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Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism

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Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism
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The review is to determine how this programme can be adapted to support the OAU, as it develops the structural concept of the new African Union and seeks to establish the new institutions that this may call for.
审查的目标是确定在非统组织发展新非洲联盟的结构概念时,以及在它谋求建立为此目的所需要的新机构时,如何能够使这个方案适合于为非统组织提供支持。UN-2 UN-2
On that occasion the current Chairman confirmed that the consensus reached by OAU was to support the candidature of the Sudan for election to the Security Council.
当时当值主席证实非统组织达成的协商一致意见是支持苏丹为候选国以获选进入安全理事会。UN-2 UN-2
Today’s debate is all the more timely because it takes place after the OAU Summit in Lusaka adopted, last July, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) initiative.
今天的辩论非常及时,因为它是继卢萨卡非统组织首脑会议于去年7月通过非洲发展新伙伴关系倡议后举行的。UN-2 UN-2
He concluded by observing that during the implementation of the RCF, the negotiating capacity of OAU with pharmaceutical companies would be strengthened
他最后说,在执行非洲区域合作框架期间,非统组织与制药公司的谈判能力将得到加强。MultiUn MultiUn
Although much remains to be done to have a fully operational OAU Mechanism, assistance from the United Nations and bilateral partners of the OAU has strengthened its capacity.
虽然仍然需要作出许多努力, 才能使非统组织机制充分发挥作用,但联合国以及非统组织各双边伙伴提供的援助加强了其能力。UN-2 UN-2
The Committee welcomes the Secretariat's plan to send an officer to OAU headquarters in Addis Ababa to train the staff and assist in strengthening the OAU situation room
秘书处计划向设在亚的斯亚贝巴的非统组织总部派出一名官员,对工作人员进行培训,并协助加强非统组织的情况室,委员会对此表示欢迎。MultiUn MultiUn
I wish once again to acknowledge the close cooperation received from OAU in the United Nations effort to resolve the dispute in Western Sahara and to express my appreciation for the contribution made by the OAU observer delegation to MINURSO, led by the OAU Senior Representative, Ambassador Yilma Tadesse (Ethiopia
我要再次表彰非统组织在联合国解决西撒哈拉争端的努力中所提供的密切合作,并表示感谢由非统组织高级代表耶尔马·塔德斯大使(埃塞俄比亚)率领的非统组织驻西撒特派团观察员代表团所作的贡献。MultiUn MultiUn
Since the OAU/United Nations meeting in April 2000, WHO and OAU have cooperated in all matters that arise with regard to roll-back malaria (RBM) and acted together to organize the African Summit on Roll-back Malaria (Abuja, Nigeria, 25 April 2000).
自2000年4月非统组织和联合国举行会议以来,卫生组织和非统组织在所有有关减少疟疾事项中进行了合作,并为召开减少疟疾非洲首脑会议(2000年4月25日,尼日利亚阿布贾)协力开展工作。UN-2 UN-2
The size and the composition of the Peacekeeping Mission shall be adapted to the mission assigned to it and shall be determined by the Secretaries-General of the United Nations and OAU, with the acceptance of the two Parties.
维持和平团的规模和组成应符合分配给它的任务,并在双方同意的情况下,由联合国秘书长和非统组织秘书长确定。UN-2 UN-2
The OAU is now actively engaged in trying to solve all ongoing conflicts on the continent
非统组织现在积极参与解决该大陆所有现存冲突的努力。MultiUn MultiUn
It depends largely on the commitment of the United Nations to work side by side with the OAU and subregional African organizations
它在很大程度上取决于联合国与非统组织和非洲分区域组织并肩努力的决心。MultiUn MultiUn
From # to # ebruary # organized at Addis Ababa, in collaboration with ARI, PAFOD, AFUB and other regional organizations of persons with disabilities, a pan-African conference on the Decade to consider a plan of action for the Decade # he aim of the action plan is to provide guidance to member States and Governments of OAU to further the goals of full participation, equality and empowerment of people with disabilities in Africa
非统组织同非洲康复研究所、泛非残疾人联合会、非洲盲人联合会及其他残疾人的区域组织合作,在亚的斯亚贝巴举行了一个关于十年的泛非会议,以审议十年行动计划。 # 行动计划的目的是指导非统组织成员国和政府,以促进非洲残疾人的充分参加、平等和赋予权力。MultiUn MultiUn
It also hopes that the international community will support this effort aimed at stopping the fighting in this bloody conflict and opening the way for the full implementation of the peace plan proposed by OAU, accepted by the two parties and supported by the entire international community.
也希望国际社会会支持目的在终止这一血腥冲突的战争的努力,并为非统组织提议的、两个当事方接受及整个国际社会支持的和平计划的充分执行铺平道路。 2000年5月24日UN-2 UN-2
To conclude, I would like to point out that despite the continuing enhancement of cooperation between the United Nations and the OAU, many challenges remain.
最后,我要指出,尽管联合国同非统组织之间的合作不断增强,但是仍然有许多挑战。UN-2 UN-2
Reaffirms resolution AHG/Res # (XXVIII) on the strengthening of cooperation and coordination among African States adopted at the # th ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, held in Dakar, Senegal, from # une to # uly # declaration AHG/Decl # (XXX) on the Code of Conduct for Inter-African Relations, adopted by the # th ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, held in Tunis, Tunisia, from # to # une # and decision AHG/Dec # (XXXV) on the OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism adopted by the # th ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, held in Algiers, Algeria, from # to # uly
重申 # 年 # 月 # 日至 # 月 # 日在塞内加尔达卡举行的国家元首和政府首脑大会第 # 届常会上通过的关于加强非洲国家之间的合作和协调的AHG/Res # (二十八)号决议、 # 年 # 月 # 日至 # 日在突尼斯突尼斯市举行的国家元首和政府首脑大会第 # 届常会上通过的关于非洲关系行为守则的AHG/Decl # (三十)号宣言以及 # 年 # 月 # 日至 # 日在阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔举行的国家元首和政府首脑大会第 # 届常会上通过的关于《非统组织关于预防和打击恐怖主义的公约》的AHG/Dec # (三十五)号决定MultiUn MultiUn
During the period under review, ECA and OAU worked closely to enhance the implementation of the Abuja Treaty, which established AEC
在本报告所述期间,非洲经委会和非统组织密切合作,以促进《阿布贾条约》的执行,该条约设立了非共体。MultiUn MultiUn
In 1992, the President of Senegal had organized, in parallel with the OAU summit, a meeting between the parties in power and the opposition parties from several African countries.
1992年,塞内加尔总统非统组织首脑会议举行的同时组织了一次好几个非洲国家执政党和反对党参加的会议。UN-2 UN-2
Following a request from the acting Chairman, MONUC assisted in the withdrawal of the 29 OAU neutral observers assigned to the regional joint military commissions.
应代理主席的请求,联刚特派团协助撤离派任区域联合军事委员会的29名非统组织中立国观察员。UN-2 UN-2
The parties involved must fully implement the Peace Agreement, both in its military aspects (halt to warlike language; disarming of militias; withdrawal of all foreign troops, whether invited or “uninvited”; respect for the inviolability of borders; a proper ceasefire; and security for movements of United Nations and OAU observer and auxiliary staff; etc.) and in its political aspects
当事各方必须充分执行《和平协定》,既包括军事方面(停止使用好战语言,解除民兵武装,撤出无论是邀请的或“未邀请的”一切外国部队,遵重边界的不可侵犯性,真正停火,保证联合国和非洲统一组织观察员及附属工作人员的流动性,等等),也包括其中的政治方面。MultiUn MultiUn
In that regard, the holding of a free and transparent referendum under the supervision of the United Nations and international observers, as provided for in the Settlement Plan agreed in # by the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and accepted by all parties to the conflict, seemed the most appropriate solution
在这方面,根据 # 年联合国与非洲统一组织(非统组织)达成的、冲突各方已接受的《解决计划》的规定,在联合国和国际观察员的监督下举行自由和透明的公民投票,似乎是最适当的解决办法。MultiUn MultiUn
We call upon the United Nations and its Member States to increase their support for the OAU in order to strengthen its institutional capacities.
我们要求联合国及其会员国增加对非统组织的支持,以便加强其体制能力。UN-2 UN-2
Not only does the Secretary-General have periodic consultations twice a year during the General Assembly here in New York and at the OAU Summit elsewhere with the Secretary-General of the OAU, but in addition the two secretariats for some years now have been establishing a framework for cooperation, accompanied by a biennial programme of work, which is implemented both by the Secretariat and the agencies of the United Nations that are in Addis Ababa
秘书长一年两次--一次是大会期间在纽约这里,另一次是非统组织首脑会议期间在其他地方--与非统组织秘书长进行定期协商,而且两个秘书处一些年来也一直在建立一种合作框架,此外还订立了一项两年期工作方案,该方案得到了秘书处和设在亚的斯亚贝巴的联合国各机构的实施。MultiUn MultiUn
Both events were prepared with the full participation of OAU, the highest-level staff of which were involved in the selection of topics selected for discussion and contributed written submissions on key issues
非统组织充分参与了这两项活动,其最高级别的工作人员参加了选择所选定的供讨论的主题并且就关键议题提交了书面陈述。MultiUn MultiUn
In the discussion that followed, Council members were unanimous in pointing out that a mechanism of close consultation should be established between OAU and the United Nations — both the Security Council and the Secretariat.
在随后进行的讨论中,安理会成员一致指出,非统组织要同联合国——不仅同安全理事会,而且也要同秘书处——建立起密切协商机制。UN-2 UN-2
Urgent implementation of the decisions taken by the Security Council at previous meetings relating to operational cooperation with OAU (December 1999) and to the Security Council summit (September 2001);
紧急执行安全理事会以前会议作出的关于与非统组织进行业务合作(1999年12月)和关于安全理事会首脑会议(2001年9月)的决定;UN-2 UN-2
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