matted hair oor Sjinees

matted hair

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matted hair and bare feet
蓬头跣足 · 蓬頭跣足
matted (of straw or hair)
蓬乱 · 蓬亂


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Tracking the sand cat is difficult because the soles of its paws are covered with a dense mat of hair that renders its tracks nearly invisible
由于脚底覆盖着浓密毛,沙丘猫走在沙上也不会留下脚印,因此要寻找它们的踪迹并不容易jw2019 jw2019
Today, these ruins are inhabited mainly by Hindu “holy men” usually clad only in scanty loin cloths, hair unkempt and matted and their bodies smeared with “sacred” ash.
今日这些废墟只有印度教的“圣人”居住。 这些“圣人”身上通常只围一块腰布,头发蓬乱,通身涂着“圣”灰。jw2019 jw2019
He sat down, raked a hand through his matted hair and shook his head.
青青看着他,沮丧到了点,默默摇头。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Savage and uncouth he was, with matted hair, and yellow tusks at the corner of his mouth like some ancient wild boar.
将军一下子冲口而出,他想不到憨厚淳朴的农村里竟然也有这样的禽兽。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The piece of white cloth on the head was twisted like matted hair, and flowed down from the left ear on the back.
只见地上那具原本已经僵直冰冷的尸体正在活动着四肢,最后竟从雪地上爬了起来。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ted Parros was a connected fellow, and he looked the part, with matted white hair and a face that rarely smiled.
终于天空变得明亮了,万籁俱寂,只有一声微弱的叹息和内心挣扎后痉挛。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
His hair was matted with his own blood, and his eyes shone with uncontrolled magic.
头发沾满他自己的血,眼睛因失控的魔法而发出闪光。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
My thick pubic hair was matted with my arousal, and I gave myself a bimanual examination.
我放弃了取毛巾,代之以双手着浴袍按在妈妈的乳房上,我亲吻着妈妈的脖子。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hair getting matted can be a sign of negative energy distress
头发越来越暗淡纠结,可以是负能量攻击的迹象。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It occurred to him that his own brown hair was matted to his head, and that he must look disheveled.
当然,他并不会告诉他这一点,这是他得以保存性命的唯一理由。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Romanov wool (a mixture of gray wool and black guard hair) is used for rugs, mats, and wall hangings.
地毯,地,壁挂,用于:罗曼诺夫羊毛(灰色羊毛黑色针毛的混合物 ) 。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was in this costume, and bringing back to Jacopo the shirt and trousers he had lent him, that Edmond reappeared before the captain of the lugger, who had made him tell his story over and over again before he could believe him, or recognize in the neat and trim sailor the man with thick and matted beard, hair tangled with seaweed, and body soaking in seabrine, whom he had picked up naked and nearly drowned.
爱德蒙穿着这套服装到了船上,把雅格布借给他的衬衫和裤子还给了他,重新站在"少女阿梅丽号"船长的面前。 船长叫他把他的身世重新讲了一遍,他已认不出眼前这个整洁文雅的水手就是那个留有大胡子,头发里缠满了海藻,全身浸在海水里,快要淹死的时候赤裸裸地被他手下的人救起来那个人。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Not a word was spoken by anybody, not a moment's time lost, and it seemed to me that it was not ten minutes after I marched up on the balcony, covered with dirt, rags, vermin, and a matted shock of hair, until I marched out of the room, clean and well clothed.
那个被他弄断了的暖气管子,平时不用的时候他就用了一节胶皮管把两边连,用的时候拔开就行了,还别说,伪装的倒也挺好的,一般不注意还看不出来。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
She was sleepy, and her hair was piled up to one side of her head, matted in the back.
惜媛先说她和公公最开始的情况,她公公55岁了,婆婆早死了。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
1, non-slip mat safely is the most direct way to use the hand touched the mat surface, to see if it is off the hair, have off color, use for any pungent smell.
1、防滑安全垫最直接的方法是用手摸地表面,看其是否掉、是否有色差,用鼻闻是否有刺鼻气味。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A few locks of gray mingled with his hair, which was still thick and matted, while his bronzed features and determined glance well suited an old sailor who had braved the heat of the equator and the storms of the tropics. "I think you hailed me, Mademoiselle Julie?" said he.
他的头发依然是那么厚,那么蓬蓬松松地缠结在一起。 只是其中有几丛已变成了灰色,他那被太阳晒成紫铜色的脸和那坚毅的目光证明这老水手曾经历过赤道的酷热和回归线上的风暴 。 " 我好象听到你在叫我,尤莉小姐 ? "ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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