investigate oor Sjinees


/ɪnˈves.tɪ.ɡeɪt/ werkwoord
(transitive) To inquire into or study in order to ascertain facts or information.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


to inquire into, study
As I've already mentioned before, after a rigorous investigation, we have found nothing wrong with our company's management.


to inquire into, study
The report proved true as a result of their investigation.
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to decide after investigating
investigating judge
调查法官 · 预审法官
criminal investigative division
刑事侦察处 · 刑侦处
fire investigation
price investigations
Special Investigative Team
senior investigation officer
private investigator
Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis , let alone investigation
巴瑞特先生不擅長診斷,更不必提研究方面Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis , let alone investigation.


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The Government of Sri Lanka reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy for the recruitment and use of children and reiterated its commitment to the Working Group by establishing a committee comprising high-level Government officials to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations that some security forces are abetting the Karuna faction in the recruitment and use of children
斯里兰卡政府重申其对招募和使用儿童的零容忍政策,并重申其对工作组的承诺,为此设立了一个由政府高级官员组成的委员会,对一些安全部队怂恿卡鲁纳派招募和使用儿童的指控进行独立和可信的调查MultiUn MultiUn
In paragraph 97 of its report, the Board recommended that the Administration urgently: (a) investigate the 180 instances cited in its report and effect recoveries, if due, from the contractors; and (b) develop a standard operating procedure for periodic data analysis of the electronic monthly aviation reports and for verification of invoices received from the air charters before releasing payments.
审计委员会在报告第97段中,建议行政当局:(a) 紧急调查其报告中提到的180个事例,并收回超付包机商的费用(如有应收回款);(b) 紧急拟订标准作业程序,以定期分析电子月度航空飞行报告所载数据,并在放款之前核查包机商提交的发票。UN-2 UN-2
Those treaties established a framework that had encouraged outer space exploration for the benefit of both space-faring and non-space-faring nations, on a humanitarian and non-discriminatory basis, ensuring freedom of scientific investigation and bearing in mind the simple but profound humanitarian notion that astronauts should be regarded as envoys of mankind and rendered all possible international assistance.
这四个条约确定了这样一个框架:在人道主义和非歧视基础上,鼓励为空间旅行国家和非空间旅行国家的利益,探索外层空间,确保科学调查的自由,牢记简单而深刻人道主义的观念,即宇航员作为人类的特使,应该得到一切可能的国际协助。UN-2 UN-2
Chotiner served as counsel to state committees investigating violence in motion picture strikes and conditions in children's boarding homes and in homes for the elderly.
默里在多个州委员会中担任顾问,对电影业罢工、儿童寄宿家庭和敬老院中的暴力行为和生活条件进行调查LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
It would also like rapidly to receive the report on the investigation into the “Boat Project”.
美国代表团还想尽快能收到有关对“船项目”的调查报告。UN-2 UN-2
In paragraph # of its report (see # ), the Commission set out the tasks it had been set by the Security Council in resolution # namely to investigate reports of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights by all parties, to determine also whether or not acts of genocide have occurred, and to identify the perpetrators of such violations, with a view to ensuring that those responsible are held accountable
委员会在其报告(见 # )第 # 段说明安全理事会第 # 号决议规定委员会的任务如下:调查关于各当事方在达尔富尔违反国际人道主义法和人权法的报告;确定是否曾经发生种族灭绝行为;并查明此类违法行为的实施者,以确保追究其责任。MultiUn MultiUn
We encourage governments to investigate possible mechanisms for maintaining regional interfaith activity between Dialogues
我们鼓励各国政府调查可用来维持区域宗教间对话活动的可能机制。MultiUn MultiUn
The investigation of the complaints was drawn out, according to the authors, due to the airline's refusal to take part in negotiation or conciliation, and, possibly, contentious medical evidence
据提交人称,对上述指称的调查一直拖延着,原因在于航空公司拒绝参与谈判或调解,以及可能有争议的医学证据。MultiUn MultiUn
This exceptional consent would allow OIOS and/or an immediate response team to interview witnesses, including contingent members, where no National Investigation Officer is available.
这一例外同意将在没有国家调查官员的情况下,使内部监督事务厅和(或)立即反应小组能够约谈证人,包括特遣队成员。UN-2 UN-2
It is clearly shown in Johnson's investigation that passive smoking is very harmful.
在Johnson的调查里,明确地证明了二手烟是很有害的。Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
“Treaties setting out a regime of `universal jurisdiction' typically define a crime and then oblige all parties either to investigate and (if appropriate) prosecute it, or to extradite suspects to a party willing to do so
“订有`普遍管辖权'制度的条约通常给一种罪行下定义,然后规定各缔约方都有义务调查并(酌情)起诉罪行,或将嫌疑犯引渡到一个愿意起诉的缔约方进行起诉(......)。MultiUn MultiUn
Therefore, the State party’s failure to fulfil its obligations to investigate the complainant’s allegations and to provide him with redress continued after the State party recognized the Committee’s competence under article 22 of the Convention.
因此,缔约国在其根据《公约》第22条承认委员会的权限之后,仍然没有履行关于对申诉人的指控进行调查并且为他提供补偿的义务。UN-2 UN-2
The existing mechanisms to prevent and investigate cases of sexual exploitation and abuse will continue under UNIOSIL
联塞综合办将沿用预防和调查性剥削和性虐待案件的发生的机制。MultiUn MultiUn
Could Moldova please describe its procedures for dealing with the requests of States, from outside the CIS which have not concluded bilateral agreements with Moldova concerning criminal investigations and juridical proceeding?
请摩尔多瓦描述,其实施何种程序,来处理独联体国家以外的国家所提出的有关要求。 这些国家没有同摩尔多瓦签订关于刑事调查和司法程序方面的双边协定。UN-2 UN-2
2.15 The complainant asserts that he has exhausted domestic remedies inasmuch as he told the investigating judge that he had been tortured when he appeared before that judge on 12 November 2010 and his father lodged a formal complaint of torture with the same judge.
2.15 申诉人坚称,他已用尽国内补救办法,因为他在2010年11月12日接受预审法官审讯时,已告知该法官自己曾遭到酷刑,他的父亲也就酷刑向该法官提交了正式申诉。UN-2 UN-2
Honduras had asked for assistance from other countries to support the investigative functions.
洪都拉斯要求其他国家提供援助,对调查职能予以支持。UN-2 UN-2
The Court laid down a series of principles which such an investigation should observe: inter alia, that authorities must act on their own motion, act with independence, be effective and prompt.
法院定下了这种调查应遵守的一系列原则:除其他外,当局必须主动行事,独立行事,有效而迅速。UN-2 UN-2
• Preservation of the assets connected with unlawful activity, not with a view to keeping them from their owner, but rather with a view to maintaining them in a state that protects them from damage, disappearance or destruction if it is believed that they might be useful to the investigation provided for in article # of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedure
• 保存与非法活动有关的资产,目的不是禁止物主使用,而是在认为这些资产对根据《联邦刑事程序法》第 # 条进行的调查有帮助时,维持资产状况,使其免于损坏、消失或毁坏MultiUn MultiUn
Assignees can follow up to take action on an alert—for example, to view messages related to user-reported phishing, or to investigate users who might be responsible for a phishing attack.
She stated that despite the establishment of specialized units within the Attorney-General's office to facilitate the investigation of attacks against defenders and the increase in the resources made available to carry out investigations, the inaction of the prosecutors in investigating cases reported by or concerning defenders is disappointing
她指出,尽管设立了司法部下的专门机构以便利调查袭击维护者的案件并为开展调查增加资源,但是检察官在调查维护者所报案件或涉及维护者案件时的消极令人失望。MultiUn MultiUn
To ensure that great care is taken to avoid subjecting a child victim of violence to further harm through the process of the investigation, including by inviting and giving due weight to the child’s views in accordance with the age and maturity of the child and adopting child-sensitive and gender-sensitive investigation and prosecution practices;
确保极力避免在调查过程中使得暴力行为儿童受害人受到进一步伤害,包括为此根据儿童年龄和成熟度而对儿童的看法给予应有的重视,并且采纳体恤儿童的和对性别敏感的调查和检控做法;UN-2 UN-2
The Mission investigated several incidents involving the destruction of industrial infrastructure, food production, water installations, sewage treatment plants and housing (chap
调查团对几起涉及摧毁工业基础设施、粮食生产、水设施、污水处理厂和住房事件作了调查(第十三章)。MultiUn MultiUn
Its main activity consists of investigating individual complaints, taking measures to prevent discrimination and organizing seminars.
其主要活动包括调查个人投诉,采取措施防止歧视,以及组织研讨会。UN-2 UN-2
Based on the recommendations that result from the preliminary investigation, the Secretary-General will consider appropriate action in respect of the following possible results:
秘书长将根据初步调查产生的建议,考虑就可能产生的以下结果采取适当行动:UN-2 UN-2
It is therefore important to continue strengthening the capacity of the different entities that carry out inquiries or investigations within the Organization through comprehensive training modules aimed at developing a common understanding of the role of each entity and their interrelation in the context of the reform of the administration of justice and of the proposed new accountability architecture.
因此,必须继续加强不同实体在本组织内开展查询和调查的能力,采纳综合训练单元,以便就各实体在内部司法改革过程中和拟议新的问责制结构内所发挥的作用及其相互关系达成共同理解。UN-2 UN-2
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