occupant oor Sjinees


/ˈɒk.jə.pənt/ naamwoord
A person who occupies a place or a position.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


Each of these forms of housing reflects the culture of its occupants and their relationships to the universe.


We also see vast challenges to our development as a result of the occupation’s illegal policies and practices.


However, random searches of vehicles are conducted at Blace, and all vehicles and occupants are subject to a document check

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occupational hazard
use and occupancy
gender-dominated occupation
owner occupancy
occupational guidance
occupational mobility
occupational group manager
occupational health and safety committee
occupational retraining


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I wish to conclude by expressing the Movement’s hope that current efforts will bring an end to the occupation of all the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967 and that remain under its occupation, namely the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan, and that they will lead to the establishment of the independent State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, as well as to a just solution of the question of the refugees on the basis of General Assembly resolution 194 (III).
在结束发言时,我要表示本运动希望,目前的各种努力将使以色列结束占领它1967年以来占领的所有阿拉伯领土以及仍然在其占领下领土,即被占领的巴勒斯坦领土,包括东耶路撒冷,和被占领的叙利亚戈兰,并希望这些努力将促成建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国,并促成依据大会第194(III)号决议公正地解决难民问题。UN-2 UN-2
Saudi Arabia seeks compensation in the amount of USD 148,470,998 for a project to evaluate technologies for the remediation of its marine and coastal environment areas from oil pollution resulting from Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait.
沙特阿拉伯索赔148,470,998美元,用于一个伊拉克侵略和占领科威特造成石油污染地区海洋和沿海环境补救技术的项目。UN-2 UN-2
For its consideration of agenda item 11, the Council had before it the note by the Secretary-General on the economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan (A/66/78-E/2011/13).
为审议议程项目11,理事会面前有秘书长关于以色列占领对包括耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯居民的生活条件造成的经济和社会影响的说明(A/66/78-E/2011/13)。UN-2 UN-2
Rented accommodation accounted for 619,000 households, or 16.5% of the total, while other types of occupancy (assignment of property, occupation and other) did not exceed 519,000 households altogether, equivalent to 13.8% of the national total.
租房的有619,000户,即占总数的16.5%;其他类型的占用(财产转让、占用等等)总共不超过519,000户,相当于全国总数的13.8%。UN-2 UN-2
Item 24 –– Consequences of the Iraqi occupation of and aggression against Kuwait –– Letter dated 2 December 2005 from the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General [A C E F R S]
项目24—伊拉克占领和侵略科威特的后果——2005年12月2日土耳其常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信[阿、中、英、法、俄、西]UN-2 UN-2
The World Conference urges States to avoid the negative effects of discriminatory practices, racism and xenophobia in employment and occupation by promoting the application and observance of international instruments and norms on workers’ rights, including the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization.
世界会议敦促各国避免歧视性做法,种族主义和仇外心理就业和职业中的不良影响,推动关于工人权利的国际文书和规范、包括国际劳工组织《工作中的基本原则和权利宣言》的执行和遵守。UN-2 UN-2
Accordingly, the Panel recommends no compensation for remediation of damage alleged to have been caused to Syria’s groundwater resources by pollutants from the oil well fires in Kuwait resulting from Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait.
因此,小组建议不赔偿所称伊拉克入侵和占领科威特造成的油井大火的污染物据称给叙利亚的地下水资源造成损害的补救。UN-2 UN-2
Lebanese resistance of Israel would never have arisen had it not been for Israel's refusal to implement resolution # throughout the # years of its occupation of southern Lebanon
如果不是以色列在占领黎巴嫩南部长达 # 年里始终拒绝执行第 # 号决议,也就不会有黎巴嫩对以色列的抵抗。MultiUn MultiUn
b) Their location must present a risk or insalubrious conditions, or they must be affected by legislation prohibiting their use for housing- in this case, any form of occupation; and
b) 其所处位置条件必须是危险的或不利于健康的,或者它们必须被禁止用作住房(这里指任何形式的占有)的立法的影响;并且MultiUn MultiUn
C111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958
第111号:《1958年消除(就业和职业)歧视公约》UN-2 UN-2
Many countries also indicated other measures, such as setting up occupational rehabilitation units
许多国家还提及其它措施,例如建立职业康复单位。MultiUn MultiUn
Compensation for loss due to occupational disease is payable in a comparable manner and comparable amounts
用可比较的方式和可比较的数额支付职业病造成的损失赔偿。MultiUn MultiUn
The application of the principle was particularly important in situations of armed conflict, including those involving prolonged foreign military occupation, since past wrongs left unpunished and unrecognized hindered progress towards peace and reconciliation and could play a key role in the emergence of new conflicts and the commission of new crimes.
在武装冲突局势中,包括在长期外国军事的局势中,适用这一原则尤其重要,因为不惩罚和不承认以往过错有碍进一步实现和平与和解,而且可在出现新冲突和犯下新罪行方面起主要作用。UN-2 UN-2
Why does Israel, the occupation force, do all of this?
占领国以色列为什么要采取所有这些行动呢?UN-2 UN-2
The Panel finds that these price increases were directly attributable to Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait for the periods from 2 August 1990 until 30 June 1992 for ammonia, and from 2 August 1990 until 31 January 1993 for urea.
小组认为,这些价格上涨直接归因于伊拉克对科威特的入侵和占领,氨的所涉时期是1990年8月2日至1992年6月30日,尿素的所涉时期是1990年8月2日至1993年1月31日。UN-2 UN-2
The Israeli occupation forces act as if they were above the law and above United Nations resolutions.
以色列占领部队为所欲为,好象他们处在法律和联合国决议之上。UN-2 UN-2
Regrettably, however, while these efforts are taking place, Israel, the occupying Power, continues to actively carry out illegal policies and practices aimed at sustaining its nearly # year-old occupation of the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem
然而,令人遗憾的是,虽然正在进行这些努力,但占领国以色列在继续积极执行旨在维持其对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土近 # 年之久占领的非法政策和做法。MultiUn MultiUn
They believe that boosting allied forces will only increase the sense of occupation and give the Taliban more targets.
它们认为加强联军的力量只会增加当地群众被占领的感觉并且为塔利班提供更多袭击的靶子。ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
The heroic hunger strike by Saharan prisoners had reaffirmed the cruelty of the Moroccan occupation and underscored the ongoing violations of human rights
撒哈拉囚犯们英勇的绝食斗争再次证实了摩洛哥占领的残酷性,并强调了正在进行的侵犯人权行为。MultiUn MultiUn
We are convinced of the possibility of building a world in which all coexist in peace and security, a world free of occupation and hegemony, a world in which all peoples equally share the resources of our globe and the fruits of science and technology in order to achieve prosperity for all.
我们深信,我们能够建设一个所有人都和平和安全共处的世界,一个没有占领和霸权的世界,一个各国人民平等地分享世界资源和科学技术成果、使所有人实现繁荣的世界。UN-2 UN-2
Commercials have been shown on television and in cinemas focusing on the theme of equality between women and men, and particularly on women working in non-traditional occupations such as mechanic, engineer and camerawoman
电视里播放以男女平等为主题的节目,还特别介绍妇女从事的另类职业,如“女机械师”、“女工程师”和“女摄影师”。MultiUn MultiUn
It is about Israel's refusal to end that occupation, seeking all the while to acquire more land by force and to eliminate more of the indigenous population by wreaking widespread wanton death, destruction and misery in the attempt to fulfil its expansionist designs
它关系的是以色列拒绝结束这一占领,与此同时却力图通过武力攫取更多土地,通过大规模肆无忌惮的杀戮、破坏和传播苦难消灭更多的土著人民,以便实现其扩张主义的图谋。MultiUn MultiUn
This Government, through the head of its cabinet in particular, claims that it cannot negotiate while the violence continues, as if the Palestinian side were responsible for the occupation and the practices of the Israeli army, the settlers and the campaign against our people
这个政府特别通过其内阁首脑声称,在暴力继续时,它不能进行谈判,好象巴勒斯坦一方应该对占领和以色列军队、定居的行径以及对我们人民采取的各项运动负责似的。MultiUn MultiUn
The meetings should also contribute to raising international awareness of the root cause of the conflict, namely the occupation by Israel of the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to mobilizing international support for efforts to resolve the conflict in a just and comprehensive manner
会议还应有助于使国际社会进一步认识到冲突的根源在于以色列占领包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土,有助于动员国际社会支持为公正全面解决该冲突而作出的努力。MultiUn MultiUn
ILO Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health in Dock Work (No. 152)
《关于港口搬运的安全和卫生的第152号公约》UN-2 UN-2
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