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For the human wardrobe, the tailor, seamstress and milliner select fabrics of many kinds and colors.
在人类的衣服方面,服装师、裁缝和女帽专家选用多种质地和颜色的织物。jw2019 jw2019
Egad, what a triumph for the milliner.
艾格 , 恭喜 贏得 女帽 商 的 芳心OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Galway son and celebrity milliner Philip Treacy designed both, as well as headgear for Lady Gaga, Grace Jones and Boy George.
戈尔韦(Galway)著名女帽设计师菲利普崔西同时设计了这两款产品,同时她也是Lady Gaga、格蕾丝琼斯和乔治乔治的头饰的设计师。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Thanks to the kind offices of the book-keeper in the hotel where they had been staying, she had been introduced to a milliner of repute in the Bond Street region, and the results of a trial given her, in which her natural Frenchwoman's gift and her acquired skill came out triumphant, led to her being permanently engaged.
后来,高考那年,她的高考档案在她想并报了名的综合大学数学系的提档档案里就是寻找不到,校方虽然目测了她,并也喜爱她满分的数学成绩,但是,出了这种差错,即便是第一名的好成绩,也是枉然的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In our house there lodg'd a young woman, a milliner, who, I think, had a shop in the Cloisters. She had been genteelly bred, was sensible and lively, and of most pleasing conversation.
有一个年轻的女帽商人住在我们的寄宿舍里,我想她在修道院街有一家铺子,她受过贵族式的教育,通情达理,举止活泼,谈吐很风趣。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Afterwards, the finished model of the great milliner was sent to a 3D printer and they printed a small figurine.
之后,最终版本的模型传输至3D成型机,制成小型的塑像。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is also an opportunity to expose the extraordinary sketches made specifically by Alberto Lattuada - illustrator, designer and stylist - and to propose objects created by Clemente Cartoni , a famous Roman milliner of the '50s and '60s.
这也是一个展示非凡草图的机会,由Alberto Lattuada-插图画家,设计师和造型师提出了 Clemente Cartoni的创建,一个著名的50年代和60年代的罗马女帽。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The week featured awards, lectures and special appearances by fashion luminaries such as Stephen Jones, milliner, and Suzanne Lee, principal of BioCouture.
时装周设有各种奖项、讲座,更有时尚界名人特别登,例如女帽设计师 Stephen Jones 和 BioCouture 公司的灵魂人物 Suzanne Lee。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He was often haunted by the idea that next time the door opened he would take the family's affairs in hand again just as he used to do; once more, after this long interval, there appeared in his thoughts the figures of the chief and the chief clerk, the commercial travelers and the apprentices, the porter who was so dull-witted, two or three friends in other firms, a chambermaid in one of the rural hotels, a sweet and fleeting memory, a cashier in a milliner's shop, whom he had wooed earnestly but too slowly-they all appeared, together with strangers or people he had quite forgotten, but instead of helping him and his family they were one and all unapproachable and he was glad when they vanished.
有一个 想法老是折磨他:下一次门再打开时他就要像过去那样重新 挑起一家的担子了;隔了这么久以后,他脑子里又出现了老 板、秘书主任、那些旅行推销员和练习生的影子,他仿佛还 看见了那个其蠢无比的听差、两三个在别的公司里做事的朋 友、一个乡村客栈里的侍女,这是个一闪即逝的甜蜜的回忆; 还有一个女帽店里的出纳,格里高尔殷勤地向她求过爱,但 是让人家捷足先登了 — — 他们都出现了,另外还有些陌生的 或他几乎已经忘却的人,但是他们非但不帮他和他家庭的忙, 却一个个都那么冷冰冰,格里高尔看到他们从眼前消失,心 里只有感到高兴。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The utter negation of natural beauty, the utter negation of the gladness of life, the utter absence of the instinct for shapely beauty which every bird and beast has, the utter death of the human intuitive faculty was appalling. The stacks of soap in the grocers' shops, the rhubarb and lemons in the greengrocers! the awful hats in the milliners! all went by ugly, ugly, ugly, followed by the plaster-and-gilt horror of the cinema with its wet picture announcements, `A Woman's Love!', and the new big Primitive chapel, primitive enough in its stark brick and big panes of greenish and raspberry glass in the windows.
丝没有自然的美,丝毫没有生之乐趣,甚至一只鸟、一只野兽所有的美的本能都全部消失了,人类的直觉官能都全部死了。 这种情形是令人寒心的。 杂货店的一堆一堆的肥皂,蔬菜店的大黄莱和柠檬,时装钥的丑帽了,一幕一幕地在丑恶中过去,跟着是俗不可面的电影戏院,广告画上标着 : " 妇人之爱 ! " 和原始派监理会的新的大教堂,它的光滑的砖墙和窗上的带青带红的大快玻璃实在是够原始的。ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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