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matter of life or death

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a matter of life or death
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AIDS helped make one point crystal clear : equity in health really is a matter of life or death.
艾滋病有助于非常清楚地表明一点:卫生方面的公平性确实是生死攸关的问题。WHO WHO
The provision of fuel is a matter of life or death in a hospital setting.
在医院环境中,提供燃料是一件生死攸关的事。WHO WHO
AIDS helped make one point crystal clear: equity in health really is a matter of life or death.
艾滋病有助于非常清楚地表明一点:卫生方面的公平性确实是生死攸关的问题。WHO WHO
This is not an academic exercise but rather a matter of life or death for my country, Namibia.
这对于我国纳米比亚来说不是学术行为,而是生死攸关问题。UN-2 UN-2
"When it comes to breast cancer, where a woman lives can be a matter of life or death."
“女性一旦患上乳腺癌,就面临生死问题。”WHO WHO
Now it was a matter of life or death!
现在我们面对生死关头了!jw2019 jw2019
This is not an academic exercise but rather a matter of life or death for my country, Namibia
这对于我国纳米比亚来说不是学术行为,而是生死攸关问题。MultiUn MultiUn
Secure access to safe water and sanitation can be a matter of life or death for IDPs.
确保获得安全饮用水和卫生设施对于失所者而言一个生死存亡的问题。UN-2 UN-2
“Access to insulin is a matter of life or death for many people with diabetes.
获得胰岛素对许多糖尿病患者来说生死攸关。WHO WHO
Even now, in certain countries, men have the right to decide on matters of life or death for women.
时至今日,在一些国家,男人仍执掌着女人的生杀大权。UN-2 UN-2
Even now, in certain countries, men have the right to decide on matters of life or death for women
时至今日,在一些国家,男人仍执掌着女人的生杀大权。MultiUn MultiUn
Unfortunately for him, he lived at a time when religious belief could be a matter of life or death.
他不幸生于宗教信仰可能成为生死攸关的大事的时代。jw2019 jw2019
Universal access to reproductive health for women and girls around the world was often a matter of life or death
世界范围内,妇女和女孩普遍获得生殖健康的机会,通常是关乎生死的问题。MultiUn MultiUn
Universal access to reproductive health for women and girls around the world was often a matter of life or death.
世界范围内,妇女和女孩普遍获得生殖健康的机会,通常是关乎生死的问题。《UN-2 UN-2
The event is recorded in the Bible book of Genesis, and the lie was a matter of life or death for mankind.
事情的经过记载在圣经的创世记一书中,而魔鬼所撒谎对人类来说生死攸关的事。jw2019 jw2019
(b) Why was it a matter of life or death for the high priest to burn incense before entering the Most Holy?
乙)进入至圣所之前,大祭司有没有烧香为什么是生死攸关的?jw2019 jw2019
The more than # checkpoints and blockades and complicated permit system were not simply an inconvenience, but a matter of life or death
多处检查站和路障及复杂的通行证制度不仅仅是带来了不方便,而是一个生死问题MultiUn MultiUn
The more than 500 checkpoints and blockades and complicated permit system were not simply an inconvenience, but a matter of life or death.
500多处检查站和路障及复杂的通行证制度不仅仅是带来了不方便,而是一个生死问题UN-2 UN-2
At that very same debate, Ambassador Mbuende of Namibia characterized climate change as “a matter of life or death” for his country, and he observed that
在同一次辩论中,纳米比亚的姆布安德大使指出,气候变化对纳米比亚来说“是生死攸关的问题”。UN-2 UN-2
(Psalm 37:9-11; Proverbs 2:21, 22) The decision about what course to follow now is yours to make, truly a decision that is a matter of life or death.
诗篇37:9-11;箴言2:21,22)今天我们就要决定自己所走的路,这个抉择确实生死攸关。jw2019 jw2019
The international community must meet the target which this draft resolution sets us: for too many people in the world, stopping the trade in conflict diamonds is, frankly, a matter of life or death.
国际社会必须实现该决议草案为我们制订的目标:坦率地说,对世界上许多人而言,制止冲突筹资钻石贸易是关系到生死的大事。UN-2 UN-2
Let us prevent it from arrogating to itself powers that it does not have, thereby violating the United Nations Charter and operating without due transparency while it decides upon matters of life or death.
让我们防止它冒称拥有它并不拥有的权力,从而违反《联合国宪章》和在就事生死问题作出决定时不保持适当的透明度。UN-2 UN-2
Let us prevent it from arrogating to itself powers that it does not have, thereby violating the United Nations Charter and operating without due transparency while it decides upon matters of life or death
让我们防止它冒称拥有它并不拥有的权力,从而违反《联合国宪章》和在就事生死问题作出决定时不保持适当的透明度。MultiUn MultiUn
The international community must meet the target which this draft resolution sets us: for too many people in the world, stopping the trade in conflict diamonds is, frankly, a matter of life or death
国际社会必须实现该决议草案为我们制订的目标:坦率地说,对世界上许多人而言,制止冲突筹资钻石贸易是关系到生死的大事。MultiUn MultiUn
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