maternal uncle oor Sjinees

maternal uncle

The brother or brother-in-law of one’s mother.

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brother of one's mother
After a three-week-long dedication ceremony, the girl is given to her maternal uncle, who is likely to be the first among many abusers.


brother of one's mother
A maternal uncle, the mother’s brother, also accompanied them.


brother of one's mother

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maternal uncle (informal)
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妗子 · 舅母


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A maternal uncle, the mother’s brother, also accompanied them.
孩子的一位舅舅(孩子母亲的兄弟)也曾陪着她们。WHO WHO
In matrilineal societies, the family head is the maternal uncle
在母系社会,家长是舅舅MultiUn MultiUn
Anne St Leger was born on 14 January 1476, during the reign of her maternal uncle, King Edward IV.
安妮·圣莱杰生于1476年1月14日,其时其舅父爱德华四世在位。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
John of Fordun wrote, centuries later, that an escort into England was arranged for them by their maternal uncle Edgar Ætheling.
数百年后的富尔顿的约翰写道,他们在舅舅爱德加·艾德林的安排下被护送到了英格兰。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
However, at the urging of his maternal uncle, the physicist Lyapunov, Zaytsev was allowed to enroll at University of Kazan to study economics.
然而在他的叔叔,物理学家李雅普诺夫劝说下,扎伊采夫被允许进入喀山大学学习经济学。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
After a three-week-long dedication ceremony, the girl is given to her maternal uncle, who is likely to be the first among many abusers.
在进行为期三周的奉献仪式之后,女童被送给她的舅父,后者很可能是许多凌辱她的人中的第一个人。UN-2 UN-2
Upon his father's death, young Nicolaus' maternal uncle, Lucas Watzenrode the Younger (1447–1512), took the boy under his wing and saw to his education and career.
父亲死后,小尼古拉·哥白尼的舅舅小卢卡斯·瓦真罗德(Lucas Watzenrode,1447-1512)照顾他长大成人,送他上学甚至在工作上也助他一臂之力。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In other instances, the maternal uncle will be very cautious about what he does or says in the presence of his nieces or cross-cousins so as not to offend them.
在其他情况下,在甥女或表姐妹在场的情况下,舅舅会言行非常谨慎,以防冒犯她们。UN-2 UN-2
In other instances, the maternal uncle will be very cautious about what he does or says in the presence of his nieces or cross-cousins so as not to offend them
在其他情况下,在甥女或表姐妹在场的情况下,舅舅会言行非常谨慎,以防冒犯她们。MultiUn MultiUn
(2Ki 8:25-27; 2Ch 22:2-4) He accompanied King Jehoram of Israel (his maternal uncle) in a fight against Syria at Ramoth-gilead, which resulted in Jehoram’s being wounded.
王下8:25-27;代下22:2-4)亚哈谢王随同以色列王约兰(他的舅父)到基列的拉末,去跟叙利亚王交战。jw2019 jw2019
One of Alexandra's brothers and two of her nephews, as well as one of her maternal uncles and two children of one of her first cousins were all hemophiliacs, as was Maria's brother Alexei.
亞歷山德拉皇后的一個兄弟、兩個侄子、一個叔叔和一個堂兄弟的兩個孩子都是血友病患者,就跟瑪麗亞的弟弟阿列克谢一樣。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
In 1741 he transferred to the Engineers and joined the 2nd Troop of Horse Grenadier Guards, of which his maternal uncle, William Elliot of Wells, was then Lieutenant-Colonel, and of which Eliott was afterwards Lieutenant-Colonel.
1741年,他转到工兵部队,加入了骑兵掷弹兵第二集团军,他的舅舅威廉·艾略特当时是陆军中校,后艾略特也接任为陆军中校。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Even if their parents and sister had died, the authors had a maternal uncle residing in Colombo, and he might constitute a family network such that the authors would not be placed in an emergency situation upon return.
即使其父母和姐姐已不在人世,提交人还有一个舅舅住在科伦坡,可以构成家庭网络,如此一来,提交人在返回后便不会面临紧急状况。UN-2 UN-2
But the Law specifically states that “relative of horizontal lineage older and younger brothers, sisters or, paternal uncles and aunts, maternal uncles and aunts or nephews and nieces have the right to inherit heritage if the owner of the heritage has no child, no spouse.”
但该法律明确规定,“横向家系亲属如兄弟姐妹,或父亲方的叔叔和姑姑,母亲方的舅舅和姨妈或侄子侄女外甥都有权继承遗产所有者的遗产,如果遗产所有者没有孩子也没有配偶的话。”UN-2 UN-2
The price is set by the family of the bride and this is met by the groom and his family and then distributed amongst the bride's family with the maternal uncles receiving benefits because they are consulted for the bride's marriage and are the most important uncles to the bride
聘金彩礼的数额由新娘的家长确定,新郎及其家人应当满足新娘家人的要求,聘金彩礼在新娘家人和新娘收受好处的舅父之间分配,因为他们曾经为新娘的婚姻出谋划策,而且他们是新娘最重要的亲属。MultiUn MultiUn
The price is set by the family of the bride and this is met by the groom and his family and then distributed amongst the bride’s family with the maternal uncles receiving benefits because they are consulted for the bride’s marriage and are the most important uncles to the bride.
聘金彩礼的数额由新娘的家长确定,新郎及其家人应当满足新娘家人的要求,聘金彩礼在新娘家人和新娘收受好处的舅父之间分配,因为他们曾经为新娘的婚姻出谋划策,而且他们是新娘最重要的亲属。UN-2 UN-2
The oldest two daughters were placed with their maternal grandparents and one daughter with her maternal aunt and uncle
最大的两个女儿被安置在外祖父和外祖母家中,一个女儿被安置在姨母和姨父家中。MultiUn MultiUn
The oldest two daughters were placed with their maternal grandparents and one daughter with her maternal aunt and uncle.
最大的两个女儿被安置在外祖父和外祖母家中,一个女儿被安置在姨母和姨父家中。UN-2 UN-2
The lawful share is statutory portion of the heir in the estate and the order of inheritance shall begin with the Qur’anic heirs (ashab al-fari’id), namely: the father, the agnatic grandfather and otherwise the maternal uncle, followed by the maternal aunt, the husband, the wife, any granddaughters by a son, the full sisters, the consanguine sisters, the mother and the true grandmother.
法定份额是指法律规定的继承遗产的份额,继承顺序应当以《古兰经》所规定的继承人(ashab al-fari’id)开始,即父亲祖父或姨夫,然后是舅妈、丈夫、妻子、孙女、亲姐妹、同父异母的姐妹、母亲以及亲祖母。UN-2 UN-2
But the Law specifically states that “relative of horizontal lineage older and younger brothers, sisters or, paternal uncles and aunts, maternal uncles and aunts or nephews and nieces have the right to inherit heritage if the owner of the heritage has no child, no spouse.” Article # of the same law grants the equal rights to men and women in appointing executors of will
但该法律明确规定,“横向家系亲属如兄弟姐妹,或父亲方的叔叔和姑姑,母亲方的舅舅和姨妈或侄子侄女外甥都有权继承遗产所有者的遗产,如果遗产所有者没有孩子也没有配偶的话。” 该法第 # 条赋予男女指定遗嘱执行人的平等权利。MultiUn MultiUn
Article # in the Inheritance law does not make any difference between the right of a girl or a boy child to inherit but specifically stipulates that “relative of horizontal lineage: older and younger brothers, sisters, or paternal uncles and aunts, maternal uncles and aunts or nephews and nieces” have a right to inherit if the owner of the heritage has no child or spouse
《继承法》( # 年)第 # 条对于女孩或男孩的继承权不作区分,但具体规定“横向血统的亲戚:兄弟姐妹或父辈叔婶及姨和侄表兄弟姐妹,”如果遗产所有人没有子女或配偶,就拥有继承权。MultiUn MultiUn
Article 6 in the Inheritance law (1990) does not make any difference between the right of a girl or a boy child to inherit but specifically stipulates that “relative of horizontal lineage: older and younger brothers, sisters, or paternal uncles and aunts, maternal uncles and aunts or nephews and nieces” have a right to inherit if the owner of the heritage has no child or spouse.
继承法》(1990年)第6条对于女孩或男孩的继承权不作区分,但具体规定“横向血统的亲戚:兄弟姐妹或父辈叔婶及姨和侄表兄弟姐妹,”如果遗产所有人没有子女或配偶,就拥有继承权。《UN-2 UN-2
The Article # in the Inheritance law does not make any difference between the right of a girl or a boy child to inherit but specifically stipulates that “relative of horizontal lineage: older and younger brothers, sisters or, paternal uncles and aunts, maternal uncles and aunts or nephews and nieces” have a right to inherit if the owner of the heritage has no child or a spouse
《继承法》( # 年)第 # 条对于女孩或男孩的继承权不作任何区分,但具体规定“横向血统的亲戚:兄弟姐妹,或父系叔婶、母系姨,或侄甥子和侄甥女”享有继承权,如果遗产所有人没有子女或配偶。MultiUn MultiUn
The Article 6 in the Inheritance law (1990) does not make any difference between the right of a girl or a boy child to inherit but specifically stipulates that “relative of horizontal lineage: older and younger brothers, sisters or, paternal uncles and aunts, maternal uncles and aunts or nephews and nieces” have a right to inherit if the owner of the heritage has no child or a spouse.
《继承法》(1990年)第6条对于女孩或男孩的继承权不作任何区分,但具体规定“横向血统的亲戚:兄弟姐妹,或父系叔婶、母系姨,或侄甥子和侄甥女”享有继承权,如果遗产所有人没有子女或配偶。UN-2 UN-2
The girl was officially raised by her maternal aunt and uncle, not learning about her biological parents until she was in her late teens.
女儿由她的叔叔婶婶养大,直到青春期才知晓她的真实父母。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
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