matter to oor Sjinees

matter to

be of importance or consequence; "This matters to me!"

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


It matters to me, dear.
親愛的 , 對 我 來 說 要 緊
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Soortgelyke frases

to take care of (a matter etc)
摆平 · 擺平
Dissolved particulate matter in brackish water leads to a predominant reflection of the longer wavelengths, resulting in a reddish hue to the water.
(水)又鹹又髒的 brackish · 微鹹水中的溶解顆粒物導致較長波長的主要反射,從而使水呈現微紅色
to think the matter over (and over) again
The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman. -
理解範圍-ken- · 該主題專業性太强,一般的外行人很難理解。-
to dispose of a matter
to deal with (a matter)
处分 · 處分
to settle a matter
to discuss matters of vital importance
共商大計 · 共商大计
Regional Workshop on Matters related to Transnational Corporations


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Ariel, it doesn't matter to me whether you're human or Invid.
爱丽尔 , 对 我 来说 你 是 人类 还是 因维人 都 没有 关系 。OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This way, you can improve your device’s speed and make space for files that matter to you.
I should be grateful if you would bring this matter to the attention of the Security Council.
请将此事提请安全理事会注意为荷。UN-2 UN-2
Referral of these two former Mission staff members matter to prosecutorial authorities was recommended
建议将这两名特派团工作人员移送检察当局。MultiUn MultiUn
It doesn't... it doesn't change the things that matter to me, or who I care about.
不會 改變 對 我 來 說 很 重要 的 事 和 關心 我 的 人OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Matters to be submitted to the Security Council for decision
由安全理事会决定事项UN-2 UN-2
He would himself bring the matter to the attention of the President of the General Assembly
他本人将提请大会主席注意此事MultiUn MultiUn
However, for a matter to be heard by the High Court stringent tests must be met.
但是,由高等法院审理案件,必须通过一些严格检验。UN-2 UN-2
The issue of his personal name is no trivial matter to God.
人们怎样对待上帝的名字,区区小事。jw2019 jw2019
Well, that wouldn't matter to Maria.
這顯然 不是 Maria 在意 的點 出軌 與 否 根本 無關 緊要OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With that decision, the secretariat considered this recommendation to be implemented and the matter to be closed.
就此决定而言,秘书处认为该项建议已得到执行,此事已经了结。UN-2 UN-2
The COP/MOP also invited Parties to submit views on this matter to facilitate discussions by the SBI.
议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议还请缔约方在提交关于事项的意见,以便于履行机构进行讨论。《UN-2 UN-2
It was therefore not entirely satisfactory to leave institutional matters to institutions.
因此,将机构事宜留给机构自己处理并非完全令人满意。UN-2 UN-2
No, I had some family matters to attend to yesterday.
不 , 我 不得不 解決 昨天 家庭 問題OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Twenty-two of them took the matter to court and lost a case in the High Court.
其中22人投诉法院并在高等法院败诉。UN-2 UN-2
It is no easy matter to determine the losses that will result from the war in Iraq
确定伊拉克战争所带来的损失并非易事。MultiUn MultiUn
14 Jesus conveyed to people that their concerns mattered to him.
14 耶稣让人清楚看出:他们所重视的,他也重视jw2019 jw2019
If the request is denied or ignored, the lawyers intend to take the matter to the Constitutional Court
如果这个请求被拒绝或不予受理,律师们打算将此问题提交宪法法院。MultiUn MultiUn
Over the past year, UNODC has provided specialized assistance on the matter to the Government of Mexico
在过去的一年里,毒品和犯罪问题办公室向墨西哥政府提供了关于这一问题的专业援助。MultiUn MultiUn
I leave practical matters to my husband and revolution to my son.
革命 的 事 就 交给 我 儿子OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
UNOPS will refer this matter to its recently created Risk Management and Oversight Committee
项目厅将把此事提交最近成立的风险管理和监督委员会。MultiUn MultiUn
Human lives do not matter to them, rules and laws mean nothing and national borders are mere nuisances
人的生命对他们来说无关紧要,规则和法律毫无意义,国境令人讨厌。MultiUn MultiUn
A support working group was also established to coordinate all support matters to that Office.
此外,还成立一个支助工作组,负责协调对该办事处提供支助的一切事宜。UN-2 UN-2
Money is all that matters to you!
只有 钱 才 对 有 意义OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Russia-Georgia war showed just how much this region matters to the wider world.
俄格战争显示了这一区域世界上广大地区的重要性。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
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