necessity oor Sjinees


/nɪˈsɛsəti/, /nɪ.ˈsɛ.sə.ti/ naamwoord
The quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite; inevitableness; indispensableness.

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quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite
Several delegations disagreed again on the necessity of a binding process.


quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite
A computer is an absolute necessity now.


Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure.
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public necessity
basic necessity
plea of necessity
operational necessity
state of necessity
危急情况 · 必要状态 · 紧急避险情况
the necessities of life
养活 · 養活
provided with the basic necessities
衣食无虞 · 衣食無虞
absolute necessity
必不可少組成 · 必不可少组成
to lack the necessities of life
俭薄 · 儉薄


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Reiterating, as did the Rome Declaration as well as the Declaration of the World Food Summit: five years later, that food should not be used as an instrument of political or economic pressure, and reaffirming in this regard the importance of international cooperation and solidarity, as well as the necessity of refraining from unilateral measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations which endanger food security,
重申正如《罗马宣言》以及《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后会议宣言》指出的,粮食不应作为施加政治和经济压力的手段,并在这方面重申,应该实行国际合作与团结,必须避免违反国际法和《联合国宪章》采取危及粮食安全的片面措施,UN-2 UN-2
This essential difference had been taken into account by the Committee in evaluating the necessity of a number of the entitlements and allowances proposed in the report of the Secretary-General
另一方面,审案法官的服务较具临时性质,可以有间断情况。 委员会在评价秘书长报告所提议的若干应享权利和津贴的必要性时已考虑到这一重要区别。MultiUn MultiUn
They must ameliorate non-supportive and inefficient government structures and institutional frameworks; enhance the legitimacy of local governance structures; resolve jurisdictional conflicts and the compartmentalization of government; reinforce rural-urban linkages; address the concentration of economic power; increase local government access to resources; improve the management of resources; build commitment and leadership for sustainability; communicate more effectively the necessity of global sustainability; and, most importantly, deal with the underlying causes of unsustainability inherent in the way we produce, market and consume.
我们必须改善非支助性和没有效率的政府机构和机构框架;加强地方管理结构的合法性;解决管辖权冲突以及政府条块分割的问题;加强农村与城市的联系;解决经济权力集中的问题;使地方政府获得更多的资源;加强对资源的管理;建立对可持续性的承诺和领导;更有效地传播全球可持续性的必要性;更重要的是,解决我们的生产、销售和消费方式中固有的造成不可持续的根本原因。UN-2 UN-2
In July 2010, the Human Rights Committee called on Israel to “incorporate into its legislation the crime of torture” and “completely remove ‘necessity’ as a possible justification” for torture.
2010年7月,人权委员会呼吁以色列“将酷刑纳入其法律”,并“绝对不以‘必要’作为可能动用酷刑的理由”。UN-2 UN-2
Iraq affirms the necessity of complying with the mandate entrusted to the facilitator, the organizing States and the United Nations in respect of the postponed 2012 conference, in accordance with the Final Document of the 2010 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.
伊拉克申明,必须遵守按照不扩散条约2010年审议大会《最后文件》就延迟举行的2012年会议赋予调解人、组办国和联合国的任务授权。UN-2 UN-2
In recent years, the unacceptable “Islamophobia” emerging in some countries confirms the vital necessity of joint efforts and dialogue to counter instances of defamation and misconceptions.
近年来,一些国家出现的令人无法接受的仇视伊斯兰的现象证明,极有必要采取联合努力,并开展对话,以回击这些诽谤与误解。UN-2 UN-2
Centres providing hot meals and supplying urgent necessities are continuing to operate for civilians of Aleppo city.
提供热餐和供应急需品的中心继续为阿勒颇市受影响的平民服务。UN-2 UN-2
It is no wonder others are not prepared to take such actions, but it does underline the necessity for an amendment of this type.
难怪其他各方不准备采取这种行动,但是,它确实强调有必要进行这种修订。UN-2 UN-2
The round table stressed that, as a prerequisite to achieving the internationally agreed development goals, access to ICT is a necessity and not a choice for developing countries
圆桌会议强调,作为实现国际商定的发展目标的先决条件,利用信息和通信技术对发展中国家来说是必要的,不是可选择的。MultiUn MultiUn
Underlines that nothing in the above paragraph requires a State to refuse its own nationals entry into its territory, and that all States shall, in the implementation of the above paragraph, take into account humanitarian considerations as well as the necessity to meet the objectives of this resolution, including where Article XV of the IAEA Statute is engaged;
强调上段的规定绝不要求一国拒绝本国国民入境,各国在执行上段规定时,应该考虑人道主义因素以及实现本决议目标的必要性,包括事关《原子能机构规约》第十五条的情况;UN-2 UN-2
The Meeting of States Parties may wish to consider the necessity for establishing such a committee within the Tribunal
缔约国会议不妨考虑在海洋法法庭内部设立这样一个委员会的必要性MultiUn MultiUn
Nevertheless, Germany has accepted the necessity of war on two occasions during the last few years because all peaceful alternatives had proved unsuccessful.
然而,在过去几年里,德国有两次承认必须进行战争,因为所有和平办法都已经证明是无效的。UN-2 UN-2
This had to be accompanied by domestic policies which, while acknowledging the necessity of market-based incentives, took account of the important role that the State must play in strengthening institutions.
与此同时,必须采取国内政策,一方面承认有必要采取以市场为基础的刺激措施,而另一方面又注意到在加强有关机构方面国家必须发挥重要的作用。UN-2 UN-2
Stresses the necessity of a diminishing role for nuclear weapons in security policies to minimize the risk that these weapons will ever be used and to facilitate the process of their total elimination, in a way that promotes international stability and based on the principle of undiminished security for all;
强调必须降低核武器在安全政策中的作用,把动用这些武器的风险降至最低限度,并根据所有国家的安全都不受损害的原则,以促进国际稳定的方式,推动彻底消除核武器的进程;UN-2 UN-2
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and, with reference to the Secretary-General's note ( # ) of # pril # has the honour to forward to him the following official information of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with paragraph # of General Assembly resolution # entitled “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”
白俄罗斯共和国常驻联合国代表团向联合国秘书长致意,并提及秘书长 # 年 # 月 # 日的说明( # ),依照大会题为“必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁”的第 # 号决议第 # 段的规定,向他转递白俄罗斯共和国如下的正式资料。MultiUn MultiUn
Morocco carried out démarches with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to encourage further progress towards Indonesia’s ratification of the Treaty, explaining the necessity and pertinence of finalizing the ratification process
摩洛哥做印度尼西亚外交部的工作,说明完成批准程序的必要性和相关性,鼓励印度尼西亚在批准《条约》方面进一步取得进展UN-2 UN-2
In its medium-term strategy for # stipulated the necessity to mainstream gender perspectives into planning, programming, implementation and evaluation activities in all areas of competence of the organization
教科文组织 # 年《中期战略》规定,必须将两性平等问题纳入该组织所有主管工作领域的规划、方案制定、实施和评估活动。MultiUn MultiUn
The attention of the Working Group was drawn to the necessity of adopting enabling legislation to ensure the enforceability of international law.
会上提请工作组注意通过能够确保国际法可强制实行的法规的必要性UN-2 UN-2
The threat to the security of civilians in eastern Chad and the necessity to protect them is likely to remain as long as tensions on the Chad-Sudan border persist and the potential for fighting between respective rebels and government forces in Chad and Darfur remains high
只要乍得和苏丹边境的紧张关系持续存在、乍得和达尔富尔境内各自反叛分子与政府部队仍然很有可能爆发战斗,乍得东部平民的安全就可能继续遭受威胁,就必须继续对他们进行保护。MultiUn MultiUn
The necessity to fight terrorism and the international commitment and determination to do so have dominated the international arena in the past year
打击恐怖主义的必要性以及打击恐怖主义的国际承诺和决心去年主宰了国际舞台。MultiUn MultiUn
Reaffirms the necessity of achieving a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, in all its aspects, and of intensifying all efforts towards that end;
重申巴勒斯坦问题是阿拉伯-以色列冲突的核心,必须从所有方面和平解决这一问题,必须为此加强一切努力;UN-2 UN-2
The necessity to further develop a rule-based, open and non-discriminatory trading system is a vital step for the implementation of the right to development
必须建立一个有章可循、开放和不歧视的贸易体系,这是落实发展权的关键。MultiUn MultiUn
The serious discussions and negotiations that take place during the deliberations of this Committee reflect the significance of its agenda items as well as the necessity of a broader international consensus on disarmament issues.
在本委员会审议期间开展的严肃讨论和谈判表明,其议程项目具有重要意义,而且关于裁军问题的更广泛国际共识必不可少。UN-2 UN-2
The necessity of negotiations in the Conference on Disarmament with a view to their conclusion by # on a non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices in accordance with the statement of the Special Coordinator in # and the mandate contained therein, taking into consideration both nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation objectives
必须在裁军谈判会议中展开谈判,以便按照 # 年特别协调员的声明和其中所载的任务,在考虑到核裁军和核不扩散目标的情况下,于 # 年以前结束有关一项非歧视性、多边性以及可得到有效国际核查的禁止生产核武器或其他核爆炸装置裂变材料的条约的谈判。MultiUn MultiUn
We stress the necessity for the African Union member States to develop a coherent response to crises on the continent and the implications of their operating under a Security Council mandate
我们强调,非洲联盟成员国需要对非洲大陆上的危机和它们根据安全理事会的授权采取行动涉及的问题,做出一致的反应。MultiUn MultiUn
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