mild (symptoms etc) oor Sjinees

mild (symptoms etc)

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mild steel plate
㫱 · 㬮 · 䪆 · 不重的 · 仁慈 · 和善的 · 和緩 · 和缓 · 好 · 巽 · 平和 · 文 · 暖和的 · 柔 · 柔和 · 柔和的 · 淡 · 温 · 温和 · 温和的 · 温暖的 · 温柔的 · 温温 · 溫 · 溫和 · 溫和的 · 溫和的 mild · 溫柔 · 溫溫 · 溫良 · 溫順 · 熏 · 老實 · 融 · 軟 · 軟性 · 輕 · 软 · 轻微的 · 轻的 · 适度的 · 適度的 · 靄 · 馴
mild and harmonious
諧婉 · 谐婉
mild (slope)
舒緩 · 舒缓
The climate is mild.
Mild Lyrics
輕度粗俗歌曲 · 轻度粗俗歌词
mild and humid (climate)
温润 · 溫潤
blamy,soothing ; mild a. 溫和的
溫和的 · 溫和的 blamy,soothing ; mild a.
mild steel witness plate


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15 On one occasion Moses’ mildness seems to have failed him.
民数记20:1,9-13)虽然摩西并非完人,但他一生忠于上帝,信心坚定不移。jw2019 jw2019
As a result, many suffer conditions ranging from mild dental fluorosis to crippling skeletal fluorosis.
其结果是,许多人患有各种不同病症,则牙氟中毒,严重者致残性氟骨症。WHO WHO
“With a mild temper and deep respect,” the Bible counsels.
圣经劝我们说话时要“态度温和,深深尊重”别人。(jw2019 jw2019
With kindness and mildness, he favors the meek.
通过王国为他们带来福分。jw2019 jw2019
Now, you say the bleeding was very mild?
既然 你 說 出血 的 症狀 非常 輕微?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What will help us to exhibit mildness when dealing with secular authorities?
基督徒怎样才能温和对待当权的人?(jw2019 jw2019
How do mildness and long-suffering contribute to peace in the congregation?
温和坚忍怎样促进会众的和平?jw2019 jw2019
This country has a mild climate.
這個國家的氣候溫和。tatoeba tatoeba
According to 2 Timothy 2:24, 25, Christians are to be “gentle toward all, . . . instructing with mildness.”
据提摩太后书2:24,25说,基督徒要“温温和和的待众人,......用温柔劝诫。”jw2019 jw2019
What a delight to draw close to this awesome yet mild, patient, reasonable God!
上帝虽然威仪凛然,却性情温和、有耐性、通情达理,你能够亲近他,岂不深感欣喜吗?jw2019 jw2019
In the dear name of Jesus, so loving and mild,
奉亲爱救主耶稣基督之名,LDS LDS
Benefits of Mildness
温和所带来的裨益jw2019 jw2019
Those with spiritual qualifications are counseled to readjust an erring Christian “in a spirit of mildness.”
圣经劝勉有属灵资格的人,要“用温和的态度”纠正那些犯错的基督徒。(jw2019 jw2019
Mild mental disability, partially sighted
轻度精神残疾,弱视UN-2 UN-2
Between them were three interglacial periods which were mild, even warm, and were also long.
在 它们之间有 3 个间冰期,这 3 个间冰期都比较温暖,甚至比较炎 热,而且时间也长。Literature Literature
The deficit was relatively mild until 1999, when the economy went into recession.
1999年经济陷入衰退前,阿根廷的赤字一直比较适度。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Symptoms may vary from mild to strong and do not all occur in every heart attack.
征状重不一,情况各异。 每次发病前,以上的征状不一定会全部出现。jw2019 jw2019
Mild to moderate depression can be effectively treated with talking therapies, such as cognitive behaviour therapy or psychotherapy.
轻度到中度抑郁可以通过谈话疗法,如认知行为疗法或心理疗法,得到有效治疗。WHO WHO
‘I am mild, of lowly heart,
我心里柔和谦卑,jw2019 jw2019
(Hebrews 12:7-11) Speak respectfully to your parents, explaining in a spirit of mildness how you feel.
希伯来书12:7-11)对父母说话时,态度要尊敬,要用温和的语气说明你的感觉。jw2019 jw2019
Authorities (e.g. for pesticides) also have available a less severe mild irritation category (Category 3).
管理部门(例如农药的管理部门)也可以使用刺激性较轻的类别(第3类)。UN-2 UN-2
Pain can range from mild to debilitating.
痛楚的程度可以從輕微,以至使人虛弱。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
They excel in faith, but also in love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, mildness, and self-control.
他们表现卓越的信心,同时也表现仁爱、喜乐、和平、长久忍耐、恩慈、良善温柔和节制。(jw2019 jw2019
(1 John 5:19) So how can we develop mildness?
约翰一书5:19)既然如此,我们怎样才能培养温和美德呢?jw2019 jw2019
Surely a wise, humble father would choose the mild approach.
毫无疑问,有智慧而又谦卑的父亲一定会用温言施教。jw2019 jw2019
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