interlinkages oor Sjinees


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interlinkages in economic activities
interlinkage mechanism


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It must be gradual and pegged to a careful evaluation and follow-up of the progress achieved in Liberia, given the interlinkage of the situations in the two countries
这项工作必须逐渐进行,必须与仔细评估利比里亚取得的进展的工作以及对这种进展采取的后续行动联系,因为两国局势存在着联系。MultiUn MultiUn
Accordingly, interlinkages must be created when implementing the Samoa Pathway and the 2030 Agenda, and appropriate United Nations system support for small island developing States was still required.
因此,《萨摩亚途径》和《2030年议程》在执行过程中必须建立相互联系,联合国系统仍然需要为小岛屿发展中国家提供适当支助,尤其要适当考虑联合检查组全面审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支助情况的最后结论(A/71/267/Add.1),以期改善其运作。UN-2 UN-2
Underscoring the crucial interlinkages between the ICPD goals and the MDGs, delegations emphasized the key role of UNFPA in implementing the ICPD Programme of Action, which at 15 continued to be of utmost importance.
各代表团强调人发会议目标和千年发展目标之间重要的相互联系,强调人口基金在执行《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》方面的关键作用,该行动纲领在15周年之际仍然具有极其的重要的意义。UN-2 UN-2
It recognizes the interlinkage between peacekeeping and peace-building activities, and will continue to take into account the need for coordination and smooth transition from one phase to the other during its consideration of peace operations
安理会确认维持和平活动与建设和平活动相互关联,并将在审议和平行动期间继续考虑到需要协调和从一个阶段平稳过渡到另一阶段。MultiUn MultiUn
We affirm that the development of reliable and affordable infrastructure, regional connectivity, and its appropriate interlinkage through science, technology and innovation, including transport, roads, energy and telecommunications, as well as the promotion of market access for exports coming from developing countries, are essential elements in improving the quality of life of our people and in the sustainable development of our countries.
我们申明,发展可靠和负担得起的基础设施,实现区域连通性并通过科学、技术和创新实现适当互联,包括运输、公路、能源和电信,以及促进发展中国家出口产品的市场准入,是改善人民生活质量、促进国家可持续发展的基本要素。UN-2 UN-2
There were frequent references to the cross-cutting nature of many of the issues under discussion, and the importance of achieving synergies wherever possible by systematically addressing their interlinkages.
会议多次提到,许多正在讨论的问题具有跨领域性质,因此必须通过系统地处理它们之间相互关系,尽可能地实现协同效应。UN-2 UN-2
Enhanced understanding by Government officials of key issues on the international economic agenda and the implications and interlinkages among different sectoral policies and the national development strategy
政府官员更好地了解国际经济议程的主要问题和不同部门政策和国家发展战略的影响和相互联系UN-2 UN-2
In December 2011, the General Assembly adopted resolution 66/224 on people’s empowerment and development, which focuses on the interlinkages between empowerment and development, which are mutually reinforcing, in conveying concern about poverty and inequality.
2011年12月,大会通过关于增强人民权能和发展的第66/224号决议,其中在对贫穷和不平等表示关切时,侧重于增强权能与发展之间的互为强化关系。UN-2 UN-2
Also recognizes with appreciation the important contribution of the United Nations-Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year and has awarded 110 fellowships to individuals from 67 Member States since 2004, to human resources development for developing Member States in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea and related disciplines, as well as the fostering of global interlinkages through the alumni programme, which held its sixth meeting, hosted by the Nippon Foundation in Tokyo, from 28 November to 3 December 2014;
又赞赏地确认联合国-日本财团日本研究金方案(该方案今年成立十周年)作出重要贡献,该方案自2004年以来向来自67个会员国的个人颁发了110项研究金,推动发展中会员国在海洋事务和海洋法及相关学科方面的人力资源开发,并通过校友方案促进全球相互联系,校友方案于2014年11月28日至12月3日在东京由日本财团主办了第六次会议;UN-2 UN-2
Analysis of interlinkages, data availability, the science-policy interface and other aspects which could be the primary role of the global sustainable development report.
关联性、数据可得性、科学与政策结合等方面的分析。 这可以是全球可持续发展报告的主要职责。UN-2 UN-2
Interlinkages among thematic issues
. 各专题问题之间的相互联系MultiUn MultiUn
They form the manifesto of a new development paradigm, based on a more balanced view of the relationship between state and market and of the interlinkage between economic growth and social justice.
它们构成了新发展模式的宣言,这种宣言对国家和市场之间的关系,对经济增长和社会公正之间的相互联系,采取的是一种更协调的观点。UN-2 UN-2
thus better consolidating the specific know-how available within the Council architecture and promoting interlinkages and synergies.
从而更好地巩固理事会结构内部可利用的具体专门知识,并促进相互联系和协同作用。UN-2 UN-2
To facilitate cooperation and collaboration between governing and subsidiary bodies for the enhancement of synergies and interlinkages in the implementation of, compliance with and enforcement of the multilateral environmental agreements, as well as to strengthen cooperation and collaboration between those bodies and UNEP, including the provision of assistance to the secretariats of multilateral environmental agreements in their work, and to promote synergies and cooperation among them as requested by the governing bodies of multilateral environmental agreements.
促进理事机构与附属机构之间的合作和协作,以加强在执行、遵守和实施多边环境协定时的协同作用和相互联系,并加强这些机构和环境署之间的合作和协作,包括协助多边环境协定秘书处开展工作,且根据多边环境协定理事机构的要求,促进其间的协同作用和合作。UN-2 UN-2
Cognizant of the findings of the Scientific Assessment Panel of the Montreal Protocol and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on interlinkages between ozone layer depletion and climate change,
认识到 《蒙特利尔议定书》的科学评估小组与政府间气候变化问题研究小组就臭氧层销毁与气候变化之间相互关系问题得出的各项结论,UN-2 UN-2
Exploration and implementation of interlinkages with potential partners (e.g. the oil and shipping industry) was also encouraged
还鼓励探讨和实施与潜在伙伴(例如石油业和造船工业)的相互联系MultiUn MultiUn
As part of the 2007 grant cycle, nine initiatives were supported under the special window addressing the interlinkages between violence against women and HIV/AIDS with close to $1.3 million in 12 countries.
作为2007年赠款周期的一部分,在关于对妇女暴力行为和艾滋病毒及艾滋病之间相互关系的特别窗口下,为9个倡议提供了支助,在12个国家发放了近130万美元。UN-2 UN-2
In particular, UNU has been concentrating on the issue of interlinkages between globalization, poverty, development and the environment
联合国大学还特别注重于全球化、贫穷、发展和环境之间的相互联系。MultiUn MultiUn
(c) Voluntary use of environmental impact assessments as an important national-level tool to better identify trade, environment and development interlinkages;
(c) 自愿利用环境影响评估作为国家一级的一个重要工具,更好地确定贸易、环境和发展的相互关联性;UN-2 UN-2
Undertake assessments of existing and emerging challenges to the environment in order to identify strengths, gaps and weaknesses, including interlinkages and cross-cutting issues, in international environmental law and specify the role that it should play in responding to those challenges;
对现有的和新出现的环境挑战进行评估,以确定国际环境法中的优势、空白和缺陷,包括相关问题和交叉问题,并具体说明国际环境法在应付这些挑战方面应起的作用;UN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, the capabilities of developing countries in the field of technology and information and in the interlinkage of production, distribution and marketing cannot be compared to those of the developed countries.
此外,发展中国家在技术和信息以及生产、运销售之间的联系方面的能力不能与发达国家的能力相比。UN-2 UN-2
n the biennium # the subprogramme will emphasize the interlinkage between human and ecosystems and thus promote a cross-sectoral, integrated approach to ecosystems management in planning and development assistance frameworks at the regional and national levels
在 # 两年期,本次级方案将强调人类与生态系统的相互关联,并从而推动在区域和国家的规划和发展援助框架中对生态系统管理采取跨部门的综合办法。MultiUn MultiUn
Requests the independent expert to continue to explore the interlinkages with trade and other issues, including HIV/AIDS, when examining the impact of structural adjustment and foreign debt, and also to contribute, as appropriate, to the process entrusted with the follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development, with a view to bringing to its attention the issue of the effects of structural adjustment and foreign debt on the enjoyment of human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights;
请独立专家在审查结构调整和外债的影响时继续探讨其与贸易以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病等其他问题的相互联系,同时酌情为负责落实发展筹资问题国际会议后续行动的进程作出贡献,以提请其注意结构调整和外债对于享有人权尤其是经济、社会和文化权利的影响;UN-2 UN-2
Now, with the adoption of the Millennium Declaration, there is a limited set of clearly defined targets and goals with universal recognition and an explicit recognition of the interlinkages among various sectors, hitherto often regarded separately: development; humanitarian action; peace and security; and human rights
现在,随着《千年宣言》的通过,已经出现一系列为数不多的、已得到普遍确认的明确目标和指标,而且人们已明确确认在迄今为止常常被单独看待的不同部门之间,即在发展、人道主义行动、和平与安全以及人权之间存在着相互联系。MultiUn MultiUn
Representatives of some member States emphasized that the documents for the Regional Preparatory Meeting should recognize the triple crises of energy, food and water and highlight the interlinkages that threatened the enhancement of energy security in the region.
一些成员国代表强调,区域筹备会议的文件应确认能源、粮食和水的三重危机,并强调这三者之间的互相关联性威胁到本区域能源安全的提高。UN-2 UN-2
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