灵性的真正特质现在已经被如此遮蔽,如此扭曲,被传统、仪式和诠释如此覆盖,以至于即使世界上那些能够提供你必须学习的进阶的伟大宗教,都需要一个独特的、极具天赋的导师,才能带你穿越几十年、数世纪以来被加之其上的所有其他东西。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Freeman was an advisor on the education of the gifted and talented for about eight years for the UK government and primary witness to the Standing Committee on the education of Highly Able Children.
費里曼在英國政府主要見證常設委員會擔任了八年對高度才華與天分突出兒童教育的顧問。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Highly recommended Good price, gorgeous gift packaging and clear communication.
性价不错,华丽的礼品包装和清晰的沟通。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In many places, highly sensitive people are considered gifted, as such sensitivity allows a great ability to perceive and therefore understand others.
在很多地方,高度敏感被认为是一种天赋,因为它可以赋予人们更好的倾听和理解他人。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We highly value their patience and cooperation during all those years of negotiation on the Naivasha Agreements, and we would like to reiterate before President Kibaki and the Council that the time has come to provide you with the gift of peace in the Sudan for its peoples and for the international community
我们高度评价他们在奈瓦沙协定谈判所有这几年中的耐心与合作,我们还要向齐贝吉总统和安理会重申,现在应该向各位献,为苏丹各族人民和国际社会实现苏丹和平。MultiUn MultiUn
We highly value their patience and cooperation during all those years of negotiation on the Naivasha Agreements, and we would like to reiterate before President Kibaki and the Council that the time has come to provide you with the gift of peace in the Sudan for its peoples and for the international community.
我们高度评价他们在奈瓦沙协定谈判所有这几年中的耐心与合作,我们还要向齐贝吉总统和安理会重申,现在应该向各位献,为苏丹各族人民和国际社会实现苏丹和平。UN-2 UN-2
Frankincense resin has been sought after by kings, valued as highly as gold, and offered as a gift at the birth of one of history's most revered prophets.
乳香树脂一直寻求后由国王,作为黄金,高度重视,史上最受尊敬的先知之一出生时提供作为礼物。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As a result, the market grew into two divisions: second-grade whiskies for the mass market and upscale special-grade whiskies. In a developing economy, expensive products often take on a special value as objects of desire. Whisky epitomized this phenomenon in Japan, and special-class whisky was highly valued in the gift market.
结果,就形成了作为大众商品的二级威士忌和高档的特级威士忌这两大威士忌市场。 在经济发展壮大时期,昂贵商品往往是人们渴望的对象,其价值不断提高,威士忌就是其中的典型,特级威士忌在礼品市场也备受青睐ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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