nefarious oor Sjinees


/nɛˈfɛəɹiəs/ adjektief
wicked or criminal

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Mercenaries play a particularly nefarious role in conflicts in the subregion.




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nefarious (尤指活動)邪惡的,不道德的
(尤指活動)邪惡的,不道德的 nefarious · 邪惡的
凶恶 · 邪恶
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To cope with these nefarious provocations of the US, the DPRK demonstrated the mighty nuclear strike capabilities of juche in Korea through the disclosure of a miniaturized nuclear warhead and successful test fire of submarine-launched ballistic missiles and surface-to-surface medium- and long-range strategic rocket Hwasong-10.
为应对美国这些恶毒挑衅,朝鲜通过披露小型化核弹头以及成功试射潜射弹道导弹和火星10型地对地中远程战略火箭,展示了朝鲜主体强大的核打击能力。UN-2 UN-2
HIV/AIDS and its nefarious connection to hunger and poverty is also a priority
艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及它与饥饿和贫穷的罪恶联系也是一项优先工作。MultiUn MultiUn
We are convinced that what we have mentioned previously is an extremely important point, one about which we must be careful, given the dangers and nefarious effects that this may have on our common efforts
我们相信,我们过去所提及的是非常重要的问题,是我们应当当心的问题,因为这有可能给我们的共同努力带来危险和不利效应。MultiUn MultiUn
It remains incumbent upon the international community to ensure that this consensus proceeds to fruition, unimpeded by the nefarious designs and actions of any adversaries.
国际社会仍然有责任保证这项一致意见能够不受任何阻碍者恶毒阴谋和行动的阻碍,得以继续发展直到取得成果。UN-2 UN-2
This collaboration will deny revenue to those who would pursue their nefarious objectives by force of arms
这种协作将剥夺那些以武装而实现其邪恶目标者收入。MultiUn MultiUn
From that perspective, it can only be nefarious
从该角度来看,它只能是有害的。MultiUn MultiUn
Individuals, groups or entities involved in or associated with terrorist activities must not have unfettered resort to recruitment and training of individuals for their nefarious activity.
不得让参与恐怖活动或与恐怖活动有关联个人、团体或实体无所顾忌地招募和训练人员来从事他们的邪恶活动。UN-2 UN-2
On a final note, the Ugandan Government wishes to reiterate its support for the Court and urges the United Nations and the Security Council in particular to cooperate closely with it so that, together, they can promote adherence to and protection of the rule of law in order to deal a death blow to impunity regarding the most serious and nefarious crimes in the history of mankind
最后,乌干达政府谨重申支持法院,并敦促联合国,特别是安全理事会与法院密切合作,使它们能够共同促进遵守和保护法治,给不惩罚人类历史上最严重、最邪恶罪行现象以致命打击。MultiUn MultiUn
My delegation is particularly concerned about the issue of external actors, be they from the private sector or from political circles, who actively render support to these armed rebel groups in order to perpetuate their nefarious activities in the exploitation of mineral resources
我国代表团尤其关切外部行为者问题,不论其来自私营部门还是来自政界。 这些行为者积极为这些武装叛乱集团提供支持,以求长期从事其掠夺矿物资源的邪恶活动。MultiUn MultiUn
To stem the tide of the scandalous trade in women and sexual exploitation, which had done great harm to Nigeria's image abroad, much had been done during the previous four years to expose the nefarious trafficking in women and children
为制止可耻的妇女买卖和性剥削(这已经严重损害了尼日利亚的国际形象),在此前四年中已经进行很多工作,以揭露贩运妇女儿童的罪行。MultiUn MultiUn
Not too long ago the United Nations used to maintain at Headquarters a watchdog centre for transnational corporations to monitor their nefarious global activities and sinister dirty tricks against the interests of the people.
不久前,联合国总部曾有一个跨国公司监察中心,监测其不利人民全球邪恶活动和险恶肮脏诡计。UN-2 UN-2
At that time, it realized that terrorism had no religion, race, ethnicity or nationality and that it only exploited them to achieve certain nefarious ends
当时,厄立特里亚认识到,恐怖主义不分国界、种族、族裔和国籍,恐怖主义只是利用国界、种族、族裔和国籍为其恶毒的目的服务。MultiUn MultiUn
In a nefarious act of state vandalism, the Ethiopian army has burned virtually all public, commercial and private premises and looted property in Tesseney and Guluj before evacuating from these places on Monday, 19 June 2000.
2000年6月19日星期一,埃塞俄比亚军队在撤出特塞尼和古卢吉之前,采取野蛮的国家破坏行动,烧毁了这两个地方几乎所有公共、商业和私人房舍,并抢劫财产。UN-2 UN-2
We believe that the root cause of these nefarious acts is the lack of a proper balance between the liberty of the individual or group of individuals, and the needs of society in general.
我们认为,这些邪恶行为根源是在个人或个人集团的自由与整个社会的需求之间缺乏适当的均衡。UN-2 UN-2
As for the sanctions, the topic of the age, even though we are fully convinced that they are neither legal nor legitimate, my country regrets the fact that the Security Council does not at least periodically assess the nefarious consequences of these inhuman measures on the civilian population
就当今的重要议题制裁问题而言,即使我们完全相信制裁既不合法,也不合乎情理,但令我国感到遗憾的是,安全理事会甚至没有对这些不人道措施给平民人口造成的恶劣影响进行定期评估。MultiUn MultiUn
We strongly condemn this latest Israeli criminal act, and we believe that there is an absolute need for the international community to heavily weigh in and prevent Israel from carrying out its nefarious designs against the Palestinians, which will further jeopardize peace and security in the whole region.
我们强烈谴责以色列这一最新的罪恶行径,并且我们认为,国际社会绝对必须强力介入,并防止以色列对巴勒斯坦人推行其罪恶阴谋,那样将会进一步危及整个区域的和平与安全。UN-2 UN-2
UNAMI is also urging the Government, Iraq’s political and religious leaders and civil society to demonstrate that they will not be divided and defeated by the nefarious aims of those seeking to undermine Iraq’s political process and instead take measures aimed at promoting the rule of law and human rights.
联伊援助团也在敦促政府、伊拉克政治和宗教领导人以及民间社会表明他们会因为有人企图破坏伊拉克政治进程的邪恶用心而分裂,也不会因此而被击败,而是会采取措施以促进法治和人权。UN-2 UN-2
But when problems such as continuous illicit arms flows, rampant illegal exploitation of strategic natural resources and nefarious terrorist activities work against these efforts, it leaves my delegation wondering what is to be done next and how soon.
但是,当诸如持续非法武器流通、非法开采战略性自然资源猖獗、以及邪恶的恐怖主义活动等各种问题阻碍这些努力的时候,我国代表团不禁要想下一步怎么办以及能多快行动。UN-2 UN-2
Individuals, groups or entities involved in or associated with terrorist activities must not have unfettered resort to recruitment and training of individuals for their nefarious activity
不得让参与恐怖活动或与恐怖活动有关联个人、团体或实体无所顾忌地招募和训练人员来从事他们的邪恶活动。MultiUn MultiUn
Such robust measures clearly demonstrate to other belligerents the resolve of the United Nations to prevent them from engaging in nefarious activities and undoubtedly deter infringement of civilian rights in conflict areas
这种有力措施向其它交战方清楚地表明了联合国决心阻止它们从事邪恶活动,并无疑遏制了冲突地区侵犯平民权利行为。MultiUn MultiUn
A releasable statement of the case, available upon request or at the discretion of the Committee, would assist government investigative and enforcement efforts by providing as much detail as possible on the listed party's nefarious activities
应请求或由委员会斟酌决定一份可公布的案情说明,向政府尽可能提供关于被列名的当事方恶毒行动的详情,会有助于政府的调查和执行工作。MultiUn MultiUn
We believe that more than ever before it is incumbent upon the international community, particularly the United Nations, to assume their legal and political responsibilities and to promote the preventive diplomacy which the Secretary-General has more than once called for in order to avoid a third war in the region, with its nefarious consequences.
我们认为,国际社会,特别是联合国比以往任何时候更有义务承担其法律和政治责任,并促进秘书长不止一次要求的预防性外交,以便在该区域避免第三场战争及其罪恶后果。UN-2 UN-2
The nefarious traffic in women and children continues to grow at an alarming pace, thus subjecting them to horrendous forms of sexual and economic exploitation.
贩卖妇女和儿童的罪恶行径继续以惊人的速度增长,从而使他们受到可怕的性剥削和经济剥削。UN-2 UN-2
Members of KFOR and international bureaucrats often take part in this nefarious business and, in conjunction with ethnic Albanian criminals, have created a large market of women forced into prostitution.
驻科部队成员和国际官员往往参与这些邪恶的商业,并同阿裔罪犯一起,制造了一个很大的妇女被迫卖淫的市场。UN-2 UN-2
If the Panel is serious and sincere in wishing to promote “Ethical and transparent business practices”, as stated in paragraph # so that the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo genuinely benefit from the exploitation of their country's resources, then it would have paid greater attention to this nefarious practice, rather than dangling a red herring before the Security Council
如果专家小组认真和真诚的希望促进第 # 段中所说的“符合道德的和透明的商业作法”,以使刚果民主共和国人民真正能从对本国资源的开发中受益,那它就应更加注意这种有害的作法,而不是在安全理事会中提出一个不相干的问题。MultiUn MultiUn
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