manifest destiny oor Sjinees

manifest destiny

(US) The political doctrine or belief held by the United States of America, particularly during its expansion, that the nation was destined to expand toward the west.

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Manifest Destiny

A term used in the 19th century to designate the belief that the United States of America was destined to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean.

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You heard of Manifest Destiny?
你 听 过 " 命定 扩张 论 " 吗?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A grid, or manifest destiny?
看看你们更喜欢什么?一个坐标系,还是“天定命运”?ted2019 ted2019
Manifest destiny.
“天定命运ted2019 ted2019
The phrase "manifest destiny" is most often associated with the territorial expansion of the United States from 1812 to 1860.
昭昭天命」一詞最常為人聯想者,為美國自1815年至1860年間的領土擴張。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
O'Sullivan believed that manifest destiny was a moral ideal (a "higher law") that superseded other considerations, including international laws and agreements.
歐蘇利文認為昭昭天命為道德觀念(天條,"higher law"),足以蓋過一切顧慮,包含國際法與國際協定。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They were the first of the millions of Americans who ventured west to live out America’s manifest destiny across our vast continent.
The mission statement must be to enable Haiti to stand firmly on its own two feet and to move forward to fulfil its manifest destiny.
我们的任务必须是使海地能够坚定地站起来并且向前迈进,完成它的天定之命。UN-2 UN-2
Whether or not this version of manifest destiny was consistent with the continental expansionism of the 1840s was debated at the time, and long afterwards.
昭昭天命的這種說法是否符合1840年代的大陸擴張主義,在當時即引起爭論,並延伸至後世,長久不衰。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This era, from the end of the War of 1812 to the beginning of the American Civil War, has been called the "age of manifest destiny".
此一時期,自1812年戰爭結束起至美國內戰爆發為止,人稱「昭昭天命之世」(Age of Manifest Destiny)。WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
President Woodrow Wilson continued the policy of interventionism in the Americas, and attempted to redefine both manifest destiny and America's "mission" on a broader, worldwide scale.
伍德羅·威爾遜總統承續干涉主義政策,並嘗試以全球為範圍,重新定義昭昭天命與美國之「使命」。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Though the watchwords had changed — from “manifest destiny” to globalization — the war to conquer her country’s land and resources had not only persisted but expanded to justify the final conquest of everything.
虽然我们的口号发生了变化,从“天定命运”到全球化,然而征服关岛土地和资源的战争旷日持久,而且不断扩大,有人力图证明最终征服一切是合理的。UN-2 UN-2
On January 3, 1846, Representative Robert Winthrop ridiculed the concept in Congress, saying "I suppose the right of a manifest destiny to spread will not be admitted to exist in any nation except the universal Yankee nation".
1846年1月3日,羅伯·查爾斯·溫梭普(Robert Charles Winthrop)眾議員於眾議院內嘲弄這個觀念,他說道:「我想,除了全洋基國以外的任何國家,都不會容許散播昭昭天命之義。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
I bring this simple but powerful message from a small, developing country in the nearby Caribbean Sea on behalf of the marginalized of the world, without the vanity of a pretentious hegemony, an arrogance of power, or a triumphalism of a presumed manifest destiny
我从邻近的加勒比海一个发展中小国,代表世界上被边缘化的人们,带来这个简单而有力的信息,丝毫不带狂妄霸权的自负、强势的骄横或所谓天定命运的耀武扬威之气。MultiUn MultiUn
One need only look back and see what Europe was in 1956, when the Rome Treaty was signed, and what it is today, to understand that Europe has a manifest destiny which is inexorably being realized, despite the Euro-sceptics within and outside it.
人们只需要回顾一下1956年签订《罗马条约》时的欧洲局势和今天的情况就会明白:不管欧洲内外的怀疑论者怎么说,欧洲正在坚决地实现明显命运UN-2 UN-2
I bring this simple but powerful message from a small, developing country in the nearby Caribbean Sea on behalf of the marginalized of the world, without the vanity of a pretentious hegemony, an arrogance of power, or a triumphalism of a presumed manifest destiny.
我从邻近的加勒比海一个发展中小国,代表世界上被边缘化的人们,带来这个简单而有力的信息,丝毫不带狂妄霸权的自负、强势的骄横或所谓天定命运的耀武扬威气。UN-2 UN-2
This fantasy, derived, no doubt, from American history – from westward expansion and Manifest Destiny, from the Gold Rush and a settlement policy that valorized staking a claim to the wilderness and subduing it – is powerfully appealing to men in general, and to many women as well.
毫无疑问,这样一种源自于美国历史传统的幻想——即源自西部大开发和所谓天定命运论的领土扩张,淘金热以及那种鼓励占领并征服自然的定居政策——强有力地迎合了普通男性以及大部分女性的需要。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
In this regard, the poor countries, which are referred to by the euphemism “developing countries”, can strip away the masks of those who — driven by greed, selfishness and the desire for absolute power in the name of manifest destiny or of divine reason — have brought humankind to the brink of extinction.
在这方面,穷国或者委婉地说,“发展中国家”,可以揭开那些在贪婪、自私和以天定命运或神圣理性之名掌握绝对权力这一欲望的驱动下将人类推向灭绝边缘的那群人的面具。UN-2 UN-2
And when you think about this, that we're running through the United States with dynamite and rock saws so that an algorithm can close the deal three microseconds faster, all for a communications framework that no human will ever know, that's a kind of manifest destiny; and we'll always look for a new frontier.
你想一想, 我们正在用炸药和岩石锯 穿过美国, 只是为了一个算法 能快三微秒完成交易, 都是为了一个没人会知道的 通信框架, 这有点命运天定论 并总是在寻找新的领域。ted2019 ted2019
We admit that there are abuses in the management of our countries by some of our Governments, but our detractors should remember that they, too, abused their Governments’ power when they seized land belonging to indigenous peoples and exterminated them, claiming that it was their “manifest destiny”, the “white man’s burden”, to bring civilization by setting up their own countries in these lands and confining the indigenous peoples to barren reserves, with no role in the Government of the new nations.
我们承认,我们有些政府在管理我们国家时有滥用职权的现象,但诋毁我们的人应该记住,当他们夺取土著人民土地和将他们消除时也有滥用政府权力现象,他们声称他们“明显命运和“白人的负担”是通过在这些土地建立他们自己的国家和将土著人民限制在贫瘠的保留地,使他们在新国家政府中没有任何作用而带来文明的。UN-2 UN-2
We admit that there are abuses in the management of our countries by some of our Governments, but our detractors should remember that they, too, abused their Governments' power when they seized land belonging to indigenous peoples and exterminated them, claiming that it was their “manifest destiny”, the “white man's burden”, to bring civilization by setting up their own countries in these lands and confining the indigenous peoples to barren reserves, with no role in the Government of the new nations
我们承认,我们有些政府在管理我们国家时有滥用职权的现象,但诋毁我们的人应该记住,当他们夺取土著人民土地和将他们消除时也有滥用政府权力现象,他们声称他们“明显命运和“白人的负担”是通过在这些土地建立他们自己的国家和将土著人民限制在贫瘠的保留地,使他们在新国家政府中没有任何作用而带来文明的。MultiUn MultiUn
The genocidal policy of imposing an economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba is grounded in the expansionist designs of the United States of America, reflected in the so-called Monroe Doctrine and the Manifest Destiny concept, which are instruments for penetration and interference in the Latin American and Caribbean republics that in the case of Cuba have been reinforced by the “geographical destiny” and “ripe apple” theories and action such as intervention in Cuba's War of Independence against Spain, the subsequent interventional government, the imposition of the Platt Amendment and a military base in Guantánamo, various direct interventions by United States troops, the fraudulent Reciprocity Agreements and the control of our economy and trade during the first half of the twentieth century
对古巴实施经济、商业和金融封锁的灭绝种族政策所依据的是体现在所谓的门罗主义和无定命概念的美利坚合众国的扩张主义计划,这些主义和概念是对拉丁美洲及加勒比各共和国进行渗透和干涉的工具。 就古巴的情况而言,除这些主义和概念之外;又有了“地理命运”和“熟苹果”理论以及各种行动,诸如干涉古巴对西班牙的独立战争和后来的干预性政府、强加《普拉特修正案》及在关塔那摩设立军事基地、美国军队的多次直接干预、欺诈性的《互惠协定》以及在 # 世纪上半叶对我国经济和贸易的控制。MultiUn MultiUn
We hope that this manifestation of solidarity and shared destiny will prove to be a catalyst for future international action and will provide an opportunity to restructure the often unilateral guidelines that have prevailed in the sphere of security and disarmament.
我们希望这种团结和同舟共济的精神能够带来今后的国际行动,提供机会改变安全和裁军领域经常盛行的单方面行动方针。UN-2 UN-2
We hope that this manifestation of solidarity and shared destiny will prove to be a catalyst for future international action and will provide an opportunity to restructure the often unilateral guidelines that have prevailed in the sphere of security and disarmament
我们希望这种团结和同舟共济的精神能够带来今后的国际行动,提供机会改变安全和裁军领域经常盛行的单方面行动方针。MultiUn MultiUn
This belief in a Manifest Destiny includes at least two concepts.
天定命运包含至少两层概念。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is both a right and a power, where the attribute of right is manifested in that it can be waived with the nature of interest and will, and the attribute of power is manifested in that it can determine the interest and destiny of candidates.
选举权是权利也是权力, 其权利属性表现为它具有可放웺 性、 利益性、 意志性, 其权力属性表现在它能够决定候选人的利益命运, 但这两种属性都是不完整的。springer springer
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