liquidity preference oor Sjinees

liquidity preference

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liquidity preference 流動性偏好
流動性偏好 liquidity preference


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Currently, local banks tended to hold large amounts of excess liquidity and preferred short-term, risk-free government securities
目前,地方银行往往持有大量剩余流动资金,并且倾向于持有短期、无风险的政府证券。MultiUn MultiUn
Rather, increased risk aversion and liquidity preference have led a flight to safety and added to the strength of the dollar, which has reached, in real effective terms, the levels observed in the mid-1980s before the Plaza agreement on intervention to bring an orderly devaluation.
更加厌恶风险和偏好流动导致向避风港的逃亡和美元的更加坚挺,其实际有效价值已达到关于进行干预以实现有需贬值的《普拉萨协定》签订之前的1980年代中期的水平。UN-2 UN-2
That framework is based on spending and demand, the determinants of the components of spending, the liquidity-preference theory of short-run interest rates, and the requirement that government make strategic but powerful interventions in the economy to keep it on an even keel and avoid extremes of depression and manic excess.
这一框架的基础是需求和消费,包括消费的决定因素,短期利率流动性偏好理论和政府以强有力的战略干预保持经济平稳发展,避免萧条和过剩的等极端情况出现。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
An insolvency regime needs to balance the advantages of near-term debt collection through liquidation (often the preference of secured creditors) against maintaining the debtor as a viable business through reorganization (often the preference of unsecured creditors
破产制度需要权衡近期内通过清算收取债务(有担保债权人通常倾向于清算)和通过重组保持债务人作为可生存下去的企业(无担保债权人通常倾向于重组)的利弊。MultiUn MultiUn
An insolvency law needs to balance the advantages of near-term debt collection through liquidation (often the preference of secured creditors) against maintaining the debtor as a viable business through reorganization (often the preference of unsecured creditors).
破产法需要权衡近期内通过清算收取债务(有担保债权人通常倾向于清算)和通过重组保持债务人作为可生存下去的企业(无担保债权人通常倾向于重组)的利弊。UN-2 UN-2
An insolvency regime needs to balance the advantages of near-term debt collection through liquidation (often the preference of secured creditors) against maintaining the debtor as a viable business through reorganization (often the preference of unsecured creditors).
破产制度需要平衡近期内通过清算收取债务(通常是附担保债权人倾向于选用)和通过重组保持债务人作为可生存下去的企业(通常是无担保债权人优先选用)的利弊。UN-2 UN-2
For many countries this represents a preference for liquid foreign reserve balances to protect against the volatility of international capital flows and the resulting vulnerability to financial crisis
对许多国家而言,这反映了它们偏好积累流动性的外国储备余额,用以防范国际资本流动的波动和由此产生的金融危机风险。MultiUn MultiUn
For many countries this represents a preference for liquid foreign reserve balances to protect against the volatility of international capital flows and the resulting vulnerability to financial crisis.
对许多国家而言,这反映了它们偏好积累流动性的外国储备余额,用以防范国际资本流动的波动和由此产生的金融危机风险。UN-2 UN-2
[16] An insolvency regime needs to balance the advantages of near-term debt collection through liquidation (often the preference of secured creditors) against maintaining the debtor as a viable business through reorganization (often the preference of unsecured creditors).
16]破产制度需要权衡近期内通过清算收取债务(有担保债权人通常倾向于清算)和通过重组保持债务人作为可生存下去的企业(无担保债权人通常倾向于重组)的利弊。UN-2 UN-2
That repatriation was a facet of international investment portfolio adjustments by risk-averse investors and a reflection of their preference for safety and liquidity
此一资金汇返举动体现规避风险的投资者对其国际投资组合进行调整,也反映他们宁可选择安全与流动性。MultiUn MultiUn
Of course, it is not politically correct to call them bailouts – the preferred language of policymakers is “liquidity support” or “systemic protection.”
当然,将其称为救助计划是个政治错误——政客喜欢用流动性支持”或者“系统保护”之类的字眼。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Reasons for preferring reorganization as opposed to liquidation may also arise in connection with the political and social background of a legal system
考虑到某种法律制度的政治背景和社会背景,也许有必要优先考虑重组而不是清算。MultiUn MultiUn
Reasons for preferring reorganization as opposed to liquidation may also arise in connection with the political and social background of a legal system.
考虑到某种法律制度的政治背景和社会背景,也许有必要优先考虑重组而不是清算。UN-2 UN-2
The CDC still states "liquid soap with hands-free controls for dispensing is preferable".
但 CDC 仍声称“最好选用非接触式液体肥皂“。Tico19 Tico19
An insolvency regime needs to balance the advantages of near-term debt collection through liquidation (often the preference of secured creditors) against maintaining the debtor as a viable business through reorganization (often the preference of unsecured creditors) and other social policy considerations such as encouraging the development of an entrepreneurial class and protecting employment.
破产制度需要权衡近期内通过清算收取债务(有担保债权人通常倾向于清算)和通过重组保持债务人作为可生存下去的企业(无担保债权人通常倾向于重组)的利弊,同时还需考虑到鼓励发展实业阶层和保护就业等其他社会政策。UN-2 UN-2
Syllable choice also differentiated jazz singers' personal styles: Betty Carter was inclined to use sounds like "louie-ooie-la-la-la" (soft-tongued sounds or liquids) while Sarah Vaughan would prefer "shoo-doo-shoo-bee-ooo-bee" (fricatives, plosives, and open vowels).
音節的選擇也決定歌手的個人風格:貝蒂·卡特 (Betty Carter(英语:Betty Carter) )傾向於使用“louie-ooie-la-la-la”,即边近音,而莎拉·沃恩倾向使用“shoo-doo-shoo-bee-ooo-bee”,即擦音、塞音、开元音的组合。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Freed of pressure from international capital markets, the Chinese authorities would defer to state-owned enterprises and local officials who prefer continued easy provision of liquidity and would rather see the banks simply roll over their loans.
摆脱国际资本市场压力后,中国当局将顺从国有企业和地方官员,他们更想继续保持宽松的流动性供给,想让银行为他们的债务展期。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
It was proposed that, given the Working Group's preference for reorganization, that section, containing paragraphs # should precede paragraphs # concerning liquidation proceedings
有的与会者建议,鉴于工作组倾向于重组,所以应将载有第 # 段的那一节放在关于清算程序的第 # 段之前。MultiUn MultiUn
Impassive capital now ignores deceptive market signals, and the liquidation of untenable mal-investment percolates through the system as immutable time preferences prevail.
现在,冷漠的资本已经对虚假的市场信号无动于衷了,而随着恒定的时间偏好被重新认识,越来越多的不当投资的清盘正通过系统渗透出来。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Priority is given to liquidity and the preservation of the capital over the optimization of return on investments; hence UNIDO preferably invested short term.
应优先考虑流动资本和资本的保护,而非优化投资收益;因此,工发组织青睐短期投资。UN-2 UN-2
It was proposed that, given the Working Group’s preference for reorganization, that section, containing paragraphs 30-55, should precede paragraphs 26-29 concerning liquidation proceedings.
有的与会者建议,鉴于工作组倾向于重组,所以应将载有第30-55的那一节放在关于清算程序的第26-29段之前。UN-2 UN-2
Fresnel's theory was preferred because his dragging coefficient was confirmed by the Fizeau experiment in 1851, which measured the speed of light in moving liquids.
菲涅耳的理论在当时得到了更多的认同,因为这一理论中所预言的拖拽系数在1851年被阿曼德·斐索所设计的测量光相对于流水的速度的斐索实验结果所证实。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
On venture capital and private equity investments, we have significant experience of negotiating the terms of preferred shares (such as preferred dividends and liquidation preference), information and supervisory rights, operational vetoes, board representation, founder restrictions (for example, non-compete undertakings, and restrictions on transferring equity), anti-dilution protection on “down” rounds, and the scope of founder warranties.
关于风险投资和私募股权投资,我们有就优先股的条款(如优先股股息和清算优先权 ) 、 资料和监督权、操作否决、董事会代表、发起人的限制(例如非竞争承诺、股权转让限制 ) 、 反稀释保护、发起人担保的范围进行谈判的丰富经验。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
c) Deletion of the second sentence of recommendation # after the words “insolvency proceedings” on the basis that any transaction entered into before commencement might amount to a preference and a transaction entered into in a reorganization that preceded a liquidation would be a transaction entered into after commencement and not therefore subject to the suspect period
c) 删除建议 # 第二句中的“经营过程中进行的”一语之后的所有词语,依据是,程序起动前进行的任何交易都可能是一种优惠,而清算前的重组中进行的交易则属于程序起动后进行的交易,因此不必有嫌疑期MultiUn MultiUn
Deletion of the second sentence of recommendation 82 after the words “insolvency proceedings” on the basis that any transaction entered into before commencement might amount to a preference and a transaction entered into in a reorganization that preceded a liquidation would be a transaction entered into after commencement and not therefore subject to the suspect period;
删除建议82第二句中的“经营过程中进行的”一语之后的所有词语,依据是,程序起动前进行的任何交易都可能是一种优惠,而清算前的重组中进行的交易则属于程序起动后进行的交易,因此不必有嫌疑期;UN-2 UN-2
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